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Cregoe Street

thanks for the photos alan..phil reading the caption on alans photo 2 your pic of the woodman is later than 1961
Freeman & Ward (Heley works) was 2 Cregoe St. The houses to the left would be 3,4,5,6 & 7 Cregoe St. See map below


  • map c 1951 showing Freeman & Ward at no 2 Cregoe st and houses alongside.jpg
    map c 1951 showing Freeman & Ward at no 2 Cregoe st and houses alongside.jpg
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Hi Lynn
just to recap on your reply,regarding phil remarks; about the number 2 Pic
of the woodman you are saying phil said its later than 1961
do not think i am being rude or offencive by my remark does phil wear glasses
because my photo states 1965 so why is he saying its later than 61
when its quite clearly it states 1965;
and may i add to say my photos are taken from a file of keith turners complieation of pubs
with the actual dates included of the pictures being taken,
if you look at the pictures again you will see the date of 1965 with it not 1961 as he as claimed
best wishes as always Alan ,,Astonian,,
thanks for the photos alan..phil reading the caption on alans photo 2 your pic of the woodman is later than 1961


I've learnt over the years never to trust any dates given with any photo unless I know them to be true. The information I have with the photo I posted was that it was taken in June 1960 and it closed on November 29th that year. As I said it's only the info with the photo, but the Woodman doesn't appear in Kelly's after 1962 which would be the data from 1961, and also looking at Alan's photo I'd guess it was taken more likely in 1955 than 1965.
yes phil
it stated 1965 as it stated by the person named keith turner imagies of england
birmingham pubs
Yes Alan I also have Keith Turners book, but I will give you a little tip never believe all you read in books because sometimes they get it wrong even the best of them.

Lee Bank Cregoe St Woodman  .jpg

I've learnt over the years never to trust any dates given with any photo unless I know them to be true. The information I have with the photo I posted was that it was taken in June 1960 and it closed on November 29th that year. As I said it's only the info with the photo, but the Woodman doesn't appear in Kelly's after 1962 which would be the data from 1961, and also looking at Alan's photo I'd guess it was taken more likely in 1955 than 1965.

agreed phil...would not be the first photo with conflicting dates on...
The online electoral roll lists 24 Cregoe St in 1962 (Edward & Edith Rowland), but does not list it in 1965
A few more images, which I think may not yet have been seen on the forum, all dating from around 1960-61. Another one showing the top end of Cregoe St at the junction of Bath Row. One showing the derelict Bradshaws store at the Latimer St junction. The other one shows part of the east side of Cregoe St.


  • Lee Bank Cregoe St Aug 61 (4).JPG
    Lee Bank Cregoe St Aug 61 (4).JPG
    110.8 KB · Views: 81
  • Lee Bank Cregoe St - Bath Row  (2).JPG
    Lee Bank Cregoe St - Bath Row (2).JPG
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  • Lee Bank Cregoe St - Latimer St  1960  (3).JPG
    Lee Bank Cregoe St - Latimer St 1960 (3).JPG
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Aaah, the doctors surgery side door next to the brassfounders - went through that door a few times in my youth - Drs Colston & Lawcett, I recall.
Aaah, the doctors surgery side door next to the brassfounders - went through that door a few times in my youth - Drs Colston & Lawcett, I recall.
How sure are you of the Doctors name, I went to that Drs in the 1940's, and always thought the Doctors surname was "Loscett". The spelling I'm not sure of as I was very young but I seem to recall on the door plate it started "Lo", also, on the photo, I see the bus stop where I got off the no 19 city circle bus, J
The Dr on the corner of Cregoe Street and Bath Row was listed as Dr Lorcett in the 1940 Kelly's. The medical list names him as Peter Li Brias Lorcett. The Bath Row Practice site spells his name as Lawcett.
An ancestor, William Wassall, lived in Cregoe Street.
In 1841 he was at Dingley's buildings, in 1849 in court 53, and in 1851 in Moreton's buildings.
Does anyone know where Dingley' and Moreton's buildings were in Cregoe Street?
Sorry, should have done some Googling before posting. It looks like Moreton's buildings were at No. 9 Cregoe Street (London Gazette 1863)
I was born in cregoe street in 1941 No 5/108 this means number 5 back of number 108 a courtyard.
I can’t see any of the photos mentioned, am I doing something wrong?
I have been looking into my Nans past, and have just found out she was living at 3 Back, 49 Cregoe Place, Cregoe Street, Birmingham in 1915, when her father was called up to the Worcester Regiment. I know very very little about housing at this time, but going by what else I have found out, I am assuming this was a going to be poor housing.Tenement? Can anyone enlighten me or show me where to look. The internet is great, but you still have to have a rough idea where to look sometimes. Are there any photo archives in Brum anywhere?The family name was Welch.Thanks, Lisa. Black-Country-through-and-through - just happen to live 300 miles away now!
Hi lisa my name is jayne breese Joseph welch was my nans uncle her mom was hannah welch she was his sister I would love to hear from you kind regards jayne x
Hi lisa my name is jayne breese Joseph welch was my nans uncle her mom was hannah welch she was his sister I would love to hear from you kind regards jayne x
This is an extract of an 1889 map of Cregoe Street, you will see the numbers are consecutive the odd ones on the left hand side. They are not all numbered but you should be able to work out number 49.


