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Early Schools

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wendy
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Birmingham Schools and The Elementary Education Act 1870

The elementary education act was quickly adopted in Birmingham with the first School Board for the town taking place in November of that year. By 1879, the Board had opened 24 schools, all of them architecturally considered, ornaments of the town. The following is a list of these schools with the date of opening, and the number of scholars for whom accommodation is provided including boys, girls, and infants;
Name of school Date Children
Farm Street July 1873 1055
Bloomsbury March 1873 1059
Jenkins Street May 1873 1136
Steward Street July 1873 1055
Garrison Lane July 1873 968
Elkington Street May 1874 983
Lower Windsor Street November 1874 1055
Allcock Street April 1875 1052
Rea Street South July 1875 1070
Osler Street November 1875 1025
Datmouth Street May-Oct 1876 1053
Smith Street June 1876 972
Bristol Street October 1876 1023
Nelson Street November 1876 971
Norton Street November 1876 994
Moseley Road January 1877 1017
Fox Street January 1877 1017
Brookfields November 1877 1018
Summer Lane September 1877 1352
Oozells Street January 1879 807
Dudley Road June 1878 1220
Little Green Lane August 1878 1347
Hutton Street January 1879 1095
Montgomery Street July 1879 1000
The total amount spent in the erection of school buildings and purchase of sites, is £349,575 19s 1d the total cost of school maintenance for eight years was £94,928.
This information was taken from Robert K Dents book Old and New Birmingham published in 1880.
And all of them I'm sure with separate boys and girls entrances. Tomorrow's task children is to find out which ones are still standing and in use!

Thanks Pom its nice to see the school comemorated as the first built. I see Farm Street was built in the same year, I now realise my ancestors must have attended this school and my grandfathers sister is listed as a school teacher in 1871.
Thanks for that Wendy, I went to three of these schools - Farm street, Bloombury and Rae Street............ amazing

A bit more information on the schools on Wendy's list. Bit more digging to see if any survive that are not marked as closed. Osler Street couldn't locate. Source: British History On line.

BLOOMSBURY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Lingard Street.(27) Opened 24 Mar. 1873 by Birm. Sch. Bd. accom. 1,059 in 3 depts. (B, G, I). It was the first newly-built bd. sch. opened in Birm. and the total cost of site and buildings was £10,683. Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Various alterations 1875, 1878, 1897, 1908, 1910, 1921. Class of mentally defective children held in building 1898–1908. Altered 1931 and reorganized 1930, 1932 for SG, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1938.(1) SG dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BRISTOL STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Bristol St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,000 in 3 depts. (B, G, I). Fees 1d.–3d. Old Meeting St. Temporary Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(22) Enlarged 1879, 1898. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor alterations and smaller numbers 1912 and 1925. Alterations made and sch. reorganized 1935, 1936 for JM, I. Two depts. united 1939.(21) Accom. 1961: 9 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

SUMMERFIELD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Dudley Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,184 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) One of first Birm. woodwork centres opened 1892.(23) Enlarged 1906. Handicraft centre provided 1912. Reorganized 1932 for JB, JG, I. I dept. closed 1940. Depts. united 1942. Accom. for 2 classes in St. Cuthbert's Church Hall provided 1952.(21) Name changed 1954. Reorganized 1960 for JI. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

BROOKFIELDS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Pitsford Street.(27) All Saints' District Undenominational Sch. planned 1868 and opened by 1870, with grant from Birm. Ed. Soc.(37) Fees 1874: 3d.–4d. Transferred to Birm. Sch. Bd. 1875 as Brookfields Temporary Bd. Sch., accom. 456.(21) Site enlarged and new buildings opened 1877 as Brookfields Bd. Sch.(23) Accom. 992 in 3 depts. (B, G, I).(1) Altered 1879, 1898, 1913. Reorganized 1930, 1933 for JB, JG, I. JB and JG depts. united 1938. (21) Building destroyed by enemy action 1940. I dept. closed, JM housed at Camden St. Council Sch. until 1943. Sch. rebuilt and opened 1949. Accom. 1961: 7 classrooms, hall, dining hall.(28)

