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Clifford Street

Brilliant, it's so important these old photos are protected. I have lots that I am sorting through gradually, having moved house ..again.. last year so I have decided it's time to do the job properly and try to organise them all. Most are of family members rather than buildings. I have completed dad's side of the family, the Boyingtons, and am just starting on his stepfather's line, the Davies, they lived in Summer Lane. I have also got a lot of info on his mother's line, the Edouardes. Along with lots of relevant photos. Would you have a pic of Cowper Street school by any chance? We moved to Little Hall Road, Duddeston when I was about 9 years old and then onto Stafford.
By the way, I bought some points on the Find My Past .co.uk website, but I wondered if you think the Ancesty.co.uk site is better? There are so many to choose from!
jean it sounds like you have got your work cut out then so good luck with that...there are a few pics of summer lane on the summer lane thread and i will search for cowper st school pics and little hall road for you....also could i point you in the direction of the ASTONBROOK THROUGH ASTON MANOR site..just google it..its very interesting and packed with lots of memories and photos...

hi irene any pics posted prior to nov 2011 were lost when the forum was hacked...they have been reposted and start on post 35

Irene, what were your grandparents name? I used to live opposite Carlton Ave in 60s and new quite a few from there. I would also like to see photos of that end of Clifford St but can,t seem to find any. Never say never though .
Topsy, it was Ruabon Place - map enclosed.

My sister married a Stevens circa 2 doors down from there towards Burbury St. My wife lived just around the corner in Burbury St until the house caught fire.

Ray Defford Place.jpg
Thanks for map Ray.... Hope everyone was ok in your wifes house fire. I vaguely remember a fire a few doors down from the corner shop. Would have been about 63 ish ? We almost had our house on fire in 63 I was at not at school and home alone due to me having chickenpox. Mom had backed the fire up before going to work and luckily i was lying on the setee and not in bed when the chimney set light and all the soot gushed down onto the hearth rug. Our next door neighbour Mr Wallis saved the day. He and his wife were lovely people he worked on the N0 8 bus.
Topsy, your memory is good, wife knows it was not long after her dad died so going on that she thinks 64. Besides other belongings they lost all family photos and had given up all hope of sourcing a photo of her dad. Then a couple of years back one of her relations was having a clear out and found one.

You had a lucky escape with the fire. I can remember when the coals/coke fell off the fire panic set in if clothes were on the fire guard drying.

You shouldn’t ask a lady this but are you circa my age (I was born 1945)? It’s just when we used to play up by Carlton Ave I can recall looking across at the houses Now as my childhood memories are scant for that to stick in my mind is? Of course you may have known my younger and or older siblings. - Ray
No Ray, I was born 1951. We moved into No176 in 1959 and left 1967. You would be the same age as my sister Sheila. My friend Mary Hawkins lived in Carlton Ave and als moved to Anglesy St.
Hi Topsy - checked records and we left 1961 - so you may have known my younger siblings, Heather and George as they were born 1 and 3 years after you. My wife Christine was born 1950 so you may have crossed her path as well.

I have two polling registers for Defford Place in 1920 and 1935. The 1920 one has 3 names for Carlton Ave, From that I see there was a Mary Hawkins living at No 15 Carlton Ave which I take would be your friends mum/nan?

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Hi Topsy.My grandparents names were KATE AND ARTHUR LAGOE (grandad had a nick name MAC) .They had 6 children 3 daughters,IRENE,ROSE(which was my mom)AMY.3 sons TED,BILLY,TOMMY.And they lived in the last house on the right hand side of CARLTON AVE.They had chickens.I wish someone had photos of there.Irene
Hi Irene, I think my friend lived at No 5 or 6 . It was towards the top of the Ave so they would have been your families neighbours. We lost touch after moving house.In fact we used to climb over the wall at the back of her house and it used it as a short cut to take us to Lozells St opposite to our school. Other families up there i remember are Savages,Roonys,Robinsons,Burgess, and at the bottom of the Ave were Shaw and Cunningham. It would be lovely to see some photos as i spent many hours playing up there in the 60s.
Hi Topsy.Your friend's would have been my g/parents neighbours.You never know someone may come across some photo's.Thank's for your help.Irene
This is three photo's of Carlton Avenue taken at the time of King George VI Coronation,My wife was born at no 1 Carlton Ave in 1934 her name was Diane Bignell & they moved to Stirchley 1940.I wonder if any one from that time remembers the Bignell family,Diane is still alive & kicking

hi old plumber and welcome to the forum..what stunning pics of carlton avenue...such good quality as well...i wonder if you would mind if i saved them as photos like this especially those of avenues and terraces are so very hard to come by...

thanks for sharing them with us..

]hi old plumber and welcome to the forum..what stunning and delightful pics of carlton avenue...such good quality as well...i wonder if you would mind if i saved them as photos like this especially those of avenues and terraces are so very hard to come by...

thanks for sharing them with us they really are wonderful

Hi Old plumber........ What fabulous photos thank you for sharing them with us. They sure looked like they had a good time in the Avenue on that day.
Hi Oldplumber.....Wow what great photo's of Carlton Avenue.Ask Diane if she remembers the Lagoe Family my Nan and Grandad lived at number 8.My Nan's maiden name was Butler.They owned chickens i think they were the only family up there who had them.Thank's Irene
Sorry Irene,Diane said the only name that she can recall was the Belcher family who lived opposite,both the Belcher's & Diane's family [Bignells] where all members of Aston Manor Cricket Club in Church Road,Perry Barr & the two families spent most week ends in the summers there.
My wife is having a mooch amongst her mother & fathers old photo's,if she finds any more I will put them on this thread for you. Brian
hi brian it would be great to see any old pics of the area that your wife may find after her mooch...