  • Cregoe Street.jpg
    Cregoe Street.jpg
    242.7 KB · Views: 24
Hi, my great grandparents ran a small shop out of their converted front room at 76 Cregoe Street, a sort of a grocers come sweet shop. He was William Robinson, she was Georgina.

Over the years William lived in Latimer Street, Ryland Road and Cregoe Street. I have attached three photos of what appears to be several 'boys day out'. I am pretty sure by the ages of my grand father and great grandfather I have them in the correct order timewise.

If you look carefully you will see a lot of the people appear in all the photos. This would indicate it's maybe a pub trip or some kind of club. I just wondered if anyone recognises a family member on any of the photos or where the trip may have originated?

In the first one my grandfather is sitting on the ground third from the right with the white hat on. He was born in December 1899, so I would guess he is about 14/15 on this photo which puts it about 1915.His father is directly behind him. The next one he is sitting in the charabanc behind the flowers maybe 16/17. In the final one he is again sitting on the floor third from the right maybe 20'ish.



  • Boys Day Out .jpg
    Boys Day Out .jpg
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  • Boys Day Out 2.jpg
    Boys Day Out 2.jpg
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  • Boys Day Out 3.jpg
    Boys Day Out 3.jpg
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Hiya We have recently moved into a bungalow in cregoe street. I was wondering if anyone knows the year they were built
Just looked on some old maps and judging by the style as well (I did a google Street walk) I would say late 1960s. Just my opinion though.
Does anyone know what building where here before the bungalows on cregoe street. If anyone as got any photos or map of the top end of cregoe street I would love to see them.
Below is a map c1950 with the approximate area I think was covered by the bungalows marked out in red

map c1950 showing Cregoe st with apprx. area later occupied by bungalows marked.jpg
Thank you mikejee. We have worked out our bungalow is situated between 122 cregoe street and 44 Irving street. So we think it’s built on the site of Bradshaws. You may laugh but we wanted to know what was here beforehand because although we live in a bungalow we hear what sounds like people going up and down stairs. Our bungalow is marked with the red dot.89DFF1FD-E1BF-4B12-AC69-4ACB610CD2C9.jpeg
A "bungalow" in Cregoe Street brought a rural smile to my face, having been born in 1949 in a back-to-back house in Irving Street (just above the G on the map above). I had Bradshaw's stored in my memory as a small corner shop - I had forgotten quite how far it stretched round into Irving Street. The ghosts of Bradshaw's? - don't worry, they'll be a friendly lot!
mike could you go back to your map post 106 please and mark out court 9 house no 5 please i cant seem to make it out thanks mike

rich that is very spooky:eek:

Sorry Lyn. the map did not show the lower part of Cregoe st , south of Gt Colmore St. Here is map of that part showing court 9 where the red marker is nd no 5 in blue

map c195- showing lower part of Cregoe st and no 5 court 9.jpg
thanks for the map mike...my gt grandparents both died in house 5 in 1908 one day apart aged 34 an 27 leaving 3 orphaned daughters the youngest my nan was just 8 months old...luckily everything turned out ok for them all and they did not end up in the workhouse

I have been looking into my Nans past, and have just found out she was living at 3 Back, 49 Cregoe Place, Cregoe Street, Birmingham in 1915, when her father was called up to the Worcester Regiment. I know very very little about housing at this time, but going by what else I have found out, I am assuming this was a going to be poor housing.Tenement? Can anyone enlighten me or show me where to look. The internet is great, but you still have to have a rough idea where to look sometimes. Are there any photo archives in Brum anywhere?The family name was Welch.Thanks, Lisa. Black-Country-through-and-through - just happen to live 300 miles away now!