it,s funny you should say that about the moth , and calling it a bobhowler, because the word was used years ago in the fities and in fact it was a large patterned , brown beautiful butter fly that was reguralar flying around in those days there was alot of beautiful butter flys around in plenty of lovely colours and when we used to see them and catch one we would shout look a bobhowler some we caught some got away, so yes there is a word bobhowler he iwas conciderd the male species , the varitie of colour was fantastic, i haven,t heard the expression in years, since i was a nipper, but you don,t see them any more , you are prone to meet a normal month , all in brown , but the big chuncky ones are the hornets and they do sting you if you clasp your hand over them , i still used the word bobbyhowler myself today , perhaps we haven,t grown out of our boy hood yet , ah , ah, astonian,'''''