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Friston St, Ladywood.

phillip bates

knowlegable brummie
Hello everyone

Does anyone out there have any memories of Friston Street, Ladywood,
I am particularly interested in the terraces which ran off the street.
I have a photo which i think maybe of a back-to-back in portland terrace.
Can anyone remember any of the terraces and if they had small gardens in front of the houses, this may help me locate my photo.

if anyone can help please post reply

many thanks
Phil is it possible you can post your photo, you may get more help that way.
Hi Wendy

Sorry, i can't post the the photo, i haven't got a scanner yet.
but i went to the local history fair in Birmingham and showed the photo to oldladywood.co.uk and he has it on his miscellaneous section, its the one with the family posing outside their ivy covered house.
as soon as i get a scanner i'll post it here if i can.

Thanks Pom, thats the one.

I know there's not much to go on, but i was hoping to match the scullery window with other back-to-backs in the friston street terraces, thats if i can locate another photo of those terraces.
i've looked at other back-to-backs and there are definitely differences between streets.
It may be another trip to the library to see if they have any pictures in their archives.
I can't be 100% it is Friston st but maybe somewhere there are some photos that i can compare mine with.

Thanks again Pom for taking the trouble to copy the photo, i'm sure i would of made a mess of it
The Griffin part of my family lived in Friston Street at least between 1861 to 1891. I've only seen photo's on the Old Ladywood site, so would love to see what others may have. For the record: Thomas and Rebecca Griffin first lived at 1 Arthur Terrace, Friston Street (1861 census), Thomas was working as a gardener. In 1871 they were at 63 Friston Street, Thomas working as a coachman. By this time daughter Annie had married Charles Foden, though he's strangely absent from the census. The family were still at number 63 in 1881. Thomas died probably in 1884, in 1891 widowed Rebecca lived at 72 Friston Street with her similarly widowed daughter and grandchild. Rebecca died in 1895.
Hi Phil I onlt just found out you were posting about Friston st and I started a thread this morning about it I have some pics,not many from Old Macs Ladywood but you can access them for yourself Cheers oldbrummie
I am not sure where to post this so maybe the Moderators would be good enough to move it if it's in the wrong place.

On the bus yesterday, I sat beside an elderly gentleman (92 years young) who used to live in Ladywood up until the 1950s when he moved to Hall Green with his new wife.
He remembers that there was a sorting office at the back of his road and the post was put in baskets and and given to the young lads to run ........didn't catch where ... (I suppose the lads had a halfpenny for their work).
His name was Jack and at the time I never thought to ask him for any more details but I am intrigued to know if anyone else remembers this.
He said there were no gardens about then, twas all back to backs as we all know. He was a very active man, just come from hospital after having stitches removed.
Just interested.
hi all looking thu some poics on Old Ladywood site I see a pic of Friston st titled Friston St looking toward Ledsam St.. see some of the houses are gone.There is a Gas lamppost in the pic and so far as I can see it is the only one in the street. I lived at no 52 or 53and we had a gas lamp right outside our house It would seem that our house was pulled dow then when this pic was taken, Abit more on this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Just a few doors down from our hoase was the bay window house which I recall was a beer house or outdoor. It was the only one like it in street It was a meeting place for supporting Geoffrey Llloyd .Don't recall who he was may a policing or something. Next to that bay window place was a big archway and it led uo to a short terrace and there was a builder who worked fro up there named I also think named Cowell He had handcart with hid sand etc o Regarding the old bay window place It was not a Outdoor when I lived so close by but It di have some signs up still Maybe some more pics wills
urface some day Regards Old Brummie