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Coleshill Street 1930's


Brummie babby
Can anyone give me information about Coleshill street in the 30's and 40's? I was living over Rogers, Pork Butchers in the mid 40's. It was in my mothers family about the 1900 onwards. It was No 67. She was engaged to 'Ted' before my Dad, and I think he may have been Harold Edward Farr, I can trace his family, I think to 69. Think he was the founder of Smith and Farr (?) deli and butcher and I think may have gone to Canada. My reason for asking is, I have been given a very different story of the past from the one that has now been given to me. And it may be important to know the truth.
All these buildings are now somewhere under the Birmingham University!
Would be so grateful of any help
Hi Valandtom

As you probably know Coleshill Street ran from Duke Street to Dale End (see attached map) The two photos show the section of the street that is of interest to you. I'm afraid that I cannot be of any help with the numbering of the properties other than to say the shops that interest you were between Duke St & Gem St. In 1937 numbers 68 & 69 were listed as Ernest Samuel Bradshaw draper.


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My 1st job was on Coleshill St. Warner Advertising in 1956. Not sure what the number was, but it was close to Dale End.

Dave A
Number 67 seems to be between Duke Street and Gem Street, according to 1940 Kelly's directory.
coleshill street.jpg
You may know this but there is a Harold Farr born 1st July 1909 who is on the sailing list of the Saxonia bound for Montreal in 1956. His address is given as 779 Warwick Road and his occupation is butcher. He is travelling alone.

There is also a burial in Ontario (at Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough) of a Harold Farr born 1909 and died 1988. I have no way of knowing if it is the right one.
Farr grave.jpg

The c 1950 map below shows the exact position of no 67

I have also found a family tree which suggests he had a daughter born in 1942 in Birmingham who may still be alive. He seems to have married Constance in 1939.
In 1950 they lived at 57 Trinity Road Handsworth.

Hope this helps
Thank you so much, Janice. There are so many skeletons in the cupboard, I am trying to get the truth! The business at 67 was Rogers, Pork Butchers in the 20's and 30's Your reply certainly helps, Val
I have also found a family tree which suggests he had a daughter born in 1942 in Birmingham who may still be alive. He seems to have married Constance in 1939.
In 1950 they lived at 57 Trinity Road Handsworth.

Hope this helps
Glad to help.

It seems Constance went to Montreal leaving on 14 November 1956 on the Ivernia and with her were 4 children. Harold went on 18th October.

Farr sailing.jpg
You have been so helpful. Thank you so much. If it is the same person, he was engaged to my mother in the 30's and was known as Ted. There are photo's of him in the album, and according to the news paper, had a driving offence in the 50's - drunk at the wheel! And promised not to drive for 50 years! So he and the family must hàve gone to Canada, I was always told the engagement was broken due to a tax fiddle, and a quick trip to Argentina, think I may have been told a fib! My brother knew the truth, I think, but he isñt about any more. Thank you so much, once more, you are laying the ghosts! Val
Thank you so much for the map. 67 is exactly where I remember it. I used to watch the children playing in Market Street from my bedroom window opposite.
I am Harold "Ted" Farr's granddaughter. My name is Tracy Farr-Sullivan. My dad was the third son of Ted and Constance. My granddad passed away in September of 1988 and my nan in January of 2003. I would love to talk to you and try to answer any questions you may have. I would love to hear about your mum. My dad passed in 2013 but his two older siblings are alive and both live in Canada. It is fun the promise my Granddad made about driving, that was broken when he came to Canada. I always heard the story that he was the first person to permanently have his license taken away. I look forward to hearing from you.
You may know this but there is a Harold Farr born 1st July 1909 who is on the sailing list of the Saxonia bound for Montreal in 1956. His address is given as 779 Warwick Road and his occupation is butcher. He is travelling alone.

There is also a burial in Ontario (at Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough) of a Harold Farr born 1909 and died 1988. I have no way of knowing if it is the right one.
View attachment 99550

Did you find any other information on the Farr's? You have found information better than I have. I am Harold "Ted" Farr's granddaughter.
Thank you so much for the map. 67 is exactly where I remember it. I used to watch the children playing in Market Street from my bedroom window opposite.
Hi Val, I replied to your post. My granddad was Harold "Ted" Farr. Anything you want to know I will try to answer. Regards, Tracy Farr-Sullivan
You may know this but there is a Harold Farr born 1st July 1909 who is on the sailing list of the Saxonia bound for Montreal in 1956. His address is given as 779 Warwick Road and his occupation is butcher. He is travelling alone.

There is also a burial in Ontario (at Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough) of a Harold Farr born 1909 and died 1988. I have no way of knowing if it is the right one.
View attachment 99550

It is the correct one. They are the same person.
Tracy Farr-Sullivan
You have been so helpful. Thank you so much. If it is the same person, he was engaged to my mother in the 30's and was known as Ted. There are photo's of him in the album, and according to the news paper, had a driving offence in the 50's - drunk at the wheel! And promised not to drive for 50 years! So he and the family must hàve gone to Canada, I was always told the engagement was broken due to a tax fiddle, and a quick trip to Argentina, think I may have been told a fib! My brother knew the truth, I think, but he isñt about any more. Thank you so much, once more, you are laying the ghosts! Val
You have been so helpful. Thank you so much. If it is the same person, he was engaged to my mother in the 30's and was known as Ted. There are photo's of him in the album, and according to the news paper, had a driving offence in the 50's - drunk at the wheel! And promised not to drive for 50 years! So he and the family must hàve gone to Canada, I was always told the engagement was broken due to a tax fiddle, and a quick trip to Argentina, think I may have been told a fib! My brother knew the truth, I think, but he isñt about any more. Thank you so much, once more, you are laying the ghosts! Val

I would love to see the photos you have. I don't have photo of my Granddad as a younger man.

Thank you,

Tracy Farr-Sullivan