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Deykin Avenue School



I was born in Wyrley rd and went to deykin ave school and left in 1954 to start work at the GEC. regards the photo on the one corner was the post office (tame road side) the other was williams sweet shop i believe the chemist was next then the news agent i had a paper round there , there was an outdoor but that was further up deykin ave, i remember Roberts rubber factory next to the school.
I went to Manor Park girls school but the head of Deykin avenue school used to visit us to do presentations in assembly. His name was Mr. Gardener. Our head was a Miss Plant. Jean.
thank you Alf for pointing me to deykin av forum relived my paper round and the crowds of people knocking off at the G E C
I lived in Tame road till 1964
rob houghton
Rob Shera came from Tame road. Her name was Chris Sutton and had a brother by the name of Eric. I think it was no 113. Jean.
hi jeanee
I lived down the bottom opposite Webbs lawn mowers at 201
did chriss live near to Miss latamer a school mistress at Aston hall road school a Danny Kaye fanatic
Not sure Rob. Chris is on holiday for a week but will ask her when she comes back. She will probably read this herself and answer you. My neighbour Betty Read went to your school does the name ring a bell?. Jean.
Betty lived in Holte road Rob but I can't remember an Olive Read but an Olive Chance from Holte road. Jean.
My late Dad went to Deykin Ave School probably 1930 to 1938.....
The family lived at 130 Wyreley Rd......Sam/Beatrice.. Len, Vic, Charlie, Jean and Colin Pendry.
Grandad Sam belonged to the Barn for most of his life.

my mom was born and lived in number 64 deykin avenue from early 1940. her name is gwen cole, her brother is brian, parents ida and len cole. she also attended deykin avenue school. she enjoyed reading your posts and has asked me to mention a few names to see if they ring any bells with anyone - joan flint, shirley simms, jacquline fortnall, pauline southerton (from electric avenue), brian eggington and Margaret watley. she remembers quite a few families that have already been mentioned. would love to hear from anyone who remembers her (apologies for any spelling mistakes of names).

this picture is of deakin avenue school christmas 1931 my motherinlaw is in the picture her name was Lilliam Mary Powell Untitled-4S.jpg
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How nice to see that this school is still there today, probably looking very much on the outside as it has for a long, long time. From British History Online:

DEYKIN AVENUE COUNTY MODERN SCHOOL, Witton. Deykin Avenue Council Sch. opened 1906 by Warws. C.C. Accom. 430 M, I. New dept. opened 1916 and sch. reorganized for M, JI. Altered and JI dept. closed 1933. N.o.b. 1961: 270.

Today it looks like this:

