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Elizabeth Alice Nicols

There is a problem here, as between the directories published in 1884 and 1888 the numbering of the street was changed,, but we do not know the exact year. We therefore do not know whether you are referring to before the change or after it. After the change no 32 is as marked below, between Francis St and Ashtead Row

map 1950s showing 32 Henry St.jpg

However , if no 32 refers to before the chamge, then all we can say is that it was ion the easst side of the road, between Lupin St and Heneage St.
The map below shows the 1880s view between Francis St and Lupin St. The length between Lupin & Heneage St on the east side is marked with a red line. Nos 29 to 46 ar within the length of that line , so 32 was probably in the more southern part of the red line. But cannot define exactly where.

map 1880s showing Henry st between Lupin St and Francis St.jpg

Do you know if your relation is listed in the 1881 or 1891 censuses in that street?. If you do not know and give us their name then someone could check to see, and that hopefully would solve the problem
In 1881 Jabez Greenway is listed at no.31, Joseph Peacock at no. 32 and Mark Holder at no. 33.

In 1891 Jabez Greenway is now listed at no. 85 and Sarah Holder (Mark's widow) at no. 89. Joseph Peacock is now not between them but a Richard Nicholls at no. 87.

There doesn't appear to be a no. 32 listed on the 1891 census (seems to jump from 22 to 44) and the place where it is on the later map appears to be part of a property fronting Ashted Row in 1889.
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Thank you Mikejee and MWS
My relative was Elizabeth Alice Nicholls. She gave birth to my great-grandmother Alice Maud Nicholls at 32 Henry Street Duddeston Aston Manor on 17th July 1887
I am trying to find more information on Elizabeth between when she lived in the 'Sisters of Mercy Home for Respectable Young Women out of Service' in Brougham Street when she was 18 and when she had her child aged 24. There is no father listed on the birth certificate. I have seen the 1861, 1871 and 1891 census which reference a Nicholls family but they don't quite tie up with other dates. I can't find them on the 1881 census. Richard may be her father?
How would I access rate books for 1887?
Lots of questions! Many thanks for taking the time to help me.
It would seem then that they livid along the red line on Mike's map, 32 becoming 87.

They appear to be at 55 Clyde St, Stoke in 1881. Father not with them.

Elizabeth appears to be registered as Elizabeth Darris/Harris Nicholls, father Richard Heaton Nicholls, mother Emma Mole.
And Richard appears to be a lodger at 174 Dartmouth St, incorrectly listed as a widower, with his eldest son, Thomas.
I am hoping to find out about travelling fairs on Coventry RD between 1920 and 1930. If anyone has any ideas, I would be great full. I lived in Australia and can't walk in the door of the National archives in Kew. I have tried to contact them but they just say they don't have records online.
Thank you Mikejee and MWS

How would I access rate books for 1887?
Lots of questions! Many thanks for taking the time to help me.
Some rates books are online on Ancestry but Aston Manor books only exist for 1901, 1906 and 1911 so are no use. Unless the address came under a different district in 1887.