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Farm Street Hockley

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wendy
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This building interests me at the junction of Farm Street and Villa Street. Was it the Provident Dispensary mentioned earlier in this thread? Difficult to tell as many of the photos are missing.

It looks interesting because of its architecture - church influences? Was it once a church/chapel that was expanded/altered over time? Looking at the rear view shows a mixture of additions to the building, but bits of it still have the church influences. Viv.

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Hi viveine
I do believe it was some sort of a meting place for some kind of religion in its early years
but excactly what early period i cannot say, but if my memory serves me correctly
during the possiblitity of forty period it may have been open then as as a big building and drainage company
but i do know if i am correct during the fiftys and sixty it was a huge building and drainage compay
whom sold building materials and mainly toilets of every discription you can think of
and i truly beleive it was a company called Broughtons as i recall farm street where the number eight bus
turns to go to the old Hockley brook and the period when the copper stood in the middle of the junction in his white mack
best wishes,, Alan,,,, Astonian,,,,
Hi viveine
I do believe it was some sort of a meting place for some kind of religion in its early years
but excactly what early period i cannot say, but if my memory serves me correctly
during the possiblitity of forty period it may have been open then as as a big building and drainage company
but i do know if i am correct during the fiftys and sixty it was a huge building and drainage compay
whom sold building materials and mainly toilets of every discription you can think of
and i truly beleive it was a company called Broughtons as i recall farm street where the number eight bus
turns to go to the old Hockley brook and the period when the copper stood in the middle of the junction in his white mack
best wishes,, Alan,,,, Astonian,,,,

I used to order from a builders merchant in Farm St, T&W Brough, Mr Wallace Brough a real gentleman.
This building interests me at the junction of Farm Street and Villa Street. Was it the Provident Dispensary mentioned earlier in this thread? Difficult to tell as many of the photos are missing.

It looks interesting because of its architecture - church influences? Was it once a church/chapel that was expanded/altered over time? Looking at the rear view shows a mixture of additions to the building, but bits of it still have the church influences. Viv.

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hi viv...yes it is the peoples dispensary building...its never been a place of worship...during the 1960s it was my local dentist..still a dentists today...well part of it is..hi glassali a photo for you just showing broughs on the leftfarmstreetbroughs.jpg


farm st dispensary.jpg
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thats okay glassall Brought or Broughtons a figure of speech
he had many sorts of loo.s of every discription and colour inside his yards and along side the shop windows
may i had this was one of the original pictures that was taken from the high jacks of our forum
the one we had original was with his chimmney pots and loo,s all along from the corner of farm street
It certainly did not look like as we see it today on the forum
the building as only altered from broughs ownership the brick work when he had it was the original from what ever it was built
thinking back in time as i used to go past there daily and for the very first time in my life on seeing
I the building thought to myself yes it looked like a little school from the 1800 early 1900s
and also it was some kind of a church type building
I Really was a kid with intrest of historic building as i travelled around the city i was not intrested in foot ball
Around the city of birmingham and i went to Ickneild street hockley brook i can recall the building and the out lay of the brook
and the building of hunters road and that bridge across the road and putting the clockin the big building my oldest brother
whom died two years ago worked there
thanks Glassallie best wishes Astonian,,,,
hi carolina thanks for bringing that one to my attention again..i have had it for ages now and meant to try and find out the exact location..just cant make out what the sign on the left says

Hi Folks, photo of the Provident Dispensing Clinic, Farm Street Hockley attached, apparently the clinic Provided for the needs of the poor, the building dates to 1881 (don't know when the pic was taken). Is that a doll's pram front left? Ah well, I suppose dolls get sick like everyone else!
For a long time I thought Farm street started at Hockley Brook and ended about Burbury Street, when in fact that's probably only about half its real length - can't place this building geographically, more than likely it was turned to other use, at least I hope it wasn't lost - such find architecture. (I'm pretty sure it didn't become Friends Hall).

