Regarding individuality in uniform I look at my pic below from post#12. Twenty one of us from all over Britain thrown together under a very strict regime for six weeks, all in uniform, the front row with slightly clenched fists on our thighs (we were told to sit like that) and I can still remember the individual traits of some of them all these years later.
Cyril, second from right front row, previously worked on a market and always seemed to have ciggies to sell like 'Walker' in 'Dad's Army'. He hired a car for a group of us on the one weekend leave we had and seemed to make money from it.
Mac, left top row could never get his beret to fit properly and use to worry about it, but he was a great bloke.
Richard, middle top row, I met him at Snow Hill station on our journey to National Service. He was a bookish type not suited to military life and he went through a very bad patch when he discovered he was a 'tick-tock' man when he marched ... drove the NCO mad ... but he was cured.
The Corporal in charge of our flight looking relaxed after we had won him the shield but we could tell when he was in a bad mood because he continually rotated his wedding ring with his thumb.
We were together for 8 weeks and then the RAF posted us off in all directions and I never saw any of them again.
I'm third from left front row.
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