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Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

Caselva June 1971.jpgGina at top, Sandy, Wendy, Sue Cox, Franny and Maria at bottom. Caselva balcony, June 1971.jpgGina, Susan Cox, Sandy and Wendy, Caselva June 1971.jpg
Left photo, view from the Hill.
Middle photo, on the balcony, from top: Gina, Sandy, Wendy, Sue Cox on right, Franny and Maria at bottom. June 1071
On Right, Gina (from Limehouse area of London), Sue Cox (Bethnal Green), Sandy and Wendy.
Hello again, Good to see that new people are using site ,I also have a few photos from my stay April 64 to June 65 ,so was present with one other who has also made a recent entry .Thanks to Peckham Rose for putting photos on Facebook. I will have to seek IT advice ,so I can put mine on.
Now for the memories :The Food ,I guess it was OK I cannot remember the names of the dishes ,but I had my first yoghurt there, we had a yellow rice dish that no one liked ,we called it "mices ears" My favorites were some sort of mixed fruit salad ,and a cheese on toast dish. Sorry for being a bit crude ,but I also remember dashing to the smeelly toilet after leggi .
We had a record player ,and just Rolling Stones ,and Beatles records to play on it .Dr Meyer would impound it if it was played too loud .The walks were great fun ,I particularly liked walking upto Shatzalp ,and sometimes we were treated to a glass of Apfelsaft .
Christmas was different ,we performed some sort of Chrismas play ,and I read out a peice in German . I had one present ,a Jaguar Corgi car .I think it was from my auntie Joan? Not many people had presents,so perhaps I was the lucky one ?
At bed time a nurse would come into our rooms ,and we'd all sing a prayer, in German , to the music of Brahms Lullaby . I still remember all the words ,but no longer sing it befoer I go to sleep . At night we had to be in bed by 8pm ,and all our clothes had to be neatly folded ,and placed at the end of our beds, I still do this ,and a few months ago my sister reminded me that when I came home the family were amazed how tidy I had become.
Keep remembering things ,so will try to post them as and when they spring to mind
I really enjoyed reading your memories of Davos.l was there Jan 63-Aug 63.Just sorry it was long before your time there.

We all have so much to chat about.We had a huge reunion around 1972 held at Holiday Inn in Birmingham city centre.

There were people there from many years.It was organised by The Sunday Mercury newspaper who sent many kids over

with donations from Give a Girl Health Fund.l even had a photo taken with afew girls that was published.

l'd love to know if anyone remembers this.There were ladies from The British Red Cross at the party.Does anyone

remember this occaison?
Hi, the Reunion in 1972 would have been way too early for me, I was only 14 then and had been back from Davos one year! I am going to post a lot more photos now on the two Facebook Groups. One of the Facebook groups is called "Haus Caselva, Davos", which does not seem to have too many people in but has loads of photographs in it, and no identifiable names as fans! The other is another called "People who went to Davos Switzerland for asthma..." long title! So go there, specially if you were there around 1971 as I also photo'd a few of the staff.
well done to PeckhamRose for posting photos i wished you had been there at the time i was as sadly ihave no photos
I would love to see some of the time i was in davos april 64 oct 65
does anyone else remember the ice carved statue of albert schwitzer it was about 10 ft tall and stood outside of pro juventute
two names i remember no three a swedish lad called zeph a cockney lad called george who arrived about june 64 with a beatles haircut
and a young boy of 7 who was stephen summerhill the younger brother of a b,ham city fc player at the time
:fat: l'm really enjoying reading all these memories of Pro Juventute,l hope one day someone l remember will turn up here.
l'm one of the older ones being there in 1963.Afew names,Carole Robinson,Jackie Savage,Pauline Lax.Gwynith Strong.
Thanks to peckham rose for the pics.l wonder how many english kids passed through tutte over the years?l know the Give a Girl Health Fund sent the first child in 1953.
Hello mhemery, If you look at my previous entries numbers 45 and 56 you will see we were in Davos at the same time I was on W4 at first ,but finished off on W3 in the six bed "simmer" after we were all seperated due to chicken pox .
I have a post card photo of the Albert ice sculpture . I also have several black and white photos .but need IT skills to skan them.
Two of the Red Cross ladies that escorted children in the sixties were Miss England and Mrs Ioson,both from Leamington Spa, who lived next door to each other.
Sadly now long departed . Mrs Ioson also suffered from Asthma ,and Mrs England was among the first Red Cross to enter Belson in 1945
hi little terror thanks for your response great to hear from someone who was inn davos at the same time,
we must have have watched churchills funeral together although reading your previos posts your name dos,nt ring a bell
my name is michael emery, it would be nice to see any photos you have, once you work it out i can identify with your I.T problem
i was on the top floor of juventute cant remember any ward number , ithink the lad you called zeke was the one i called zeph,
i also remember making in the kitchen at night what we thought was toffee ie sugar on aspoon and heated over the gas
it was nice at the time i,ll have a good think and write my memories down as they come to me
interesting about the red cross ladies , the one i remember was ms dickins or dickinson.
i am really enjoying all these memories and photos..its a long time ago but my friend colleen steadman also went to switzerland organised by the give a girl health fund..hard to put a definate year on it now but i think it would have been between 1963/65..wonder if anyone remembers her..

