Corner of Edmund Street and Easy Row (map 1888)
The two policeman in this Shoothill image are standing on Easy Row (blue dot), off to the right is Edmund Street. Just visible on Edmund Street is, I think, the towering building of Mason's College/early Birmingham Uni.Viv.
Phyllis Nicklin captured this corner in the 1960s, but by that time the large building on the corner had gone and the low level building of HM Stationery Office was in its place. See extreme right of her image.
And a 1963 image posted by Astoness which was lost from this thread (post #19 - shall repost it). This is looking up Edmund Street towards Mason College/Chamberlain Square). Easy Row off to the left.
The two policeman in this Shoothill image are standing on Easy Row (blue dot), off to the right is Edmund Street. Just visible on Edmund Street is, I think, the towering building of Mason's College/early Birmingham Uni.Viv.
Phyllis Nicklin captured this corner in the 1960s, but by that time the large building on the corner had gone and the low level building of HM Stationery Office was in its place. See extreme right of her image.
And a 1963 image posted by Astoness which was lost from this thread (post #19 - shall repost it). This is looking up Edmund Street towards Mason College/Chamberlain Square). Easy Row off to the left.
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