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Crabtree Road, Brookfields.


master brummie
I was wondering if it is possible to pinpoint No 28 Crabtree Road on the Hockley map, and also if possible, 12 Harvey Place (which was on Crabtree Road).

Harvey place is marked in red on the1889 map, and no 28 in blue. The road going diagonally down from Crabtree road Prescott road

Thank you Mike, this is quite a help. I cannot fathom out the way the numbering would be in Harvey Place - If they were numbered consecutively, there is no No 12, yet my gt grandmother died at No 12. I am therefore assuming they were either odds or evens. I thought 28 Crabtree would be further up, but I am pleased to know now just where it was.

Many thanks

The next terrace up, Western Terrace was (I am almost sure) renovated and is still standing to this day.
You may well be right. I do know the road, however, I did think it was the terraces in Brookfield Road that were still standing, plus the one row on Western Road. My 2 x gt grandfather lived at 28 Crabtree Road and I am trying to see the relationship between where he and his children lived and his workplace (he wa a foreman at the Hockley Goods Yard). Trying to put myself back into the 1800's would be a better way to put it.

Mike, I had not thought of looking on street view at all, but I did think that the houses were those on Brookfield Road, not Western Terrace. I have to say that although I have been many times along that road taking mother in law to the hospital, I have not ever seen the car park or the fencing. I am wondering now what I have seen! When I get a minute there is a lot to check out, but at least I know whereabouts my family lived in terms of distance from the goods yard and All Saints Church.

Excellent stuff, thanks.

The wife use to live at 20 Crabtree Rd, but she's not about at the moment so I can't ask her anything. I will though when she gets back.

hi shortie
as you have been told now tat they changed the house up crab tree rd and put what i call new style house
and you said number 28 nmy life time friend dave lives at number 35 so it would have only aouple of house away where your house was standing
and my old friend graham friby whom lived in those hose he is now dead and as been for some years lived more or opersiteto where you was living facing your house
do you remember the paper sholp on the corner and the wyatts lived there and ne of them married a hagan
best wishes astonion
Hi Astonian

I never knew Crabtree Road until about ten years ago - it was my gt gt grandfatehr that lived at No 28, so a bit before my time. I do know, however, a lady whom I believe may have lived at No 1. It was on the side of the church, not the other side. she is in her 80's now, her name is Gladys, but I do not know her maiden name. She married at All Saints and lived there for a number of years with her husband, I think, until she came to Tamworth.


I would have loved to have known it when the houses were all the original ones.
Blimey,sorry Shortie, I forgot all about this thread. I did ask the wife but she said she was quite young when she lived there and they did'nt live there that long,so she can't help cos she cannot remember that much. Sorry about that.

hi shortie
the very first house as you turned into crab tre rd was an old girl friend of mine her name was carol
and by golly she was a stunning looker she had on brothjjer who was a pane in the butt
best wishes astonion
Hi Terry

No problem, there's no hurry at all!

Astonian, I will try and speak to this lady and ask what her name was and who else she knows. She is about 84 now and lives in sheltered accommodation.

Hello Astonian

The name of the lady I know was Edith Gladys Morris. She married a man called Comiskey in 1955. Does this name ring a bell? I think she said her house was quite a big one compared with the rest, however, it's a long time since we discussed it. I was quite sure she said her house was No 1, but it could have been 'the first one', if you see what I mean.

Best wishes
That's interesting Mike, so it is the other end. I had been lead to believe it was at All Saints' end. Perhaps I misunderstood what she said. Maybe I just imgined it? !! LOL Probably my age (yet again). Until I looked on Ancestry last night, I had no idea her name was Edith, she has always been known as Gladys. Lovely lady.

Edith was with a Frances Morris.There was a Gladys at 1 back 57 with a Fred Morris. So that complicates it a bit
I think Edith with Frances is probably the one, her middle name was G, so I am assuming that the G stood for Gladys. I don't often see hoer, but when I do I shall enquire. After her marriage in 1955 she stayed at Crabtree Road until March 1972, when she moved to Tamworth, she lived in the house almost at the back of us. Presumably her mother had died by then. I now feel like I have been trespassing!
Hi Astonian
Our paths cross again. Stars (Eric) here. My nan lived in crabtree road in the late 50s. I can't remember what number but i know it was a back house. Her name was Doris Toal and her husband Tom. Her yougest child Dug was living there also. I can't find her on the electoral roll, only in New John Street West in 1955, so it was after that. Tom was her second husband, her first was George Greatrex. I remember the house was the last one up the yard. I would love to find out her address but the electoral only goes to 1955 on line.

all the best Stars (Eric)
How can i find out what ward crabtree road was in so when i go to the library i can look up details of the above.

many thanks Stars
I know that threads on this are from some time ago but have only just come across this. My family lived at 9 back of 75 Crabtree Road-- Western Terrace. My sister used to work in the Heinz Factory which backed onto the canal. Surname was Stilges
Hi ERIC I have oonly just picked up on this requesting of to be or not to be it all depends on what half of crabtree roadbecause it was on the borderline i think i was only studying this plot of the changing of the streets and council changing the borders of all saints and brookfield the top half was brookfields and if i have got it correctly from the top of my headwith my knowledge of the area it could have been alsaints so please bear with me i will having my tea shortlyand i will get the records out Astonian;;;;
Hi Eric its my conclusion is that what i see before me on my record is a 1954 out layed map for the 13 parlimentry Disvisions as reconstituted in 1954,by the boundary commision for electoral purpuposes


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Eric; your house number would be in crabtree road but the heize factory as you say backs up onto the cannal bitand going by todays postion of all saints road as itis today there is an opening at the beginging end of crabtree road and all saints which i think if you look at the picture which was shown the othere day regarding these roads the big buildings one thought it may have been the school but i would not be surprized if was the FACTORY WITHIN THE MAP SECTION OF THAT SECTION ITS SOHO AND ALL SAINTS SOHO COVERS PARTS OF HANDSWORTH SO THAT AIT THAT ONE OK ITS ALL SAINTS