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Faster forum


Administration Team
I have just enabled a new Cache drive specially for the database if you notice an increase in speed can you please post on here and let me know :)
Since you installed SSDs the forum has always been fast for me. I just tried a seach for 200 of the most recent photos I have uploaded and it found where they are in less than a second ... virtually instant !
When I searched for 200 of another member's recent photos it was at first slower but after doing other things and then coming back to search again for the same member's images it was less than a second.

I tried a few of my favourite search words, such as rabbits and jazz, and the results came up in a fraction over a second here in Crete. That includes the slight lag that appears to have been instigated when the now German-owned Greek telephone company quadrupled our internet speed a few weeks ago. Perhaps Merkel is now routing everything through the German equivalent of GCHQ! :)

But joking aside, the Forum seems a lot faster than some of the competition to me! Thanks for your efforts.

I would be delighted to report a faster speed, however, I cannot say that my speed in accessing BHF was slow in the first instance.
But as I upgraded to fast fibre broadband at the end of March most things seen somewhat faster anyway.
oddly i installed the cache but didnt activate it, after a little messing this morning (hence a couple of errors) it's now fully activated and cache is being pushed to the drive and im noticing much improved server load already.
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Sorry, I can't notice any difference in search time, Warren, from that in post #5. :)

Much faster this morning on my works desktop, particularly showing the alerts, I'll let you know what the result is off the tablet at home tonight.

Yes faster using the tablet, particularly when going through the latest forum postings, the delay which I used to experience was gone.