Hi Michael,Thanks for posting your pic,also the letter is interesting.l went home from Davos at the end of Aug 63.Hope one day l will recognise someone who posts.How long did you stay and where were you housed?l was in pro juventute 2nd floor l think.l did go back in 1989 when l celebrated my 40th birthday.l met with Dr Meyer,he even had my file,complete with mugshot that was taken when l arrived.It was nice to take my mom round all the parts of Davos including some of the cable car lifts of which,some were out of bounds when l was living there.We had birthday cake at schneiders,plus l spent a fortune on chocolates they were selling.we also took a train ride to San Moritz.Happy memories.
Good Day every one ,I have just posted some photos form my stay at Projuventute April 1964 to June 1965 . They are on the Face book pages as I cannot work out how to put them on here


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Got IT man with me at work ,so he showed me how to do it .Will add names to photos later.
Are you in these photos /


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hi swiss miss, thanks for your reply. I was in davos from oct 64 to april 65 and if my memory serves me right i was on the top floor of pro juventute, ive often thought of returning for a visit and wondered wether i would recognise places,i dont think we had trip to st moritz but i do remember a cresta style bobsleigh run which we watched the professionals on and i remember the toboganing we used to do at the back of juventute i think. happy memories indeed.
hi malcolm, thanks for posting your photos realy fantastic, I had a quick scan this morning before work and never had time to reply,but I spotted my self on the first photo of post 110 front row 2nd from right a sad faced little red indian, i think the sad face was due camera shyness as i was very happy there and i remember that time dressing up as indians very well, but any way i,v had a smile on my face all day, thanks to you, you did say you had a post card of the albert ice statue i would love to see that if poss.
My name is Trevor Stockton I was in Pro Juventute sanatorium in 1956/ 1957 and still have the fondest memories of my time there. It would be interesting to know if any of the children who were there at that time use this forum. Two names that I remember where Ernest Easterby and Carol Peel. My wife and I were married on 1st June 1968 and unbeknown to us a photographer from the Sunday Mercury was taking photos of us, you can imagine our surprise when we opened the paper on Sunday second of June to see ourselves in there. The reason for the story was that were spending our honeymoon in Davos. We visited the sanatorium and the english church where I sang in the choir.
My name is Tony Beasley, i went to Chateau Bruexelles for six months in June 1953. I do remember another lad namad Chritopher, cant remember his sirname though. Does he remember cleaning the brasses in the church? boring job!. The teachers names i think were Miss Skivington-Miss Ayes-and a Mr Yoxall. Did your husband keep his log book for his stay at the chateau, i have and read it now and then. If i remember correct we came back to England earlier than expected for some reason or other. Did he leave from Snow Hill railway station? because i have a group photo, plus quite a lot of us at Davos. Lots of lovely memories. All the best Tony.
Hi Gibbo,l was there from 27/1/63-28/8/63.It will be 50 years tomorrow.Maybe some of the kids would have still been there when l was in Davos.If you can remember any names let me know.l've got some pics in an album and l did write the names of the children beside each pic.Also did you know we are on facebook?Under " people who went to Davos Switzerland for asthma"You may even catch up with someone there who knows you.Regards Margaret Okey.
Hi tony i'm trev I was there 8 years later.what remember most was ice skating all winter.i did go to a reunion 25 years ago but lost touch with them
Hi margeret,i'm afraid the names I remember would have left by then (i think) my daughter has all my photos l'll get some back see if I get a reminder