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Gosta Green Through Duddeston

Phil I read that there was a one way system in Nechells.At the Green it went left into Thimble Mill Lane right at Long Acre down to Cuckoo Rd and back up Nechells Park Rd.

Sorry it concerns something I was asked on another forum and being no great tram enthusiast I was struggling with an answer, but I think it has been answered reasonably well now.
This is the only photo that I have ever found that shows my little section of Francis St where I lived as a youngster from about 1953 to about 1963 when we moved about half a mile. We lived just about opposite where the lorry is parked outside Middleton's builders yard. The photo is taken from Henry St and to the right you can see the site where the St James Sunday School used to stand where you could get a free dinner on a Sunday as long as you brought your own plate and spoon.

I'm quite amazes to see a car parked in the road, as to my knowledge nobody owned a car in the road, mind you it looks to be parked outside the outdoor so it might have been a salesman. The other thing that intrigues me about this photo is that the two lads in this photo look very much like my two younger brothers, but it is not clear enough to say for sure and as it is taken from a piece of film there is no way it can be cleaned up further.


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    Nechells Francis St - Henry St.jpg
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Two photos of Mount Street park down the posh end of Nechells, both photos were taken before World War one. What I notice first is how clean and well dressed the kids are secondly it's just how many of them there are. The photo is obviously posed so I wonder if the photographer arranged or them all to be there and did he pay them?


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    Nechells Mount Street park pre ww1.jpg
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    Nechells Mount Street park 2[1].jpg
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I like your Francis Street pic some lots Phil....I was never privileged to go to Nechells or anywhere near there in my childhood years, being drug up in Stechford and Bordesley Green for my sins, but loads of my previous rellies did, and I appreciate now the mantle of innocent childhood we were bequeathed due to, as Phil put it, 'nobody in our road owned a car'. So we were generally formed by dint of our brushing against the same old same old...friends for llfe, good or bad, and memories made that much more indelible by essentially local peer pressure....and didn't we do well? Anyway, sorry for getting carried away for a minute there...so may I post this for penance...it has nothings for me, as I don't know or remember it, but it struck me as a nice photo that someone might like...bit before my time, much nearer to Dekka Carr's period...?

Nechells Park Road 1900 copy.jpg
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Believe me you would not thought it much of a privilege had you lived in Francis St during the era that I did. The whole area was crumbling around our ears and that was nothing to do with the demolition that was going on all about us. Then of course we had the added delight of living seven (5 children, 2 adults) in a one down and two up house. We manages quite well until my step father brought his 3 sisters over from Ireland.

Though as a child none of this really bothered me, as the whole area was a wonderland for a child. Had there been an official Heath & Safety Executive then my childhood would have been much different and my time spent out at play would have been so much different. Besides I cant see how they would have been able to demolish houses only a couple of doors away from occupied houses with all the kids playing around them whilst working and then when the workmen knocked off for the evening the site would be invaded by the local urchins.
Well I think I appreciate what you mean Phil...we were lucky and lived in a standard Council House (but bought) parlour type 1930s ...and we always had aunts and uncles living in the front room after marriages, and we had three bedrooms and an upstairs bog and bathroom, but next door and some over the Road were bombed by Herr Wotsit...so scrambling about bombed out relics, sailing across the bombed Richmond Bowling Green using fallen corrugated fence panels, was a regular feature of all-day play that would bring out the H&S boys in a muck sweat now, as nan would say...so I had some of the privations, but not all....and it didn't seem to affect you too badly, if I may be so bold....you certainly attracted me to this glorious site (and others) with your cracking posts when I first alighted on here a couple of years ago!!! And still do.....blush....so have another pic for luck mon ami...

