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Covid vaccination process

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Today at Epsom, having the Astra Zeneca vaccine, there was a 15 minute wait at the end but only if you were driving. Otherwise you could leave the building straight away. Good luck for tomorrow Lyn.
had my oxford jab at 8.35 next to the police station rough road...very well organised..marshalls steering us around until we got into the building where the jabs were being done...a few questions asked..no need to sit 15 mins...in and out within 5 mins or so...may get a side effect tomorrow but if i dont then thats a bonus..anyhow its a no brainer for me...

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I am over 80 but still waiting for my first jab, I was offered Millenium Point, but there was too much walking for me so I refused. I had to ring my doctor on another matter over 2 weeks ago and the receptionist confirmed they were doing the jabs, but I'm still waiting.

Gosh Sylvia , I would have thought you would have had it before me , I'm staggered .
I am over 80 but still waiting for my first jab, I was offered Millenium Point, but there was too much walking for me so I refused. I had to ring my doctor on another matter over 2 weeks ago and the receptionist confirmed they were doing the jabs, but I'm still waiting.
Perhaps worth phoning your surgery again and asking them for some indication as to when your vaccination might take place.
i think thats a good idea dave...because sylivia had to turn down the the first location she was given how does she s know that she is not down as having had it.....mistakes can happen especially with a massive programme such as this is....worth a call i think

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70 now, so was waiting for a letter from my doctor giving me an appointment date for the Covid jab. I did receive a letter yesterday, but it was from the NHS telling me I was eligible for the jab and should log onto a website whose URL was given. I did that and after lots of clicking was given an appointment for next Monday at a site a few miles out of town. I was able to book the booster jab for 12 weeks later, but no offer of a shorter gap. There was a wide choice of centres, dates and times on offer, but I went for the earliest date available and an easy-going late morning time. I gather I could have waited for a letter from my doctor but decided to get it over with as I'm familiar with what's now being used as a vaccination centre in that it's a site for occasional antiques fairs, which I enjoy visiting.
good news ray yes get it done asap...must admit i did feel a sense of relief after i had the jab yesterday but as we all know now is not the time to relax the rules...i will still be doing the 2 mins hand wash..gel on hands and wear a face mask for some time to come yet...all the best

My wife had her first jab yesterday, so far uneventful. As she said we are half way home (1 each). My second is on the 16 hers the 27!
We are continuing Dr lyns directions, mask, hand washing, distancing and lots of hand sanitizer! We have come this far and MUST beat it. We stay away from anyone who does not follow those rules!
70 now, so was waiting for a letter from my doctor giving me an appointment date for the Covid jab. I did receive a letter yesterday, but it was from the NHS telling me I was eligible for the jab and should log onto a website whose URL was given. I did that and after lots of clicking was given an appointment for next Monday at a site a few miles out of town. I was able to book the booster jab for 12 weeks later, but no offer of a shorter gap. There was a wide choice of centres, dates and times on offer, but I went for the earliest date available and an easy-going late morning time. I gather I could have waited for a letter from my doctor but decided to get it over with as I'm familiar with what's now being used as a vaccination centre in that it's a site for occasional antiques fairs, which I enjoy visiting.

Ray T If it's any consolation my wife had her letter before me , she asked if I had hidden my letter I said no . Ten minutes later the phone rang the surgery on the line , my wife two years younger than me . I was booked in for the jab within 48 hrs . I asked if the wife could have the vaccine at the same time , she was booked for a minute after me as she reaches 70 in March .

I'm still twiddling my thumbs & the lockdow is even tighter, not surpringly, but I'll message you with the details. Adding to that, our beautiful Spring weather, really warm and dry for this time of the year, is right now looking rather gloomy. We read real crazy forecasts of 1947-style snowstorms in the UK, but none of them seem to materialise. I guess the supercomputers are bored too, and the journalists with nothing to write about are spinning coins and inventing stories.

Maurice :cool:
I had a phone call late on Thursday from our doctors to ask if my wife and I was free for the jab. I asked when, tomorrow 4.34 pm was the reply. A short drive to Craven Arms, in and out in 45mins then home, excellent service and well organised. We had the Pfizer.
When I had mine at Walsall Wood leisure centre I was given the Pfizer, [reminds when doing national service and put on a Fizzer],. My wife had hers on Saturday and given the Oxford. I sat in the car and surprised when she was back in 15 mins. I have next one 20th March and she has appointment for 18th April. Both of us said how well organised they are and neither of us had adverse reaction.

I'm still twiddling my thumbs & the lockdow is even tighter, not surpringly, but I'll message you with the details. Adding to that, our beautiful Spring weather, really warm and dry for this time of the year, is right now looking rather gloomy. We read real crazy forecasts of 1947-style snowstorms in the UK, but none of them seem to materialise. I guess the supercomputers are bored too, and the journalists with nothing to write about are spinning coins and inventing stories.

Maurice :cool:
Maurice, I agree it alway amazes me how the weather person can be wrong at least 50% of the time and still keep their job :cool:
just heard on tv that the government is asking all those over 70 to book an appointment asap if you have not received your covid jab

I have just been for my AZ jab at the theatre in Hertford. Really efficient. Marshalls to greet and show you where to sit and wait and then direct you to the next area. There were 6 inoculation stations. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly whilst maintaining professionalism. The jab did not hurt and the whole process took about 10 minutes from arrival to departure.
I was concerned about the snow this morning but it had thawed and cleared some by this afternoon, so all was well for my unusual trip to the theatre. Not the style of performance I am used to seeing, but at least it got me out!
My friend who is working at the Aston villa covid center has told me that alot of nurses and payed helpers had to be sent home early and some have had their shifts cancelled due to the fact that a lot of people are not turning up even though they have appointments and the vaccine that they use has to be thrown away if once it has been taken out of the main storage cus when the people dont turn up the vaccine that was took out for them that day cannot be used again.
I had my first Pfizer jab on 22nd Dec with the second due 12th Jan. On the 8th Jan I had a late afternoon call asking whether I could get to the Vaccination Centre within 20 minutes. I could get there but they suddenly changed and said no it was not necessary. I wasn't too bothered because my second jab was only days away but then it was changed to 16th of March.

I've had Pfizer floating around inside me for 7 weeks now and hope it's doing what they say it will do ... :)
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A little trivia.............most liquor stores (wines & spirts) in the US sell hand sanitizer because it a bye product of distilling. Where we live in TN and close to the Kentucky boarder the are LOTS of distillers and the sanitizer is quite inexpensive!
We have bought hand Sanitiser from the Shakespeare gin distillery. In Stratford upon Avon. It is sold in some of the local shops. We went on a tour of the small distillery last year and were shown how the alcohol was used so that nothing was wasted in the process.
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