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Dance halls

I never attended any dance lessons because I was always on the doors, an older step-sister taught me to waltz and that was about it for me. Working on doors all through the 'Brum Beat' era killed any enthuseasm for R&R for me and I ended up appreciating big band music more.
Thanks again Stitcher - Hawleys was another of my regular haunts - but this time it was pure ballroom dancing!
Wonderful memories of the West End Ballroom, remember how us ladies used to congregate under the balcony, over which was the bar (don't remember drinking anything intoxicating though). I went to a fancy dress there once dressed in a grass skirt, my mother made sure it had been fire proofed before my friend and myself wore them!!!! The Locarno never seemed the same, found it a bit clinical after the West End and I met my first husband there (that was a mistake!!!!, I also went to Hawleys, Judy. But good old Enid Goodwins was my favourite and I am still dancing at least once a week. Sequence dancing now, but still like a good old quickstep, breath permitting.
Hello Katie - My thoughts were opposite to yours - The Locarno was always my first choice on a Saturday night, but if it was quiet and we weren't enjoying it, my sister and I would walk up to the West End and see if that was any better. Always found my usual West End dancing partner there, Irving (never knew his surname), and we would have a few dances together nothing more. But then it would be back to the Locarno!!

I also used West End on Sunday night. Locarno whenever I could and I think Enid Goodwins on a Wednesday and can remember learning the quickstep to 'A quarter to three' The quickstep there was not the normal way to quickstep. Also, some of my boy neighbours met their wives at Goodwins
For those who haven't seen this thread, here's the Enid Goodwin link. It's still there and it's still a dance school!!! Viv.

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Yes be great to see some interior views of Enid G's if anyone has any. Meanwhile I've taken a couple of Streetviews. Not much changed. Viv.


Before I joined the Army in 1948 we used to go ballroom dancing two or three
times a week, most of the school held them at weekends, Hartfield Cresent have two
halls with a different band in each.I think the best dance floor by far was the West
End ballroom.We also went to Evening Classes at Yardley Wood Senior school and
Sunday night it was Our Lady of Lourdes, lemonade only. Bernard
Dance Halls

Nice picture of the Locarno, Carolina. I went to the old Enid Goodwins on the main road, the inside was set out in the theme of a ship, and could they teach dancing. I still remember so many things we were taught, I got my first Gold Bar there. I doubt anybody has any pictures of the inside, we didn't take many photos in those days, I only had a Brownie 127 camera, havn't got it now more's the pity, but I do have the box it came it, have always kept photos in it!!!
No doubt this wonderful site will come up with something.

I met my darling wife at this venue, she worked in the cash kiosk and I was a doorman, 41 years ago this October.
zaz.jpegAbout 1949.
Pollypops might like this one, it is another shot of the Palais de Danse on Monument Road.
I never had a dancing lesson in my life.
That will explain why I struggle with The Last Waltz and would never attempt any other dance.
Those were interesting adverts Stitcher. I used to go to both of those dance halls - Hawleys and the Tower. Hawleys was for ballroom dancing and the Tower was for Saturday nights. In fact I still have a Hawleys brooch somewhere.

Though I did like to dance occasionally and I did take dance lessons in my teens I don't think I ever used any of these venues with the exception of the Locarno, but not the night of the photo I hasten to add. If you want to see the names of the venues, just run your mouse over the photo or open it for a better view.


  • Small Heath Billy Pond Dance Studio Green Lane.jpg
    Small Heath Billy Pond Dance Studio Green Lane.jpg
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  • City Locarno Hurst St 1960 Come Dancing.jpg
    City Locarno Hurst St 1960 Come Dancing.jpg
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  • City Market Hotel Station St 1953.jpg
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  • City Mecca Casino Dancehall Billy Walker Band & Jill Embury 1958    (2).jpg
    City Mecca Casino Dancehall Billy Walker Band & Jill Embury 1958 (2).jpg
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  • Hall Green Galleon Dance Club.jpg
    Hall Green Galleon Dance Club.jpg
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I first went to the Locarno in 1961 before it was Mecca and the 'palm trees'. The next time was 1964. Then worked behind the cocktail bar for 2 years in the 80s. I have had some great nights there.
I also had some good times at the Tower Ballroom Judy, and at about the same time as you. Friday night's were good, I think it was the only night that was a ticket dance. Who could forget the West End Ballroom too, what a smashing place that was.
Maggs I wonder if we ever passed each other in the Tower, or for that matter the West End! Guess we might have been too busy dancing though!
Judy, I am sure we must have passed each other, as you say too busy dancing probably. The boys were always propping up the bar, do you remember?
Hi All,

Photo No 1 in Post 93 is Billy Ponds Dance Hall but it started life as St Giles Mission Hall. I attended Sunday School there. It is in Green Lane, Small Heath

Old Boy
I remember mom saying in her day they used to put floor boards over the swimming baths and turn it into a dance floor.
I am sure we all must have passed each other at the West End, Locarno and the Tower Ballroom, I went to the Galleon a few times it was a lovely place very friendly, in fact my husband to be got very angry one night when someone tagged me in the tag quickstep. Oh, happy days!!! Still dancing.
Yes GG they did use the swimming baths as dance venues, I danced to Victor Sylvester at West Bromwich baths and up to quite recently Willenhall baths had a regular Saturday night dance. Not sure whether it is still going.
This photo was taken in 1937 at Saltley Baths George Arthur Rd at what was a regular dance evening when the pool was boarded over.


  • Saltley Baths George Arthur Rd 1937.jpg
    Saltley Baths George Arthur Rd 1937.jpg
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box advert - Copy.jpeg-----box advert.jpeg 1940.
A bit before my time but I did go with Dad a few years later to see the boxing and later still I had two bouts there myself, a few years later and I worked on the door as well.
Trevor, was the Palais de Danse, the one at the top end of Icknield St. The building that became part of Swanbrand (Bulpitts)?