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One of my dads mates was the delivery blokes off the shop floor who appeared in the TV adds, I think his name was Harry, I'll ask him tomorrow

Hi Izzy,

My father in law worked for a time at Davenports I would think it was in the 50's. His name was Ernie Watson, and I remember him telling me that
he used to work in the basement (perhaps it was the boiler room), and there was a huge old rat that used to sit on the pipes above. He told
me they used to throw things at it, but it was much too quick for them!

Kind regards

davenports...bath row...love the bus stop...

pic courtesy of carl chinn


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All this talk of Davenports has brought back some happy memories
of my grandad Bill Hinton,he grew up in Brum,but married in 1928
and settled down at Honeybourne near Evesham,as a lad i remember
the Davenports lorry pulling up outside his house,they used Leyland F G's
nicknamed the three penny bit,which had a very distinctive sound.
Each week the driver would call and drop off a crate of Mackeson,and when
i went round my grandads,i'd sit in the chair looking at the pantry door,
then he'd look at me with a big grin on his face,puffing on his pipe,and say
go on then lad you know where it is.He would n't need to ask me twice,
it was thanks grandad and off to the pantry i went,even though i was n't
old enough to drink,it did me no harm,it was n't very strong plus i think
with all that iron it did me good.I still drink Mackeson now,although out
of a can is n't the same,someone told me you can still buy it bottled,
but not sure where from?,it's amazing how many off licences don't sell,
and when you ask for it,the kid behind the counter says whats that!!
never heard of it.Keep up with the great memories,Many thanks
chain maker.
Shame we lost Davenports.Obviously a short sighted decision.
While the big breweries collapsed some of the smaller ones have taken advantage of this.
I now reside in Margate,and here in Kent we have Shepherd Neame,a small brewery,but with a collection of exellent positioned pubs,and a choice of fine ales.Being smaller they were not affected by the monopolies investigations,and hence have even bought pubs that were sold off by the big guys.
Why couldn't this have happened to Davenports? I used to use some of their pubs,like the Drawbridge and Drum and Monkey in Solihull,and the Black Swan Henley.I also worked briefely at the Boat Inn,Catherine De Barnes.
hi there
i have happily read through all your commemts and stories about the old davenports brewery, their ads and all the products you remember. As i am sure some of you are aware davenports is now brewed by highgate brewery in walsall, and the products are becoming more available over the midlands. One exciting fact is that highgate have re-launched one of their pubs as a davenports house, selling beers brewed to the original recipies. On the bar at the moment you can regularly buy davenports bitter and davenports ipa. But even greater is the fact that is the first outlet to be selling davenports continental lager, also brewed to the original recipie. So where is this gem of a place i hear you ask!! The city tavern on bishopsgate street not a stones throw away from the original brewery in bath row is where you can find these historic delights and many others too. And how do i know all this, i am the landlord.
what i would love is for any former members of staff to get in touch, iam thinking of forming some form of club/society,memory sharing group based upon the davenports brand, is there any interest out there, please let me know.
if any of you want any more details on davenports, where you can get some, drink some, or take some home from (we sell alot of their products in bottles) then just ask and i will do my best to help.
i look forward to hearing more of your memories and stories, and dont forget former workers please get in touch

many thanks for reading

Re: beer sale,s man

hi there i am thinking of forming a group for the former workers of davenports, do u think it is a good idea, do u know any other former workers workers who would be interested???
thanks, mark
hi there
i have happily read through all your commemts and stories about the old davenports brewery, their ads and all the products you remember. As i am sure some of you are aware davenports is now brewed by highgate brewery in walsall, and the products are becoming more available over the midlands. One exciting fact is that highgate have re-launched one of their pubs as a davenports house, selling beers brewed to the original recipies. On the bar at the moment you can regularly buy davenports bitter and davenports ipa. But even greater is the fact that is the first outlet to be selling davenports continental lager, also brewed to the original recipie. So where is this gem of a place i hear you ask!! The city tavern on bishopsgate street not a stones throw away from the original brewery in bath row is where you can find these historic delights and many others too. And how do i know all this, i am the landlord.
what i would love is for any former members of staff to get in touch, iam thinking of forming some form of club/society,memory sharing group based upon the davenports brand, is there any interest out there, please let me know.
if any of you want any more details on davenports, where you can get some, drink some, or take some home from (we sell alot of their products in bottles) then just ask and i will do my best to help.
i look forward to hearing more of your memories and stories, and dont forget former workers please get in touch

many thanks for reading


Hi Mark,
i did pay a visit to your pub once but it was shut, could you tell us a bit more about your establishment as regarding opening hours and do you do grub etc?...
hi brumgum
are opening hours are 12 noon to midnight mon to sat and midday till 11 on a sunday. As regards food we are just starting up a curry night on a thursday evening and are starting a lunchtime 'hot pot' dish from mon to fri next week, but we also run a bring your own food policy seven days a week, we provide cutlery, plates etc for you to use.
hope this is helpful and look forward to seeing you soon
thought you may like this pic...