Berners St drays copy.jpg.
hi dennis just catching up and thats a cracking pic of the new inns berners st...a new one to me


hello maurice and yes you are quite right...we dont see many this that...i am musing here as to which end of berners st the new inns pub was...berners ran from farm st to lozells road..the pub looks to be on a corner unless its just a passage way so it could be on the corner with either gower st or clifford st..definately not on the corner with gerrard st as the union pub was there....maybe if mike spots this he could help with a map...pleeeeeeese mike...

ps sorry ive gone a tad off topic here..wished i didnt get carried away so much...dennis is it ok if i post the new inns photo under the pubs or berners st thread please...?? and mike if you do have a map could you please email to me and i will post it on another thread..many thanks..

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hello maurice and yes you are quite right...we dont see many this that...i am musing here as to which end of berners st the new inns pub was...berners ran from farm st to lozells road..the pub looks to be on a corner unless its just a passage way so it could be on the corner with either gower st or clifford st..definately not on the corner with gerrard st as the union pub was there....maybe if mike spots this he could help with a map...pleeeeeeese mike...

ps sorry ive gone a tad off topic here..wished i didnt get carried away so much...dennis is it ok if i post the new inns photo under the pubs or berners st thread please...?? and mike if you do have a map could you please email to me and i will post it on another thread..many thanks..


Lyn, you are BHF Royalty ma'am...you do as you wish with my blessings....go to it girl...
lol dennis ..ive just realised i have seen that photo of the new inns before but with a bit more info on it...just going to tootle over to the berners st thread to update..also got another shot of the pub but taken much later and in a sorry state..

cheers dennis..

lol dennis ..ive just realised i have seen that photo of the new inns before but with a bit more info on it...just going to tootle over to the berners st thread to update..also got another shot of the pub but taken much later and in a sorry state..

cheers dennis..

View attachment 92083Union   Berners Street Lozells.jpg

LOL OK Lyn....but remember this classic from Berners Street boozers too?
It's been a while since I last posted to this thread, but I recently came across this photo of E,Davis's shop at 141 Great Lister Street. That would put it at or near the junction of Oliver Street. It looks like an early photo, so perhaps this is why I have no knowledge ot memory of it.


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    Nechells 141 Great Lister St - Oliver St.jpg
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Can you remember what was at the junction of Oliver St & Great Lister St because I can't recall anything being there. Are they throwing you out of Brighton at last then or are you getting homesick?
Hi Phil, only thing I remember at junction was an advertising hoarding opposite the pub, and on the other corner of Oliver Street was a grain,pet food shop, somewhere I've seen a photo.
I am bored now with Brighton, exhausted it, need new pastures and will be by the kids again.

It looks as if your memory is getting as bad as mine, the hoardings were on the other corner the Bloomsbury Street side next to Foster Brothers and opposite the Turks Head. This 1950 map shows that the shop was still standing then, even so that was still a bit too early for me I was only 3 then, anyway I would have been in Dundee then.


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You will remember Whites Removals in Cromwell Street though wouldn't you? I remember their premises on Great Lister St, but I didn't realise that they started out in Cromwell St. I also didn't realise that they had premises on Alum Rock Rd as shown in the second photo.


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  • Saltley Alum Rock Rd F J White.jpg
    Saltley Alum Rock Rd F J White.jpg
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This photo was given to me by Dek Carr just a few days before he passed away, knowing how much he liked this thread I am going to post it here. It shows the Beehive public house at the junction of Bloomsbury Street and Nechells Place at what appears to be the turn of the last century. It think this photo must pre-date the horse drawn trams that ceased in 1906, but I'm no expert on public transport, perhaps one of our transport buffs may be able to date it.


  • Nechells Bloomsbury St - Nechells Place BeeHive PH.jpg
    Nechells Bloomsbury St - Nechells Place BeeHive PH.jpg
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The bus seems to have been run by the Winkett firm of cab proprietors. It changed from George Winkett to Charles between 1892 & 1895. By 1904 the firm was called Winkett Bros and by 1905 had gone to Alfred Winkett, who had previously run a cab firm in Harborne, and Charles was a beer retailer at 238 Park Road.. So would be between 1892 & 1902
Thanks for that Mike, I was pretty sure it had to be around the turn of the last century, what would that sort of transport been called Was it a horse drawn bus?