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demolision of 6 ways aston


Staff member
demolision of 6 ways aston...dated 1961

I came across a similar photo in one of my books when I was flicking through with my next door neighbor but I can't remember which one now.
thanks mortum..must admit i had a problem getting my bearings on this one as i had forgotton that alma st came that far up...

Have just fetched my books back from my neighbor and will see if I can find the photo of Six ways as it may be a different one. Joan who borrowed the books had a lovely surprise as she found a photo of her uncle who was a gun maker in one of them and her mom Joan Barret is mentioned in another. It made her day. Sorry to go off topic Lyn.
hi jean..i go off topic all the time..cant help it lol....how lovely for your neighbour to find that pic....hope the one you are thinking of is a different one as we would love to see it jean...
Lyn I can safely saqy I don't remember this one as I was a babe in arms!!
Mom does remember it though, she wored in Woolies as a Saturday girl.