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Eamon 1943

You can't go far without a car

I own a worn out old " boneshaker"
I use to call a car

Its so rickety & unreliable
I daren't travel out to far

Backfiring when you drive a long
people stop and stare

I'm deaf & blind in my right eye
life can be so unfair

Never again to pass a driving test
keep you distance not to near

I'm going down to our local pub
and have another beer !

Eamon 1943
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All at sea

Water water everywhere not a drop to drink
I hope this boat I'm on doesn't leak or sink

I've roved the field survived the flood
and sailed the seven seas

Mainsail up course is set
waiting for a breeze

Rain & hail waves up high going out to sea
the crew the captain and the writer me

Hoist the sail steady as you go
pounding through those mighty waves
swishing to and fro

Most were sick and tossed about
as some tried to shout

The captain never saw the rocks beneath
as we shuddered to a halt

The captain shouted abandon ship "
knowing he was at fault

Life can be so cruel or kind.always treat
it with respect

If you abuse ignore its wrath it's only
what you'd expect

When you next look out to sea think of
those souls now lost

Heed all those warning signs it will be
your life and cost.

Eamon 1943
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Old Crow

If I had the wings of a swallow
And big dodgy eyes like a crow

I'd fly to the top of this building
And wonder where I should go

I could fly down to the seaside
And relax on a rooftop high

Eying up all those lady seagulls
Capture one and off I'd fly

Up to my nest , a crows castle
Gaze down on the world below

Content I'm still here and flying
With a harem of seagulls in tow

Eamon 1943
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My Mother

My mother was born in dublin in the year of 1914
A beautiful city by the sea best place Ive ever been

The long hot summer holidays , adventure every where
Down to the lido at Portmarnoc life without a care

Daytrips to Howth & Dollymount picnicing by the sea
My mother & my three brothers & not forgetting me

Life was simple & innocent travelling by train & boat
Travel never bothered us as long as we stayed afloat

She worked as a seamtress & grew veggies in the yard
An elder sibling one of ten when times were very hard

Her father spent years at sea sailing the oceans wide
He use to tell me stories before he upped & died

So many happy moments growing up in a chaotic world
Living isn't just for grown ups as my life unfurled

The moral of what I've written as I sit here reading this
It's all about who you are ,scoring bullseyes not a miss

Eamon 1943
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My wonderful wife

I met my Mrs fifty five years ago
The Rum Runner was the place to be

Across the crowded dance floor
this beauty stared back at me

I asked if she'd like to dance
and held out a friendly hand

She was a tall brown eyed beauty
enjoyng the music and the band

She sat back down besides her friend
as I leaned upon the bar

I was chatting up Tina a barmaid
whom I noticed from afar

Annoyingly a strange guy came over
she declined his request to dance

He upset the beauty I'd danced with
now I saw my chance

Soon he left the club in a hurry
I threatened to throw him out

I asked Maureen if she'd like a lift home
And that's what this story's about

So here we are fifty five years later
our love is just as strong

Three grown children and grandchildren
I knew I'd done right not wrong

Eamon 1943
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1957 The 9th World Scout Jamboree

We marched into Sutton Park proud as we could be
Thirty three thousand boy scouts at the Jamboree

H.R.H The Duke of Gloucester opened this great event
honouring us young boy scouts as we pitched our tent

Greeted cheers of thousands caps raised into the air
Scouts from around the world all proudly standing there

10 days of a summer heatwave two days of torrential rain
nothing could deter us we'd do it all again

Lord Robert Baden-Powell wasn't there on this eventful day
some years before in 1941 he'd sadly passed away

The biggest event Sutton Coldfield ever held the 1957 Jamboree
I was there fourteen years of age my little troop and me

Fifty years of the scouting movement we celebrated at this time
thoughts of these great years putting my story into rhyme

The Queen and The Duke's Land Rover slowly passed by the crowd
saluting with our heads held high we welcomed them out loud

Sadly all good things end as we proudly marched away
memories that I recall and cherish still today

Eamon 1943
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Our Birmingham back house

I was raised in a back house somewhere down Summer Lane
bombs came down among us praying kept them sane

Toilet out in the yard used by six family's or more
We had very little privacy no lock upon the door

My mother use to cut up newspapers into little squares
we used it as toilet paper that everybody shares

The coal house in our cellar a dirty place to be
the darkness and the spiders use to frighten me

Brewhouse in the yard where people went to smoke
courting couples cuddled there people liked to joke

Black range in our Moms kitchen what a sight to see
Everything was cooked there breakfast dinner and tea

Two bedrooms and an attic a staircase rickety and bent
If you were ever naughty down the cellar you went

Our old house gone demolished it doesn't exist no more
I'll always remember our house and the number on the door

Eamon 1943
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Our old school

We'd walk a mile catch a tram up to Villa Cross
Learning lessons at our school was an utter loss

St Marys catholic boys school failure at its best
Reading writing and religion put us to the test

Tom O'Loughlin the head of all us disruptive boys
playing in the playground making so much noise

Our only lady teacher Miss Capatitti was her name
Chuckles in the classroom thinking all the same

PT on a Thursday we all boxed in the boxing ring
ego and a bloody nose wasn't what I'd call my thing

At fifteen we looked forward to our leaving school
Father said to get a trade it was his golden rule

Finally the day came when we couldn't wait to say
finished at that awful school hip hip hip hooray !

