1. I hid all Welfords compasses
2. let the animals out in the science lab.
3. I used to climb out of the windows whilst on detention and leg it.
4. Ooops the tyres on Enderby's Ford Anglia, got let down.
5. i used to stand on the tables and remove light bulbs whenever the opportunity presented.
6 I found a set of keys and i used them to enter classrooms
Hi Gilly, Have just found this forum. I was at Blakenhale Junior in the 50's and remember your Dad well. He was in fact my favourite teacher there. I would not say he was very strict ( for those times.) I seem to remember him saying he had been in the Navy. And didn't he come from Wales. I have lots of happy memories of my time in his class, which I could share with you if you wanted. Regards, Ray Smith | ||||
Hi..Was there any thinking behind these things. I can see why you would have done #3.![]()
He knew every football club phone number off by heart.Hi..
I knew George Welford only for a few years ,
Happy memories. ...
I went to cockshut hill 1977-1982 head teacher was Mr Bashford when I was thereMy sons Nigel and Simon Jenkins went to Cockshut Hill in 1977, the headmaster then was Mr Jolley, very nice man.
Kenilworth was blue and Warwick red. I was in kenilworth 77-82Hi Karenanne
Yes i remember the House system well and lI was i Dudley the green badge , The Red was Maxstoke and Yellow was Kenilworth i think and maybe Blue was Warwick? LOL
Not likely to forget those damn castles are we?
The dance club and all the concerts,choir and band etc i remember well
Miss Parkes played the french horn at one of the concerts if i remember right
Miss Derby was my Hockey teacher do you remember her?
I was only ever good at anything arty or sporty! LOL My brain always switched of for anything remotely science orientated!
Miss Parkes for music , Miss Cook for RE Mr Croucher i think for biology
I remember us having a lecture one assembly about the length of our skirts!!!! which seems ridicuolus these days when you look around at the skirts are wearing!!!
just off to have another think now
I think Bashers was only ever a deputy and that was later on.I went to cockshut hill 1977-1982 head teacher was Mr Bashford when I was there
I was there 77-82. What form were you in? Teacher I remember are Mrs Harris, Mrs Powell, Mr Goldby, Mrs Alison, Mr, Hart, Mr Bashford, Mr Butler, Mr, Edmerbyyes i also remember the chestnut pub outdoor. i first went to blakenhale school b 4 i went to cockshut hill.
i have recently been back to sheldon and c that poolway is now a housing estate.
i think what they have done to cockshut hill school has destroyed the history of the school.
i wouldn't send any of my kids to the school now . it was the best school around in my time 77-82.
So the Poolway has gone!!!i have recently been back to sheldon and c that poolway is now a housing estate.
i think what they have done to cockshut hill school has destroyed the history of the school.
Super pics..................got any more??I can only quote from when the school was split and the boys half was along Cockshut Hill. My time 1963/1967. Not sure of the period the gates were being locked. The upper play ground had a steel fence between brick pillars about a metre or so high. The canteen (school dinners) was at the top of this play ground. Them, locking the gates was not that clever really. I can not state too much here regarding what some of the older lads were doing but I seem to remember these small fences and the Dove cote pub. Some recent pics. View attachment 114352 View attachment 114353 View attachment 114354 View attachment 114355 View attachment 114356 View attachment 114357
Hi Roy,
. I attended between 1962-1966 also and remember all the teachers too, can't help you out with Mr Gibbs though.
She was very strict but got results.i went to cockshut hill school form 1969 to 1974. mrs clarke whom everyone feared taught maths.
Mr. Fred Leeson was in science. Mr. Roy Leeson was maths at that time and Mr. Enderby was maths then. Mr. Bashford took geography.Hi Everyone
I went to Cockshut Hill School 1975-1980
Mr Jolly was the headmaster at the time
Mr leeson i think was head of the lower School?