ALLCOCK STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Allcock St. Bd. Sch. opened 1875 by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 1,035 B, G, I.(1) All fees 1d.(22) The first kindergarten teacher employed by Birm. Sch. Bd. was appointed 1877 and gave demonstration lessons here and at Smith St. Bd. Sch.(23) Building altered 1877, 1898. Reorganized 1931, 1933 for JM, I. I dept. closed 1936.(21) Numbers fell steadily.(1) Closed 1939. Building used from 1947 by St. Anne's R.C. Sch. and St. Michael's R.C. Secondary Modern Sch.(21)

FARM STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Farm St. Bd. Sch. opened 1873 (23) by Birm. Sch. Bd. accom. 1,055 B, G, I. Fees 1d.–3d. (22) Nearly ½ pupils had free orders 1889; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Enlarged 1904. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements 1912: 3 classes were then held in I main room. Reorganized 1930 for M, I. I dept. closed 1933. Closed 1941.(21) Part used as civic restaurant 1942–53, part by Dorrington Cty. Primary Sch. 1947–9. Reopened 1949 as JI sch. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

ELKINGTON COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, New Town Row.(27) Elkington St. Bd. Sch. opened 1874 by Birm. Sch. Bd. (22) Accom. 780 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) The first 'penny bank' in a Birm. bd. sch. started here 1876.(23) In 1889 nearly ⅓ pupils had free orders; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Altered, practical and science rooms provided, and sch. reorganized 1931 for SB, JM, I. S dept. closed 1937: practical rooms used by neighbouring schs. and remainder used by Art and Technical Sch. from 1945. 2 depts. united 1941.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

GARRISON LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. Garrison Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1873 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 846 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d–3d.(22) Classrooms accom. 196 added 1878,(23) 1886. Bd. of Ed. demanded improvements, including division of larger rooms, 1912. Altered and reorganized 1921 for JI. Closed 1941. Altered and reopened 1951 for I only.(21) Closed 1959.(28)

JENKINS STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL. See Goodwin Cty. Primary Sch. GOODWIN COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Jenkins Street, Small Heath.(27) Jenkins St. Bd. Sch. opened 1873,(22) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. 953 B, G, I.(21) Fees 2d.–3d.(22) I dept. enlarged 1874.(21) In 1879 this sch. and Moseley Rd. Bd. Sch. had senior divisions with special provision for higher classes.(23) Enlarged 1898 and 1906. Accom. for 150 in Salvation Army Barracks 1911–12, and in Conference Hall, Jenkins St., 1912–13, pending opening of St. Benedict's Rd. Council Sch. Bd. of Ed. demanded improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, I. I dept. closed 1936. Largely demolished by enemy action 1940, and sch. housed at Men's Institute, Jenkins St., until closed 1941. Practical block repaired 1949 and used by Oakley Rd. Cty. Primary Sch.(21) Remainder repaired and enlarged 1950, and sch. reopened 1953 for JI. Name changed 1955, and accom. in Small Heath Baptist Church provided. Accom. 1961: 10 classrooms, hall.(28)

DARTMOUTH STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Dartmouth St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd. (22) Accom. 1,060 B, G, I.(1) All fees 1d. (22) In 1881 the Sch. Bd. made an experiment at this sch. whereby mothers might leave children at the sch. at 7 a.m. on their way to work and call for them in the evening. They were cared for out of sch. hours by the caretaker's wife. This apparently resulted in better attendance. (23) Laboratory provided 1906. Enlarged 1911. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SG, JM, I. SG dept. closed 1937.(21) JM dept. closed 1941, I dept. 1942. Became annexe of Bloomsbury Girls' Cty. Modern Sch. 1954.(28)

HUTTON STREET BOARD SCHOOL. See Nechells Cty. Primary Sch.
LS COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Eliot Street.(27) Hutton St. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(23) Accom. 1,062 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Name changed c. 1897 to Nechells Bd. Sch. Enlarged 1898, 1925. Altered and reorganized 1930 for SM, JM, I. S dept. became a separate sch. 1945 (see next sch.).(21) Accom. in Presbyterian Church, Longacre, provided 1954. Accom. 1961: 18 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

OOZELLS STREET BOARD SCHOOL. Opened 1878 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(23) accom. 812 B, G, I. Broad St. Bd. Sch., which adjoined it, closed when it opened. All fees 1d., so that the sch. was often overcrowded. Closed as an ordinary sch. 1898 and reopened as George Dixon Higher Grade Sch., q.v.(21)

REA STREET SOUTH SCHOOL. See Reaside Cty. Primary Sch.
REASIDE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Deritend.(27) Rea St. South Bd. Sch. opened 1875 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,029 B, G, I.(21) Fees all 1d.(22) Enlarged 1884, altered 1890 for classroom organization with central hall, practical work rooms added 1893, class of defective children opened in buildings 1897. Practical rooms added 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1937. SB dept. damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Altered 1951: former I block became nursery sch., and main block used for JI.(21) Former practical block repaired 1954 to provide classrooms for this sch. and a science centre. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 2 dining halls, 2 halls.(28)

WINDSOR COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Duddeston. Lower Windsor St. Bd. Sch. opened 1874 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,034 B, G, I.(1) Fees all 1d.,(22) since it was in a poor and crowded area. Playground enlarged 1876, I dept. enlarged 1884. Workshop provided 1893 and enlarged 1911. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Substantially altered and reorganized 1928 for SB, JM, I, and accom. provided in former Windsor St. Temporary Council Sch., q.v., which became part of this sch. 1931. SB dept. closed 1939, JM and I depts. united 1940.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

SMITH STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Hockley.(27) Smith St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 950 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) The first kindergarten mistress in Birm. bd. schs. was appointed 1877 and gave demonstration classes here and at Allcock St. Bd. Sch.(23) Site enlarged 1878. All fees reduced to 1d. c. 1888. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912; these were made by 1931. Reorganized 1931 for JM, I. Depts. united 1938.(21) Accom. 1961: 11 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)

NELSON STREET COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Parade.(27) Nelson St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 800 B, G, I. Edward St. Bd. Sch. closed when it opened.(21) Fees 1d.– 3d.(22) Enlarged 1882. In 1889 nearly ⅓ children had free orders and there was difficulty in collecting some fees; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Enlarged 1911. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Summerhill Receiving Homes Sch. treated as annexe to this sch. 1921–8. Altered and reorganized 1928, 1932 for SG, JM, I. JM and I depts. united 1937. SG dept. closed 1939.(21) Accom. 1961: 12 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

NORTON STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Norton St. Bd. Sch. opened 1876 (22) by Birm. Sch. Bd.(21) Accom. 972 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1930 for JM, I.(21) Closed 1932 (1) and children transferred to Benson Rd. Council Sch. The property was transferred to the Estates Cttee. for housing.(21)

MOSELEY ROAD COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Chandos Road.(27) Moseley Rd. Bd. Sch. opened 1877 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 995 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) In 1878 this sch. and Jenkins St. Bd. Sch. each had a senior division with special provision for higher grades. Site extended 1894 and a deaf and dumb sch. built on part of it. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for JM, I, part of I accom. being in Upper Highgate St. Council Sch. Depts. united 1938.(21) Accom. provided in Friends' Institute, Moseley Rd., 1949–52 and in building on Sherbourne Rd. Sch. site from 1953. Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 12 classrooms, hall.(28)

