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Covid vaccination process

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OK, here we go with vaccination Greek style using the Pfizer jab.

We had appointments for 2:30pm and 2:45pm today at Neapoli Hospital, our cottage hospital about 7 minutes drive away. We were told to get there at least 15 minutes beforehand and arrived at 2:02pm. At the main hospital door we had our details and temperatures checked and then allowed to proceed about 5 yards to the main reception desk where we were booked into the computer system and given an additional sheet of paper authorising the procedure and then followed a black taped line on the floor to what was once No.1 outpatients surgery, now bearing the official government vaccination centre poster on the door, and told to sit down on chairs spaced out. Sitting in one was a Brit friend who was having her blood pressure taken.

A couple of minutes later she went into the surgery for her jab and a nurse came and asked us what medication we were one. My other half Jan is very organised and we each carry of copy of our medicines. A few more minutes wait and Jan was called into the surgery, and about two minutes before my appointment time I was called in and there was Jan with a stent in her arm, but having already had the jab. As she is diabetic and on low dose aspirin they were taking no chances! On hand were a doctor and two nurses. I've been in this hospital so many times that it was like greeting old friends because I know most of them. :)

So next followed another temperature check, a blood pressure check, and an oxygen level check, and finally the jab in the top of my arm. Painless and all over in five seconds. Then I was told to sit outside for 15 minutes and was shortly joined by Jan. After the 15 minutes was up, our blood pressures were taken again, but the doctor had wandered off somewhere and the nurse could not release us or remove Jan's stent until authorised by the doctor. A few minutes later she returned, OKed our release and Jan's stent was removed. We were back home 15 minutes later, we checked our emails and there were the first reminders for second jab on 22nd March already!

It was a very straightforward and friendly experience. So far no after effects. But not busy at all. A nurse left her copy of the appointments for the day on an adjacent chair and they were only vaccinating 41 people between 11:30am and 4:00pm today. Currently Greece is doing the over 75s so it will be a long time before all of the population are done, and Greece was one of the first to acquire supplies of the vaccine in the EU. We were notified when they had installed the fridges before it even arrived!

Maurice :cool:
Hubby, and I had then jab Friday the 5th of February down Villa Park exceptional well organised. We are both at different GP’s surgeries long story , but we wanted to have the jab at the same time.
We also when we booked online had the second dose date given in April.
Before COVID put a end to football attendance my husband was a AV
season ticket holder.
He of course wore his AV shirt when we went down, well one of them.
First time he breathed the air around Villa Park for over a year, and they are winning this season.
You all keep safe regards Diane
I was speaking to my sister who lives in South Germany, she and my brother in law are 65 and have not heard anything about vaccines yet. She said they are still doing the over 80's.
Hi A Sparks, we are in Australia and they started vaccinating here on 22nd feb, there has only been 81,000 people vaccinated up to now which seems a little slow... I hope they start to ramp up the vaccinating so we all will all get our covid vaccinations by Winter when covid seems worse.
It is really good to read you are all having your vac's and in a timely and methodical way and mostly feeling well after.

My son and his wife have had both their jabs, son went to work on Tuesday and had to have his lateral flow test , it was positive, went for the 'proper' test the result came yesterday, positive. He and anyone in the household (his wife) have to isolate for 10 days.
They both feel fine and apparently it is unlikely they will have any symptoms.
Had no noticeable reaction to my first jab, but second one yesterday gave a very sore arm and a not-very-good night's sleep as I tend to toss and turn a bit and it was painful lying on my left arm
Hope that gets better quickly!
I haven't had my second yet but I had heard some people had had a reaction with that one but none with the first.
On the day after my second jab, I had aches in most of my joints, although no pain at the site of the injection. After my first jab in December I had similar but milder joint aches and did not think much about it at the time.

Yesterday all the aches had gone away and I now feel fine ... :)
Took husband for his jab. Drive thru was empty ! Only one car ahead of us. In and out in about 10 minutes. Either our area has caught up, has weird demographics or it was a blip in the stream of people. Pleasantly strange ! Viv.
Viv, so nice to win at least once in a while :)
I was lucky to get my second one in then. I di wonder whether they might try that trick
I was lucky to get my second one in then. I di wonder whether they might try that trick
I don't think that would have been the same situation in the UK, Mike. You got off to a great start with vaccine roll out, we are about 3 months behind you because of procurement issues, and....as it turns out, distribution issues.
Dave A
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