courtesy of carl chinn



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Ahem scuze me Astonian I was brung up in Alma Street an I aint no crook. Just after I married we went to live in a new development off the Walsall Rd called Gillity Village, and I used to have 'beer at home' delivered then cannot remember how much it was tho - and yes I did pay for it.
fantastic picture lyn, would you mind if i printed a copy off to frame and put up in the pub?
hi citytavern...no problems with that...i do have carl chinns permission to post his pics on this forum and he knows folk will take copies...


hi lenchops
yes, i have read the whole article and was fascinated by alot of the pictures, especially of the dining areas and secrateries lounge. The brewery provided me with some of the pictures in your article and they now adorn the pub walls. As to one of your earlier posts the australian bar in hurst street is now called missing and has been for some time
thanks for that lyn, any others pictures? i would be most greatful.
you are welcome..you must forgive me not being a drinking lady:D i take it you run a pub called the city tavern...what sort of pics are you looking for...

yes i do lyn, i run a pub called the city tavern located at fiveways in birmingham. We have recently been reopened as the first of a new estate of davenports houses and am therefore looking for any material in relation to the brewery, bottling plant and the pub estate itself

mark..im sure ive posted one on here of the whole of the davenports yard full of the waggon and horses taken early 1900s but i cant locate it at the min...pretty sure its davenports anyway but cant be certain..:rolleyes: if i cant find it on here i will have to go through all the old carl chinn papers i have to find it again...if you can bare with me i will have a look tomorrow...

mark ive just remembered the pic was of the m and b yard not davenports...i will however do a search for you tomorrow and post anything i think may be of interest to you...

I may be wrong but I think Greenalls first took over Wemk, promised not to close it, closed it then took over Davenports promised not to close it and then did.
I spent mauch time in the burns unit at the ccident Hospital as a lad, and there was always an unusual smell which I thought was cottage pie as that seemed to be all we got. Never touched it all my life then I went round a brewery and smelled the smell again....Malt. Now happily I drink beer and eat Cottage pie.
Didn't they do a very strong lager which I used to buy at Xmas,,,,,,brilliant
that sounds great lyn, i will look forward to seeing what crops up, and many thanks again for the permission to print
just quickly found this one..hope its of use...davenports bath row...



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Hi Lencops,

That link of yours to the Davenport's site is a total revelation. Not only for the technical stuff about how beer is brewed (of massive interest to me, as I quite like beer.....), but also the amenities provided for the staff. The typists' rest room is a revelation - better than my lounge, in fact! Modern company management would have a pink fit if it was ever suggested to them that they provide places like that for their employees. Most companies I visit these days don't even have a halfway-decent reception - just an alcove with a phone and a list of numbers. Davenport's must have been a very, very good place to work.

Big Gee
Lencops,was indeed an interesting site.

Does make you wonder why they ever got taken over? A brewery their size is in the perfect position now that the big boys have gone.
Reminds me of Sheapard Neame here in Faversham Kent.Good local products,and a good selection of interesting pubs.


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Referring Bodies

Mr Baron John Davenport 1868 - 1939
Mr Baron John Davenport was the chairman of Davenport’s Brewery. The brewery, which was founded by his father in 1885, was situated on Bath Row in the centre of Birmingham. Baron was an astute businessman and took a prominent role in the direction of the company. He was described in a newspaper article dated March 1930 as being ‘public spirited and kind hearted’ and ‘an ideal employer’. Baron provided excellent working conditions for staff at the Brewery.
Baron Davenport showed signs of social concern when, we are told, he was disturbed by the sight of children waiting outside public houses while their parents drank inside. Following this he had the idea of ‘Beer at Home’ whereby beer was delivered to customers’ houses, at first by horse and cart, and later by motorised vehicles. Baron hoped that this would encourage people to drink at home rather than in public houses. In 1935 over 175,000 customers were taking regular weekly or fortnightly deliveries from the Brewery. It became famous for this service and indeed the slogan ‘Beer at Home Means Davenports’.
He established the Charity on 16 July 1930 with £100,000 - £80,000 in shares in Davenport’s Brewery and £20,000 in cash. The Brewery was taken over by Greenalls in 1986, with the Charity being a major shareholder. Over the years investment specialists have managed this endowment increasing the fund’s value to almost £30m today. At the moment this is producing an annual income of just over £1m.
In 2005 the Charity celebrated its 75th Anniversary. To mark this occasion special grants from the Charity, amounting to £75,000, were presented by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham. This was posted by Kevkronk on a charities thread, Thanks great post. Len.
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