Teachers i remember were
Mrs Coghlan English
Mr Price History
Mrs Bell History
Mrs Harfield Games,sport
Mr Enderby Geography
Mr Leeson Maths There were two mr leesons and no relation as far as i know
In my class/year were:
Christine Peckover
Was there any thinking behind these things. I can see why you would have done #3.![]()
Mmm not sure about that - i was 13 years old//////Was there any thinking behind these things. I can see why you would have done #3.![]()
I was there 66, 69, I remember Williams, not only lifted you by the sideboards but would stand you at the front, walk around you for a while then suddenly dead leg you, it took a while to get back to your desk. I still remember the Jacobean uprisings of 1715/1745 that he hammered into us. Why? Jolly was great.Hi Roy,
Just seen your posting of Cockshut Hill, I can't believe that you have the same memories as me. I attended between 1962-1966 also and remember all the teachers too, can't help you out with Mr Gibbs though. I remember the first woodworking lesson I had with Mr Mayhew, he sent one of the class to the other workshop of Mr Danvers (who I think was also taking woodwork classes) to ask for some 'elbow grease'!! On a another occasion Mr Mayhew sent another lad to Mr Barnard to ask for 'a long weight, don't know how long he waited though (wait,get it?.) Quite a character. Who can forget Mr Williams (wilf) who loved to hold your sideburns and lift you up on to your tip toes if you were not paying attention, ouch!
Mr Welford used to throw chalk at you if your attention wandered and on a few occasions even a blackboard rubber! they were wooden backed as well, could have maimed someone. He was living around the corner from where I live in Solihull up to about 5 years ago but I have'nt seen him since. On another occasion a few lads were on the trampoline in the gym with their plimsolls on! Mr Mason came in and was furious, so much so he 'slippered' everyone in the class to teach us a lesson we NEVER forgot, and we only had our shorts on, ow! did it hurt.
I had great respect for Mr Jolley he was a very approachable, friendly man, Wickstead was a giant of a man eh? I agree with you on Morgan, what an arrogant selfish man he was. Mr Bashford was my final year teacher and he was great to get on with, we had an end of school trip to Italy in 1966 and he came to, what an ammenable guy. Mr Chilton was another favourite of mine, his teaching was so patient, I came 1st in french due to his methods and I loved the subject.
All in all I think my years at that school were very good and gave me a good grounding in life.
Good to reminisce to someone of the same school and time, happy memories eh? Some of my classmates were Paul Burley, Terry Deffley, Terry Hunt, Kenny Cox, Roger Stansbie, Graham Townsend and Cary Curtis, do you remember any of them? Where are you living at the moment?
Best regards,
I was there just following his time there I remember a Mrs Callaghan being head terribly patronising manner ...the school was an odd place in my experience with shortcomings and practises not tolerated at Arden School Knowle where I moved tMy sons Nigel and Simon Jenkins went to Cockshut Hill in 1977, the headmaster then was Mr Jolley, very nice man.
Hi Mr Goldby was quite a character and Mrs Clark who was austere and somewhat outdated elderly maths tesch a botanical classroom and a stern teach from the front approach. .Miss Cook RE and Miss Parks the well liked and competent music teacher .I remember the shameful behaviou of Mr Harrison the PE teacher and Mr Reeves both under the fantasy that they were in an army training unit ..When I moved school I found more support more courtesy and genuine interest show myI was there 77-82. What form were you in? Teacher I remember are Mrs Harris, Mrs Powell, Mr Goldby, Mrs Alison, Mr, Hart, Mr Bashford, Mr Butler, Mr, Edmerby
I was there in same period .I'm sure it has focus on Sport and music ...I'm sure snider day teach would be sllsrmed at some of the conduct I wittnessed by a few of the teachers there ...... A very cold unwelcoming experience for me personally ...only when' a serious complaint was made.abiut bullying by a male PE Teacher did I detect a more encouging attitude ....I'm sure some of the names would struggle the find that kind of work if starting today..I recall a Mr Pardoe maybe maths teacher..nice chap and some of the others were ok ..Miss Cook RE spent more tim sat on a corner of s desk talking to class rather than collectively getting work done ....the days before close assessment of teachers prep for lessons and work standardKenilworth was blue and Warwick red. I was in kenilworth 77-82
Phil Pardoe was science and was a very nice bloke but was not given proper respect by many kids.I recall a Mr Pardoe maybe maths teacher..nice chap
I went to Cockshut Hill and am still in touch with Pam Wall and Janet McPhail. My brother went there too, Bob Priddey and I am Carol, anyone remember?My dad was also in the Yardley Homeguard, when we lived at Barrows Lane. Teachers I remember at Cockshut Hill include, Miss. Smith, Mrs. Witkowska, Miss Orme, Mrs. Davies, Miss Allen, the Rev. Green who took Religious Instruction, Mrs. Garton, and a tall thin teacher, who I think was called either Miss. Bradbury or Miss. Oldknow. I remember when she fell on the ice and we all got in trouble for laughing. I remember a pageant in Queen's Road Park about the Plantagenets. I also remember Mrs. Witkowska taking sewing in the visitor's flat and the needle of the machine went through her finger and we had to help her remove herself from it. I was there from 1953 to 58. Pupils I remember include, Pam Shenstone, Pam Wall, Pat Greenhalgh and a Janet McPhail.