Eamon 1943
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The judge said step down boy and dry up your tears
you're going to prison for a term of ten years

He thought for a moment shuddering with fright
then the truth hit him he went out like a light

Your honour I'm innocent I didn't do the crime
The judge said "down boy "start doing your time

He cried "I'm not a bad man "he stood in the dock
manacled and handcuffed he staggered in shock

What will happen to my wife a mother of three
the jury didn't rule on what was happening to me

The appeal against my sentence didn't go well
I still remain incarcerated in this living hell

There's no justice in condemning an innocent man
I won't let this change the person that I am

Many years later I'm still behind the wall
the moral of this tale "be a lesson to all.!

Eamon 1943
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I found an old stocking And filled it with lead.
I hit a bloke right on the head.

Along came a copper, and asked me my name.
I gave him the answer, With a bicycle chain.

The Judge said "sit down, boy, and dry up your tears.
you're going to borstal, for 2 or 3 years."
My mother was crying; my father dropped dead.
My little kid brother shot the judge in the head.

There's bars on the windows; there's bars on the doors,
And just for precaution, there's bars on the floors.

I counted the moonbeams; I counted the stars.
I counted four thousand, of those borstal bars.

If I was the Jailer, and the jailer was me,
I'd open those doors and set myself free.

But I'm not the jailer, and the jailer ain't me,
so I just count those bars until I'm set free.
An ode to songs

Only the Lonely stayed at Heartbreak Hotel
travelling down the Highway to Hell

The Platters sang their hit Great Pretender
Elvis came on and gave it Return to Sender

Peggy Sue honeymooned at the Heartbreak Hotel
Lucille and Little Richard was there as well

His latest Tutti Fruity wasn't having any
Long Tall Sally stayed with Short Fat Fanny

A Hard Days Night is what it was all about
The Beatles had to sing Twist and Shout

Ray Charles sang with Georgia on his mind
Hit the Road Jack a shame he's blind

Roy Orbison caroused all with his In Dreams
Rolling Stones danced to young girls screams

Michael Jackson gyrated around the stage
Killer never grew up acted his age

P Diddy a rapper singing Jailhouse Rock
No bail in jail Rock around the Clock

Eamon 1943
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Our School

We'd walk a mile catch a tram up to Villa Cross
Learning lessons at our school was an utter loss

St Mary's catholic boys school failure at its best
Reading writing and religion put us to the test

Tom O'Loughlin the head of all us disruptive boys
playing in the playground making so much noise

Our only lady teacher Miss Capatitti was her name
Chuckles in the classroom thinking all the same

PT on a Thursday we all boxed in the boxing ring
ego and a bloody nose wasn't what I'd call my thing

At fifteen we looked forward to our leaving school
Father said to get a trade it was his golden rule

Finally the day came when we couldn't wait to say
finished at that awful school hip hip hip hooray !

Eamon 1943
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Our School

We'd walk a mile catch a tram up to Villa Cross
Learning lessons at our school was an utter loss

St Mary's catholic boys school failure at its best
Reading writing and religion put us to the test

Tom O'Loughlin the head of all us disruptive boys
playing in the playground making so much noise

Our only lady teacher Miss Capatitti was her name
Chuckles in the classroom thinking all the same

PT on a Thursday we all boxed in the boxing ring
ego and a bloody nose wasn't what I'd call my thing

At fifteen we looked forward to our leaving school
Father said to get a trade it was his golden rule

Finally the day came when we couldn't wait to say
finished at that awful school hip hip hip hooray !

Eamon 1943

Birmingham Mail, April 1965.

Edit. This post was removed from a newly posted thread, to this dedicated thread as per Poems protocol.

No old wounds left to open the past is dead & gone
Memories briefly recalled; a journey I went along
Skirmishes & upheavals the price of paying back
Offensive in my nature, Attack, attack, attack!
To late to change this history, the where I was & when
A different life I lead now ; recalling with my pen!

Eamon 1943
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We have had this one before.

Eamon. Please kindly read post #45. As already said, it is our practice to post all of one author's posts on one dedicated thread. We have previously given you your own thread for this purpose. Please respect this protocol by adhering to the following :

*post all your poems on your dedicated thread, i.e., "Eamon1943 Poems"

* state each poem title in the post. (When I transferred all your poems to this one thread, I painstakingly moved all 30+ poems to this thread and typed the title [in bold] at the start of each post/poem. This took some considerable time and effort)

*any future poems posted on new threads will, at the discretion of moderators, be removed.

The reason we ask members to follow BHF guidelines and rules, is to ensure that this Forum continues to be a place where everyone is assured of respect and courtesy. Where rules or guidance are ignored, we act accordingly to preserve the smooth running of this site, including banning continuing membership.

Thank you for reading this reminder.
We'd survived the Luftwaffe bullets and their screeching bombs
dashing down to the air raid shelter with our dear old moms

Shivering frightened dank and dark in that unhealthy place
a little kid all wrapped up tears running down his face

Air raid sirens going off as we rushed down from our bed
Mother wouldn't evacuate us it was better than being dead

Finally after six long years a big party in our street
People shared what they had the children got a treat

People smiled with relief German POW's swept the street
Neighbours offered a cup of tea with sugar really sweet

Around about ten years old we experienced our first crush
growing up in bombed out Brum there was no need to rush

There was a girl in our street we called her " cycle Sal "
My pal really fancied her and I fancied Sal's best pal

Life seems rather normal now recalling eighty years or more
as long as my health holds up and can still go out the door

So to anyone who is listening to this old mans tales of yore
Think of those departed souls who have passed on before

Eamon 1943
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