Hi, I was at Fairfield House 1957-59. Yes Hilary was his Daughter. I will print the names that I can remember, Vernon Clark, Jean Witherington, Marie Saunders and her Sister, Jennifer Carless, Susan Burt, Janice Day, Roy Buffery, Carole Priddy, Carole Ward,
(?)-Kinseller, Alan Yorke, Mr.George for Leatherwork. Pauline (?)
One Saturday afternoon I went to tea at the house of Jennifer Carless in Falmouth Road Hodge Hill with my newly purchased Lonnie Donegan 10" LP and Jennifer lent me Oh Boy by Buddy Holly. Vernon and I were together at school when we heard of the death of
Buddy Holly. We stayed friends until Vernon died some years ago having moved to Spain.
Carole Priddy, Carole Ward, Roy Buffery and I went on a school trip to (?) and on the way back we hired a punt on the Avon at Stratford. I do hope the above may be of interest. Cameraman 15.