Hello Gillty. I have been talking to my best friend Ann Kendrick, she lived in Billingsley Rd I think. She remembers you and said that she has a picture of you taken in her back garden. Do you remember her? She married very young - seventeen as I remember. They stayed together but her husband died about 6 years ago. We have known each other since we were 13 - 77 now. Have you spoken to Janet Mcphail again?Hi I have been on the thread and picked up the telephone number. Hope to ring Janet soon. Xx
Was there same time as you, what stream were you in?I was at Cockshut Hill School 1963-1967 and could have wrote the above word for word. Happy days. I'm not too clever with History due to the fact that we had Mr Williams (wilf) (Gold finger) for that period and he was always sending me down to jobs news agents for fags.
Yes.... also Phil Maddox, Clive Tolley, Mick Broadrick, Steve Thompson, Phil Burston, Dave Corbett.... and I remember someone who punched Boggie Marsh. Ha Ha. Good memories from those years.Anybody remember Graham Read, Melvyn Durant and other members of 63-68 boys?
I remember Mr Gibbs his classroom was 1st floor on the corner next to the art room.Phil Gibbs was the teacher for those with learning difficulties and he was very good at it. People in those days called them remedials.
She was very strict but got results.
Mr. Fred Leeson was in science. Mr. Roy Leeson was maths at that time and Mr. Enderby was maths then. Mr. Bashford took geography.
Was she related to Malcolm?
Remember all of those they were in my form. I had the honour of being the first in my form to be caned, 2 strokes on the hand from Mr Robson for talking while he was taking register, remember it bloody hurt lolYes.... also Phil Maddox, Clive Tolley, Mick Broadrick, Steve Thompson, Phil Burston, Dave Corbett.... and I remember someone who punched Boggie Marsh. Ha Ha. Good memories from those years.
I was in Mr Gibbs class 4g.I left in 1964I remember Mr Gibbs his classroom was 1st floor on the corner next to the art room.
He was a big broad chap with an odd ball sense of humour I used to have him as teacher of french.amonhst other recollections of him . He was very Brummy and not at all smart in appearance...few teachers presented well in those 70s days. Except women staffi also went to cockshut hill from 76 t0 81. when in the 3rd year our class teacher was monty ( mr golby).
I went there from until about '76 miss Callaghan was head mistress and I remember a few of the teachers There was a Miss Cook I think doing RE a Mr Bissel Geography a Mr Golby who did french with a Brummie accent and whose tie only ever got half way down his shirt ... Miss Parks was an excellent music teacher ...the boys PE teachers were under the miss apprehension that they were ina military training corps ..quite ridiculous unjust and I recall verbal bullying by Mr Reeves and Mr Hewison Overall a cold unfriendly and unsupportive place to do your best. Thank god my parents moved house and moved me out of the area. Some of my negative teacher experiences wouldn't happen today because teaching is far more professional and regulated by management and policyMy sons Nigel and Simon Jenkins went to Cockshut Hill in 1977, the headmaster then was Mr Jolley, very nice man.