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Commonwealth Games, Birmingham 2022

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master brummie
Four years to go it seems, but there will be many things happening in the Midlands during that time preparing for it. It is Birmingham's chance to make itself even better known to the rest of the country and world. Few places have changed so much in the last couple of decades and those attending the games will, I am sure, get an eye opener.
Hopefully this thread can record the developments that are and will be taking place to put on this great world class event.
We already have thread detailing the new tram system, Centenary Square and the recently named East side, so 2022 will, hopefully, be another recorded high point on the city's history.
I do believe there will be some re development going on at Alexandra stadium which i think should be quite interesting, as at the moment it holds around 12,500 and is going to be increased to 50,000 for the games and 25,000 permanently, i am going saturday to the Diamond league i will get some photos of before and also the inbetween also after.
Thanks for your post Pedro. This is the kind of post I hoped would be being made - after all what is done in preparation for the Games will, after time, be part of the city's history.
Demolition has started at the Perry Barr Campus of Birmingham City University (BCU). Formerly the University of Central England (UCE). For the athletes village / apartments / flats.

2012 photos but buildings like this are going.

thanks ell ive been watching the demo for some time now..just hope that the whole area around there is tarted up as it really is a disgrace to bring about 6500 world class athletes plus all the spectators to this area as it is at the moment...i will take some various photos next week to highlight this...there was talk of the wellhead lane bus depot being demolished as well but this could just be rumours


I went past yesterday it looks like the old university hasnt been used for a while, also it had a boarded perimeter, i cant see them throwing out the planning permission after all they are the council
I used to work there, typing maths exam papers on a golf ball electric typewriter onto Gestetner originals. You had to change the ball when you needed a symbol (I'd have said hierogliphic but I I can't spell it....)
uni closed just over a year ago i think and more recently the wellhead tavern in franchise st which is very sad...i guess this was due to students evacuating the uni as it was very popular with them...hopefully it will re open one day

thanks MWS i would imagine that the planning application is a mere formality in this case

thanks ell ive been watching the demo for some time now..just hope that the whole area around there is tarted up as it really is a disgrace to bring about 6500 world class athletes plus all the spectators to this area as it is at the moment...I will take some various photos next week to highlight this...there was talk of the wellhead lane bus depot being demolished as well but this could just be rumours



The Perry Barr Stadium could do with doing up. Thought a sign was missing the last time I went past it a few weeks ago. Been in North Wales again, so just saw your reply now.
this does not surprise me as it really is a mess....just heard that there are plans to demolish the perry barr flyover which will cause 2 years of travel chaos.. of course its all to do with sprucing things up on the main drag to the proposed athletes village..there is also chaos with road works from the bartons arms right up to past the 6 ways island think we have now lost at least 3 bus stops from the swimming baths at newtown heading towards one stop..

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We have famous cycle races from time to time in parts of Devon; that forces large areas with road closures. Most people accept it, and go and watch the race, those that are upset stay indoors .
Sadly, like all these huge events, it will lose money, so in addition to the residents being inconvenienced, they will end up contributing to that loss, and in a matter of weeks afterwards, the whole event will be forgotten.

now to most of you that know me and my feelings about change this may surprise you..from newtown through to one stop is a disgrace...the fly tipping and just general rubbish outside the shops awful sometimes you cant even walk past the shops as so many black sacks are dumped on the pavements..most of them over spilling with old food waste...the subways swilling with urine...shopping trollys...rubbish and graffiti and remnants of drug taking which i have no choice but to walk through to get to the other side of birchfield road...beggars outside the train station and another lady with one leg constantly standing in the middle of traffic stopping the cars with a window washer ...during peak hours the congestion from the city centre is terrible...so i do welcome this change because unless you live in that area or near to it you cant possibly know how bad it is.. and when its all over one can only hope that the residents and shopkeepers shape up and take pride in the area as they did many years back..my question is would all this be happening if it did not fall off the back of HS2 and the short lived commonwealth games??..i think not...all told this is going to cost billions of pounds so i just hope its money well spent and of course borrowed..

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alan here is info on the new sprint bus lanes...and apart from demolishing the perry barr fly over it is proposed to fill in the underpass and the subways....

Thank you Lyn for this clarification. Pardon my ignorance, but I thought it was a road race which was part of the 2022 Games. :oops:
I just read your later post #21.
How sad to read that some areas of Britain's second city seems to have deteriorated to achieve such squalor. I remember, when the city was recovering from WW2, that some parts of the city were grimy, run down and had some quite poor folks living in those areas. However bad it was then at least those who lived there did manage to maintain decent standards of life within their abilities. (Many of the photos here on BHF will testify to that). There were exceptions by some people - they exist in the most prettiest of English villages as well - but the Brummies of those days did have pride in themselves and their city from what I remember.
This degeneration exists to a lesser degree in many places - even genteel Torquay is not exempt! Parts of some towns
would not look out of place where a major disaster has occurred.
well said alan and truth be told i also thought sprint was to do with a road race track until i looked it up:rolleyes:

as if the city is not in enough debt pedro and all for 11 days of soon to be forgotten vanity and glory..

Has any Government figure ever been the right figure for any project.Just take the HS2 for instance and they haven't really started on it .And now it's over budget.Have they started on the Stadium at Perry Barr ,how much is that alone going to cost.And how often will it be used afterwards.And as I've said many times where are the visitors going to sleep are the cars going to park.Its a good walk from the Station to the stadium .Think the people in charge hope everyone will come by train.
Pedrocut.It seems that more land is being used for the games of 2020.This should be for houses to be built on not for a one off thing that people will be paying for for the forceable future
i like to watch most sports and i have always been a competative person BUT 778 million pounds for an 11 day wonder?...i just hope that after the games the people of birmingham are told just how much the city has benefited from the games...that is of course if we do...i also suspect that like most projects this one will run over budget...

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