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Denville Crescent Bordesley Green

G Rose

Brummie babby

I'm pretty new to this so please bear with me, not sure if I've posted in the right place? Any guidance would be much appreciated.

Basically, I'm trying to trace anyone, or knows of anyone, that lived in Denville Crescent around the 1927 - 1947 era? I'm posting on behalf of my dad who had many friends in Denville Crescent. He lived at 69, he had a brother, Gordon and sister, Vera (Both now passed) His friends he often talks about were, Dennis Jolly, John Gillman, Kenny Gaiter and a few others. Any help would be very much appreciated as he often recites great stories of these days.

2 weeks back, I spent the day driving him around the streets so he could recall all his memories. He also attended Alston road school. We walked in the park over the River Cole etc... and he loved it all. I suggested trying this forum to see if I could find anything out. I know I'm talking a very long time ago as he was born in 1927 in Denville and remained there for 20 years or so.

Hope to hear something...

Many thanks...

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hello gary and welcome...yes it is a long shot but i always say there is nowt in this world for the dumb.....perhaps you could give us a bit more info such as your dads name just in case it rings a bell with someone...also what area is denville crescent in and is it still there and is your dads old school still standing...reason for asking is because if they no longer exist we maybe able to find some old photos for your dad

John Gillman lived on Denville Crescent (64), Dennis Jolley lived on Corbyn Road (35) and Kenneth Gater lived on Caldwell Road (91).

Unfortunately it does appear that all 3 have passed away.
hello gary and welcome...yes it is a long shot but i always say there is nowt in this world for the dumb.....perhaps you could give us a bit more info such as your dads name just in case it rings a bell with someone...also what area is denville crescent in and is it still there and is your dads old school still standing...reason for asking is because if they no longer exist we maybe able to find some old photos for your dad

Thanks so much for your reply.

William Jukes is spot on with his details of Denville Crescent and the school. Denville is still very much there and last week we actually spoke with the guy who now owns my dad's old house. He enjoyed very much listening to my dad's story's about the house that were 90 years old and events that took place during the war in and around that area.

Also, this morning I spoke with Alston road school and asked if they'd have any school reports from that era. A very nice lady said that they had some very old ledgers and she was going to check and come back to me.

This site is incredible! In just one morning I have found so many interesting facts and answers; amazing!
John Gillman lived on Denville Crescent (64), Dennis Jolley lived on Corbyn Road (35) and Kenneth Gater lived on Caldwell Road (91).

Unfortunately it does appear that all 3 have passed away.
Hi Master Brummie,

That is amazing, although very sad. I did know John Gillman and his wife Betty but we lost touch a long time ago. How did you find out this information? Births, Deaths & Marriages or did you know of them?
Thanks so much for your reply.

William Jukes is spot on with his details of Denville Crescent and the school. Denville is still very much there and last week we actually spoke with the guy who now owns my dad's old house. He enjoyed very much listening to my dad's story's about the house that were 90 years old and events that took place during the war in and around that area.

Also, this morning I spoke with Alston road school and asked if they'd have any school reports from that era. A very nice lady said that they had some very old ledgers and she was going to check and come back to me.

This site is incredible! In just one morning I have found so many interesting facts and answers; amazing!
so pleased your dad enjoyed his trip down memory lane gary...hope his school comes back with those ledgers...as i said in an earlier post could we have your dads name in case anyone remembers him also his parents names because if you are interested i maybe able to find the family on the 1939 eve of war register which i can post on here for you..

Hi Master Brummie,

That is amazing, although very sad. I did know John Gillman and his wife Betty but we lost touch a long time ago. How did you find out this information? Births, Deaths & Marriages or did you know of them?

Just births, deaths and marriages.
so pleased your dad enjoyed his trip down memory lane gary...hope his school comes back with those ledgers...as i said in an earlier post could we have your dads name in case anyone remembers him also his parents names because if you are interested i maybe able to find the family on the 1939 eve of war register which i can post on here for you..


Hello Lyn,

Many thanks for your message.

Dad's name is: Alec Rose (93) - Brother Gordon and Sister Vera (both deceased)

Parents: Albert & Florence Rose.

Yeah... fingers crossed for the ledgers - that would be superb!


Just births, deaths and marriages.

Would you happen to have a link I could explore as the details you provided, name & house number seems very detailed. I'd like to trace the dates and latest addresses as I may be able to track relatives etc...

Thank you.

in case of interest gary and you can save this if you want to here is the 39 eve of war register for 69 denville crescent also showing some of your dads neighbours...note the 3 blacked out names...these will be your dad his sister and brother who would have been of school age...lyn

albert rose 1939 eve of war register.jpg
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in case of interest gary and you can save this if you want to here is the 39 eve of war register for 69 denville crescent also showing some of your dads neighbours...note the 3 blacked out names...these will be your dad his sister and brother who would have been of school age...lyn

View attachment 161368


Thanks so much, Lyn, I really appreciate your interest and efforts. This is amazing! :)
Would you happen to have a link I could explore as the details you provided, name & house number seems very detailed. I'd like to trace the dates and latest addresses as I may be able to track relatives etc...

Thank you.


The addresses are from the 1939 register and the ERs on Ancestry. Unless you are registered with the sites any link wouldn't work.

To track relatives/descendants it would be easier to check births, marriages. This is a free site...

Careful of the spelling of Jolley and Gater. If you need help just ask.
The addresses are from the 1939 register and the ERs on Ancestry. Unless you are registered with the sites any link wouldn't work.

To track relatives/descendants it would be easier to check births, marriages. This is a free site...

Careful of the spelling of Jolley and Gater. If you need help just ask.

Many thanks for the info. I appreciate your input.

Yes, I did wonder about the spellings. I'm afraid it was a little guesswork from my dad at the time.


  • Appreciate
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to go with the 1935 electoral roll i have posted here is the 1950 this time your dad is on it..


m0483k-00157 (1).jpg