FOX STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. See Grosvenor St. Council Sch.
GROSVENOR STREET COUNCIL SCHOOL. Fox St. Bd. Sch. opened 1877 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(23) Accom. 995 B, G, I.(1) Fox St. Temporary Bd. Sch. closed on its opening.(21) Fees 1d.(22) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Reorganized 1928 for SG, JM, I. Altered 1932 and name changed. Reorganized 1932, 1934 for SG, JI. JI dept. closed 1941, SG dept. 1943.(21)

SUMMER LANE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL. Summer Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1877 (22) accom. 1,302 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) New M dept.(1) opened 1880, accom. 300 in 5 classrooms (Hope St. Bd. Sch. was the only sch. in Birm. hitherto built on classroom plan).(21) Cookery centres provided 1888 for first time in Birm. bd. schs. here and at Upper Highgate St. Bd. Sch., and one of first woodwork centres opened here 1892.(23) Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1931 for SB, SG, I. I dept. closed 1936.(1) Depts. united 1940.(21) N.o.b. 1961: 560.(27)

MONTGOMERY COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Sparbrook.(27) Montgomery St. Bd. Sch. opened 1879 (23) by Birm. Sch. Bd. Accom. c. 1,000 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Enlarged 1894–8, 1913. Reorganized 1930 for JI and former I block disused until 1935 when used for 2 classes. Closed 1941. Partly repaired and used to accom. English Martyrs R.C. Primary Sch. c. 1946. Reopened 1947 for JI. Accom. for 2 classes in Stratford Rd. Baptist Sunday School provided 1948. Further accom. in building available 1949 when English Martyrs Sch. left and extensive repairs made.(21) Name changed 1954. Accom. 1955: 13 classrooms, 3 halls.(28)

LITTLE GREEN LANE COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Small Heath.(27) Little Green Lane Bd. Sch. opened 1878 by Birm. Sch. Bd.(22) Accom. 1,313 B, G, I.(1) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) One of the first 3 woodwork centres for Birm. bd. schs. opened here 1892.(23) Altered 1901. Enlarged 1903–4. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1929 for SB, JM, I. SB closed 1936. Damaged by enemy action and closed 1941. Part of building used as a Special sch. and remainder reopened 1948 for JI. More classrooms repaired 1950 and sch. divided into 2 depts.(21) Accom. 1961: 15 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)
I just wanted to know if anyone on here went to Smith Street School in mid 1920's, and if they knew Miss Moffat or Moffit? As I have a photo with my dad, I would say he was about 7/8 yrs old, he was born 1916.
Jenkins st how I loved that school which changed its name while I was still there to Goodwin school I was there in 52 and remember being a sunbeam at the salvation army next door also joined the temperance band at the baptist church all us kids did for the free xmas party such happy memories. Would love to find Susan Owens from there.
My Grandad Edwin Melvin attended Smith Street after refusing to go to the local catholic school he was born in 1930.

I just wanted to know if anyone on here went to Smith Street School in mid 1920's, and if they knew Miss Moffat or Moffit? As I have a photo with my dad, I would say he was about 7/8 yrs old, he was born 1916.
Hi Jenny,
Sorry if this sounds really stupid but I was wondering if you could help on the Moseley Road County Primary school......................So it wasn't named Chandos???? I knew it was on Chandos Road, but everyone I grew up with always refered to it as Chandos school. Yet even in my book of photos it calls it Moseley, and has been confusing me no end.
Hi Lisa: It looks very much as though the school changed it's name and moved to Oxford Road which is just across the way from Chandos Avenue, B13. If this is the school it's called Moseley Church Of England Primary
School. They have a web page at: https://www.moseleyce.bham.sch.uk/home.htm
Hope this is ok
Hi Lisa: Another thought on the school. Perhaps you could run Chandos Primary School-Birmingham through Google since there is a lot of information on this school with several links. I think this might be the school rather than the Church of England place.
Thanks for all the advice. I spoke to some ex-pupils of the old Chandos and it turns out they were two different schools. Searching for Chandos doesn't really bring up much :o( just the new school, where I am a governor. But I will keep looking. Went to archives today, 1st photo mission, and they close mondays. Oh well. I will look out for a Rea St School photo in the boxes. I have one of the closing down of Reaside school (were they same schools?? I'm hopeless aren't I) as it has my aunt in it....
hi wendy.
i went to allcock street school and then on to saint michaels where i left in 69-70.

i've been looking hard to find some photo discription of allcock street...any idea's?

regards redken
Hi Wendy i went to Bristol st school i started in 1957 we lived at 3/74 Irving st. but i can only remember 1 teacher Mr woods i remember he was a loverly man the only teacher that never gave me the cane i must admit that school was the best ever? i remember the bigest tv i had ever seen we dident have one at home till around 1960. i can see now the play shop in the small hall must admit i nicked a mars bar but it was a lump of wood boo ho was looking forward to that? i remember i fell ill one day with bad tummy panes Mr Woods took me home i now know what the pains where lead poisning forgive my spelling now you know why i allways got the cane looking out of the window dident help much looking down on Bristol st. i went to Lea Mason school when Bristol st closed sad sad day? i can only remember 1 teacher from that school Mogford nasty man hope is ok to say that? School was never the same after meeting him? it will be nice if other bristol rd kids get intouch plaese sorry to go on Wendy but i did love that school Bristol st NOT Lea mason regards peter marriott
Hi all it's lovely to hear your memories of school days. I expect everyone has memories of good and bad teachers from those days. I expect there were time when we all thought we were hard done by but I suppose some times our own behavior caused some of the problems. I remember teachers who were strict teachers who were cruel teachers who were kind but the best ones were the ones who could teach and inspire us to do things we enjoyed and go on to be good people. I remember the ones who helped me and I carry the things I was taught to this day. I am glad to say most of my school day memories are good ones but, I know some of our older members had a very hard time at school. I can only say I am glad things changed for the better in this respect.
I have managed to put together a few pictures of Oozells Street Board School from one of my bundles of pieces of paper/pictures.
The first picture shows part of the school next door to a former foundry, Unfortunately that is all I have on that one.
This picture is typical of the type of housing in the catchment area of the school and when demolition of these slums took place, the pupil numbers dropped dramatically. It is said that this caused the school's closure. Again I have no date with this but it re-opened in 1898 as a specialist secondary shcool. It was named the George Dixon Higher Grade School.
This is how the school looked in 1995 and after been awarded a number of grants it re-opened three years later as the Ikon Gallery.
This was The Caretakers house and in the background you can see the NIA. The Water's Edge Development now stands on this site.
The above has taken some effort to put the text where it should be so I hope it is all o/k,
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It's beautiful Stitcher, thankyou for all your efforts putting photos on the Forum. Must have been a lot of hard work!
Charlie, thank you for the appreciation but if others enjoy them that, that makes the effort wothwhile.
Hi Wendy i went to Bristol st school i started in 1957 we lived at 3/74 Irving st. but i can only remember 1 teacher Mr woods i remember he was a loverly man the only teacher that never gave me the cane i must admit that school was the best ever? i remember the bigest tv i had ever seen we dident have one at home till around 1960. i can see now the play shop in the small hall must admit i nicked a mars bar but it was a lump of wood boo ho was looking forward to that? i remember i fell ill one day with bad tummy panes Mr Woods took me home i now know what the pains where lead poisning forgive my spelling now you know why i allways got the cane looking out of the window dident help much looking down on Bristol st. i went to Lea Mason school when Bristol st closed sad sad day? i can only remember 1 teacher from that school Mogford nasty man hope is ok to say that? School was never the same after meeting him? it will be nice if other bristol rd kids get intouch plaese sorry to go on Wendy but i did love that school Bristol st NOT Lea mason regards peter marriott
Hi Peter, I went to Bristol St School up to about 1960, I also remember Mr Woods, I also remember Mrs Johnson walking through the classroom with a cigarette in her mouth.
Does anyone have anymore memories and photos?
Thanks Bob