I will stand up and make my confession
I AM a Brummie.
It matters not where the boundaries might be seen to be.
I KNOW I am a
TRUE Brummie and I am proud of it.
I was born in Handsworth and lived in Boulton Road (top end) until I was 15 when we moved upmarket to nearly Handsworth Wood
Except for a few years in Great Barr when I was first married we then moved back to Handsworth Wood and lived there until 1995 when we moved to South Birmingham where I am still living.
My Mom was from Small Heath. My Dad was from Hockley.
I don't know if I have an accent or not.
Elizabeths list made me smile.
My mother was never mum, always Mom.
When we ordered the flowers for her funeral they thought we were a little strange insisting on MOM instead of the more usual mUm.
I like my children to call me Mom.
I always call town ... erm, town.
I call ketchup tomato sauce rather than red sauce.
Although I don't recall from my younger days the Cathedral grounds being called 'pigeon park' my children call it that
I have never done the whole 11 route on the bus in one go but, like so many other Brummies, I have walked it on a sponsored walk.
The House of Fraser will ALWAYS be Rackhams.
I know what a gambol is - I just can't do them any more.
Forward or backward roll just doesn't sound the same.
I too had pumps and pump bags for school and so did my children.
Traffic 'roundabouts' are definitely islands - as are those little havens halfway across some busy roads where you can stand and wait for a gap in the traffic
And tiptops, oh yes! I wonder when and why they became freezepops???
There is another one I have just discovered .... I had
chocolate concrete for pudding at school - apparently even in the London they don't have that ...............