Clinic Farm St.jpg
hi peg this is just a look up thread for farm st..if you go to the proper farm st thread there should be a few other pics of the dispensary which is still there on the corner of farm st and villa st....opposite the farm st entrance to the school...part of it has been used as a dentists for many years....i used to go there in the 60s..street view below

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hi peg this is just a look up thread for farm st..if you go to the proper farm st thread there should be a few other pics of the dispensary which is still there on the corner of farm st and villa st....opposite the farm st entrance to the school...part of it has been used as a dentists for many years....i used to go there in the 60s..street view below

Thanks Lyn, I'm delighted it's still there, not changed much apart from the white-wash.
i am glad as well peg....far as i can see from my trips down there there are only 4 of the old buildings left standing in farm st...the queens head pub...dispensary..friends hall and the little building next to it all of which are on the same side...

hi peg this is just a look up thread for farm st..if you go to the proper farm st thread there should be a few other pics of the dispensary which is still there on the corner of farm st and villa st....opposite the farm st entrance to the school...part of it has been used as a dentists for many years....i used to go there in the 60s..street view below

Lyn, hidden in plain sight - eyes wide shut - I'm so red-faced with embarrassment - I lied when I said I didn't know the building - I only stood by it nearly everyday for almost 5 years watching out for my bus home!
My only excuse: never saw the front from anymore than a yard away so I didn't recognise it.

no worries peg ...i have always said that as kids we rarely looked up..always in front and on the ground in case we found any money lol

no worries peg ...i have always said that as kids we rarely looked up..always in front and on the ground in case we found any money lol


Very true Lyn, I was once told it's better to be born lucky than clever - i'd have settled for either!

Where would 106 Farm Street have been? Thats where my 2 x great grandad Frank Jones lived and from where his sons Cain and Abel (really) Jones ran their dairy business from eventually selling out to Cattell Bros (not sure when).
As all the houses in that row had been demolished before the map I have showing numbering, this is difficult. However I can say it must have been one of the houses behind the red line on this map. On might guess it was th eone on the far left. by the space and room for horses etc, but cannot say that definitely.

map c 1905 showing about where  no 106 Farm st was.jpg
Horses were in a livery stables at the end of Farm Street I think ... my grandad remembered a fire there in the 20s when he had to get the horses out. We think he was reliving it when he died because he was very distressed and shouting fire.
John thank you so much for taking the time to find these for me. I know David retired in 1900, probably because of ill health and he moved to no 229 Farm Street. In 1901 he is living there with his second wife Rhoda (his first wife Sarah died) and his granddaughter Winifred Westwood listed as adopted child. He died aged 70 in Oct 1901.
I looked up Martin Hum he was not related and a German subject well they make fantastic bread and cakes!
I have also had a look for Charles Jennings you posted but as yet I can't find a connection.
David had a son also named David, I can't find what happened to him. I wonder if he was in the Bakery or provisions trade?

Only this afternoon, I was doing some research on my maternal grandmother (Clara Louisa Farrell), and her family, and found her birth certificate which shows her home, where she was born, as 229, Farm St., in 1898. The family, parents Louisa Mary (nee Hollins) and Thomas Samuel Farrell then appear to be living in Lennox St., along with their second daughter, May, in the 1901 census. The 2 families must have known one another!

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hi wend. youve got the hat trick. work back from the pic of the cafe and you can see numbs 229 and 231 lyn ps the cafe is num 235
does any body know who ran the cafe in farm street in1959 or anyone called Tony who may have either worked there or visited regular.aged about 40yrs
hi folks took an amble down the old end yesterday and as far as i can see these are the only original old buildings left standing in farm st which ran from hunters road to summer lane..

first friends hall and the building next to it which is no 322...luckily the gate was not locked so i could get some good shots...i can only assume that this building belongs to friends hall as although empty for many years has not been demolished...just inside the entrance it says GOD on the wall so a good clue..i also think that the small square brick built bit was added on at a later date...managed to get the camera through the iron bars of the added on bit...does not look to me as though there was a front door opening onto the street..i used to go to friends hall for activities when i attended farm st school..

pic 4 just past the window cleaner on the left small dark van going past you can see the old building cant see friends hall as it lies back.. next to that is part of the joseph lucas factory..
a little further up on the corner of farm st and villa st we have this building which was the hockley provident dispensary set up to help the needy...also a photo taken in the 60s so it has not changed much..part of the bulding has been used as a dentists ...i can remember going there as a teenager..
Hi Thank you for posting these pictures of the Friends Hall on Farm Street I believe my Great Grandad Tom Hill, Grandad Fred Hill and Uncle Les used to attend the Adult School classes held there in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Does anyone know any more about this particular school?
Ps I am new to replying so apologies in advance if I am posting this on a wrong thread!
View attachment 93155View attachment 93156View attachment 93157View attachment 93158View attachment 93159well folks i knew they had to be out there somewhere...farm st was such a long street but to date not many photos have been found...hope you all enjoy this batch of new ones..could you bear in mind that some may not be that good as its not easy taking photos of photos...enjoy...hope they bring back memories to some of you.

if you click on pics 3 times you should get a full screen size..
Thank you for sharing these photos they are fabulous. I am currently researching and writing about the Midland Adult Schools and am looking for photographs of the Farm Street Friends Hall which I believe was built and opened in October 1894. Adult School meetings were held there, I have seen a photo of a derelict building on another post in this thread which may be the Friends Hall.
If you have any information or photographs which show the hall I would love to see them
Thank you
hi dawn and welcome...friends hall is very much still there i passed it only the other week...here it is on street view click on link below


Thank you so much! Do you happen to know whether Friends Hall was the red brick building or the white adjacent one - or both. and are they in use anymore. The white building certainly looks derelict but the red one not so much. On the Quaker site it says the Hall was sold in the 1980's so I assume if it is in use it is not used for Friends meetings any more.
Sorry for all the questions but any help is appreciated as I live some way away so its difficult for me to travel to take a look.
hi dawn its the red brick building and as far as i know the white one is nothing to do with it although when i was down there recently it looked as though it could be on the way to being renovatated.. have to say that i have always wondered exactly what the white building was used for as to get into it you have to go through the gate and the entrance is on the side of the building so i guess it is possible that it could at one time have been part of the hall its just that i can only remember going in the hall..was a long time ago...when i go down again i will take a recent photo of it for you and post it on here...the hall is still being used for religious meetings but as you say not for friends

hi dawn its the red brick building and as far as i know the white one is nothing to do with it although when i was down there recently it looked as though it could be on the way to being renovatated.. have to say that i have always wondered exactly what the white building was used for as the entrance is on the side not on the front...when i go down again i will take a recent photo of it for you and post it on here...the hall is still being used for religious meetings but as you say not for friends

Thank you so much. I noticed on this thread that a gentleman had managed to get a photo of the inside of the white building and a sign GOD was on the wall giving a strong indication that it too was a place of worship in some way. Hence I thought that may have been the Hall.
oh yes of course dawn i now remember seeing the word GOD myself..i think it must have been part of the hall then only not used for many years...i am down the old end quite often keeping an eye on what old buildings are left i will now be keeping a keen eye on friends hall and report back as and when for you

oh yes of course dawn i now remember seeing the word GOD myself..i think it must have been part of the hall then only not used for many years...i am down the old end quite often keeping an eye on what old buildings are left i will now be keeping a keen eye on friends hall and report back as and when for you

Thank you Lyn your interest and help is much appreciated
dawn its no trouble especially as this is my neck of the woods and i have done much research on the area over the years..dont have so much spare time these days but i shall make it a mission now to find out what i can about the history of friends hall and the adult classes..somewhere in the back of my mind i think they may have started in an old pub in hospital st in the 1800s but give me some time to look through my old end folders which is full of my research
