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master brummie
Pem. Coleman married John (Jack Sheldon) and they bought a house on the then new Sladepool Road in Maypole.

Pem had a father and a brother who were on the Music Halls. Her father also wrote songs and sketches for other performers and was known as a parody man. When not on the halls he worked at some time as a 'china faker' repairing ceramics.

Pem had a brother Harry, possibly same brother as above. Her Father's initial is thought to be F.

Any contact or information would be appreciated. Thanks

My husband has a friend by the name of Bobby Coleman. He lives by the Queslet pub. Maybe they are related to your Coleman's. Bye. Jean.:D :D :D
Hello Alf: Coleman dates

You are right dates would help.

John (Jack) Sheldon was born in 1907 so I suspect Pem Coleman would be around the same age, birth 1907 plus or minus 5 years. I think the houses in Sladepool Road were built from about 1931 on and were economical semi's. Jack Sheldon was disabled and Pem developed early Altzimers.

A guess for her fathers birth would be before 1890.

I need the marriage cert for John and Pem but am having some problems getting it. Trawling for Colemans in Birmingham gives a couple of prospects for Pem but not with the right parents. (Loads of Colemans, far more than I expected)

I rather hoped that there might be someone out there into Music Hall, Coleman family trees. or had a 'Sladepool Road history'.
I suspect that Pem is a family name for Emily as i have found marriage
of John W Sheldon to Emily Coleman April quarter 1934 Birmingham
ref. 6d 686
Thanks Alberta

Thanks Alberta. You have found the right people.

John was the eldest in a family of 7 and started work as a joiner for his father. He developed muscular dystophy and fell out with his father.
He was working for Webley (Webley and Scott) when he married and continued there until he found the work too physically difficult, he then moved to the post office. Emily (Pem) worked for Kunzle Cakes.

Its the Colemans I know less about. I have tried for the marriage cert with the right year, names and place. Now I will try with the reference and hope they can turn it up. I need it for Pems date of birth and more about her parents.

Once again thanks
Now your smoking Robert dates Rate:D

Don't take long for the good folk here:)
Hi Robert

Just had a look through the births and feel these are the two most likely --

Emily Coleman 1st qtr 1906 Birmingham 6d 76

John Keith W Sheldon 1st qtr 1907 Aston 6d 403

When you get the marriage cert if their ages on there match the above you could then send for these and you will find both parents names including mothers maiden name, place of birth and fathers occupation and all this will help looking for the parents in the 1901 census.

Was the one i gave the correct one then ???

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The Sheldon one wasn't the Coleman one was! Have the Sheldon details worked back from other info for Coleman and right place right year. Still going for cert to confirm.

Coleman: More information

I now have a poster for an Arnfield band benefit and Jack Coleman is top of the bill.

Jack Coleman, Comedian. Birmingham. (A music Hall artist known the world over. The Chicago press says:- Mr Coleman is " The Goods")

The poster is for a concert on December the 19th in Arnfield (Tamworth) but gives no year although the last line printed says
'NB. you may use loose your seat in Parliament, but we offer you a better for 8d'

Scribbled by hand on the poster are two bits of graffiti. 'Votes for women' and the reply 'Blokes for women'

Dating; After 1897?:(Foundation of National Organisation of Women's Suffrage Societies) In 1906 after the election of a reforming Liberal Government led by Asquith, Lloyd George and Churchill with the proposed bill for franchise?

Any Music Hall buffs out there?
I suspect that Pem is a family name for Emily as i have found marriage
of John W Sheldon to Emily Coleman April quarter 1934 Birmingham
ref. 6d 686

I agree with you there Alberta. My mom (Emily Oldfield) was known to one and all as "Pem".

Just another idea why not contact the Tamworth Herald someone my be able to shed some light on your poster.

Thanks Moma P

Thanks for the suggestion. I have already approached the band who are still playing today, the paper will be another avenue to pin down the date.