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Gregory Search


proper brummie kid
im carole and i was born and bred in birmingham i love this site and others like it i am doing my family tree and on some have got back to the 1400`s anyway saying that i am looking for james gregory born in birmingham 1838 his father is john gregory on james marriage certificate his father is a police officer my problem is before the 1871 census there is no sign of a james gregory with father john on any census 1841-1871 then on the 71 james appears with his wife and family and on all census 1871-1901 i have james marriage his death his children and his wife but where was he prior to 1871 he married in 1861 but he is not on 1861 census on his marriage cert says he was living in swollow st in birmingham can anyone help i have tried the police museum but they do not have a john gregory at that time and there is no john gregory on 61 census who is apolice officer help
its possible he was in the Worcestershire police force. My GGF was living in the Bordesley area and was a P.S. in Worcestershire.
Hello Jemimaellen

Hello Jemma , Jem & /or Ellen :) Welcome & heres a "possible or 2" ??
oops Just noticed you signed,, Carol ,, ok edited,,
Theres a James Gregory born West Brom Oct/Nov/Dec Quarter1837
volume 18 page 429 ( Cert available at West Brom Reg Office £7 )

or James Gregory born B,ham Apr/May/June Qu 1842 vol 16 pg 267

note;; Could James have "fibbed" about age to get married ? some did.
note; another approach to track John the father would be locating
James siblings (if any ?) & Mother path if birth certificate locates 1st.
Ok,,just some early thoughts on your subjects for you,
Best regards,, John Y :cool:
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james gregory

hi john thanx for taking the time the 2 james you have mentioned are not mine tried for the birth certs and yes i suppose he could have lied cannot find him anywhere so i have no idea if he had siblings he married at st philips so i did a search to see if any other gregory with john gregory as a father married there and nothing i think he came from the planet zog in 1871 lol oh well ill keep looking:rolleyes:
worcester police force

hi will try the worcester police but i wont hold my breadth i still think they are from the planet zog have been lookin:explode:g for them for about 3 years now

hi mariew thanks for the welcome i hope to find what im looking for people are so freindly on this site thanks again:)
james gregory

still no luck on james one day maybe but i have found another 3 relatives with loads more info and lots more ancestors :)
Gregory Family

Hi Gemma
I Live In Worc Now ,but I Lived In Brum Years Ago
And There Was A Gregory Family Living In Garbett St Ladywood
In The Early 1900.s And One Of The Sibbling Was In The Navvy
His Name Was Roger I Don,t Know Of The Fathers Name ,but It Might Be Worth Checking
Best Wishes Astonian ,;;
Hello Carol,

There was a big family of Gregory's living in Rockville Road, Alum Rock in the sixties, I was at school with one of them, her name was Sheila.

Regards Rita
james gregory

thanks both astonian and trebor for replies i will check out roger as james died in 1901 and didnt have a son roger it could be a re;ative of some sort i still dont see why he is not on 41-51-61 census but only appears in 71 with his wife and children but thanks again :)
Hello Carol, you say in your first post that James was born in 1838, father John, do you have his birth certificate and the address when he was born.
Hello and Welcome,

Is it possible John was in the Railway Police?

Who was James married to, and his childrens names ?

Regards Pam
gregory family

hi gemma
as ihave already told you of the gregory family that lived in garbett st
this street was of the bottom end of kingedwards rd ladywood
and they lived in a small house and it was yards from a wellknown fish mongers called hickmans there house was an terraced house
i cannot remember the house number , but i was freinds with roger and we went to a junior school call stewart st ,spring hill as i said we used to muck around Together roger always worn blue jeans and always worn a blue and white striped pirate top i think he always had a passion for the navvy
so he joined the navvy , you mentioned the police force ,the more i think about roger it comes to mind he used to tell us that his father or grand father was an police officier either at the time or used to be in the force
Met A Girl Settled Down And moved out towards colesill down along rhe rd
From The penny farthing pub ,and married a rich lady whom looks after him
he did have a sister ,but her name eludes me at this moment in time
by the way you are right the worc police are on another planet
or they do is round up sheep saying that even the people are another planet
beleive me you have to come to worc to find out if you get charged and arrested for any think they are still using accient laws where as other forces used the modern laws saying that my fore fathers are worcester ites
and my grand father was known as the hanging judge of worc,
any way i will not waffle on any more for now
best of luck in the tracing the gregorys best wishes astonian ,;;;;;
james regory

hi di poppitt no there is no birth certificate for james at all i cannot trace a birth for him as yet i live in hope on that one :cry: hi down under james married sarah reeves in dec 1861 his children are as follows matilda b.1862 rebecca 1864 david 1867 rosannah 1868 (my grandmother) harry 1871 albert 1876 john 1879 and sarah 1865 :) hi astonian james died in spring hill passage was that any where near to rodger when would rodger have been born any help is greatfully recieved regards to all who are taking the time to answer
Hi Carol,I looked at the 1871 census for the family, who is Roseanna Humphries, Mother in law, did Sarah's mother marry for a second time?

I had noticed the mother in laws name also, I could not see her on the 1861 or 1881 censuses. Young David was James on the 1871 and David J on the 1881. Pam

hi di.poppet and down-under yes rosannah reeves married twice after her first husbands death in 1847 she remarried in 1850 to george humphries david james did drop the david he died in 1899 aged 32 im beginning to think that james must have been born out of wedlock and is under his mother`s name in the 1830`s there didnt seem to be that many gregory`s also i went to the library to check marriages at st phillip`s around the time james married in 1861 just in case another gregory had married there with the father john i did a 15 year search and i only came across about 6 gregory`s who married there not a very common name really i dont think he came to earth till 1861 to marry sarah bye for now
My Gregorys moved from the Gloucestershire- Monmouthshire area in the early 1900 where Gregory was quite a common name. I dont see any connection at present but it might pay you to look in that direction.
