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Gregory Pank Hardware Shop Digbeth

Very interesting couple of hours, what amazed me was the amount of stock still in there , going into the skip apparently, boxes of GKN screws of all sizes from 1"x 8's to 4"x 12's, thousands of nuts and bolts, coach screws of all sizes, gallon containers of wax furniture polish and hand cleaner, garden bench metal sides plus lots more,surely someone could rescue this lot,worth hundreds of pounds.
This reminds me of a sad occasion back in 1980 when I was involved doing house and building maintenance.
An elderly couple, for whatever reason - I never found out why - took their own lives. A house agent approached me and asked if I could clean the place up. This principally meant cleaning, particularly as some would be purchasers had seen wood lice and had been put off buying the bungalow. Being from a city they were unfamiliar with these insects.
I was told there was no money available as payment but whatever was there in the house and garage was mine. I decided as a form of respect for the old couple to take it on. It was at the Christmas time and most likely other customers would not want any work taking place at their homes anyway. So, on Boxing Day and the 27th. I went and did what was necessary. There was little there, but a wallpaper pasting table, some tools and garden items were in the garage. It did not amount to a days work but I was content.
The shop premises can be seen in this view of part of Digbeth 64 years ago in 1955. Too far away to read the shop sign.
great photo phil im sure andy will be pleased to see it as it was taken before his family took the shop on...also nice to see a photo of that side of the road and a kellys look up should tell us who was running the shop in 1955...cheers

1955 Kellys H.W,Tomlinson's, tool merchants. So, you never now, som eof those nuts and bolts still in the shop could date from then !
i would like to thank andy and his wife for their hospitality today...really enjoyed a trip back in time and there is clear evidence still visible of when the building was used as a bakers and general grocers..will post photos asap as my son took them...:)

the pic of the cellar on post one is i believe where the baking was done and i think the shoot showing on the same photo could have been where the sacks of flour was delivered...on the other side of the cellar(cant see a photo of it on the thread( but my son took some so will post asap) is what looks to be a large open fire range which could have been where the baking was done...the low wall on the right of the cellar could have been where they piled up the sacks of flour...all guess work on my part of course..

i think mike has already dated the building to 1870 but it would be great if a little more research could be done to see how far back it goes...oh and i am on the hunt for any early 1900 photos of the building...thanks for any help folks

the celler is the best I think so old and some untouched the WW2 ammo boxes aswell :)
Has Panks closed for good now? I went there today but the shutters were closed. Wished I'd gone yesterday with Lyn.
good to see you again andy after all them years GP PLASTICS days all the best mate
The shop premises with the name G.P.Plastics can be partially seen behind a bus in the forum pic below.

from https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/index.php?threads/birmingham-buses.10742/post-602123
Has Panks closed for good now? I went there today but the shutters were closed. Wished I'd gone yesterday with Lyn.

froth they are finished now as a shop thats why the shutters are down now...all empty in the shop part but could be inside sorting out the last bits...think andy said they just have a few things to sort out and thats it come this friday
The shop premises with the name G.P.Plastics can be partially seen behind a bus in the forum pic below.

from https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/index.php?threads/birmingham-buses.10742/post-602123
Company I worked for GP PLASTICS LTD we was on Green street Digbeth
but am not sure but maybe in 1970s etc when my company started they worked from Gregory panks
maybe Andy can tell us more or ask Neil ?? I am sure my gaffa who passed away told me we started from that shop
Many companies that sold metal goods also moved over to plastic substitutes cheaper to produce and sell. There was always a call for the former metal products but became minority sales as far as I can see.
Presumably GP was a plastics company owned by Gregory Panks.
Company I worked for GP PLASTICS LTD we was on Green street Digbeth
but am not sure but maybe in 1970s etc when my company started they worked from Gregory panks
maybe Andy can tell us more or ask Neil ?? I am sure my gaffa who passed away told me we started from that shop
Gp plastics had the rear of the shop and their name came from Gregory Pank hence GP. I believe they started there at the beginning of Tony Wisemans time there late 60's early 70's.
Go Frothy well worth a look.

yes froth well worth a look...sorry for the delay in posting photos folks my little grandson james is suffering from scarlet fever so extra nanny duties this week...will get them on asap

yes froth well worth a look...sorry for the delay in posting photos folks my little grandson james is suffering from scarlet fever so extra nanny duties this week...will get them on asap


Oh dear Lyn, that's nasty - hope he gets better soon.
Hi friend
I'm there on Friday from 9.30am for a couple of hours if you want take a look .

Thanks for the invite Andy. I've been off line with a problem with my broadband since Tuesday, just got back on. I would love to go but I have to go and see my elderly bother this morning. Such a shame : unamused:
Gp plastics had the rear of the shop and their name came from Gregory Pank hence GP. I believe they started there at the beginning of Tony Wisemans time there late 60's early 70's.
Yeah that's it Andy I remember john our boss telling me about it
good people too work for, I think it was the 70s from your shop cos our factory was on green street and I started in 89 and I think they had only been there 5/7 years but could be wrong
Does anyone know more about this ammo box. I have googled it and I believe it is designed to attach to the side of a Browning machine gun? Is NR 58 the date?