Thank you for the welcome. Child was her maiden name. I think with some other research that she married in 1887 to a James Edward Padmore Powell( great name!) and i believe he died in 1895.
To be honest, i can't find a marriage cert for her and GWMillard at all....so i think they may have lived together unmarried?
Jane Thottman would be her stepmum, Lavinia died after all the children were born. JT married WC and became stepmum to all the children, i don't believe she had any children with WC.
I have found,on line, a death certificate for an Edith Millard in Aston in 1909, and this ties up well with EDC, maybe she just called herself Millard? Still need to find out where she is buried though.
Lady linda. i have also come across this birth for an Edith Annie Child in Kings Norton, but still not 100% sure it is my EDC....
I have also found a death certificate for GWM, in this name too, in Aston in Dec 1916. Again, i am not certain where he is buried. It does help prove though, that his name is George William Millard. I now have three pieces of evidence to prove this. All the others i have come across seem to be William.
Next step is to get hold of the death certs to see if they are the people i think (and hope ) they are!
However, it doesn't help trace GWM back to 1858 (think this is when he is born, based on the 1911 cencus.)
I can trace 19911, 1901, 1891....no further back...does anyone have any tips on tracing further back. I have tried using his profession as a guide, thats helped, but i am not convinced i am tracing him back on the correct family line!!
His name changes and there appears to be several mis spellings of Millard to boot.....
Its driving me mad!
Astonian.. EDC moved away to Leeds at one point, i beleive to be near oher family, she was also in Poulton in 1901....could it have been other family members that lived in Edgbaston? I do know EDC and GWM lived in Foundary Rd in 1906. It is where one of the sisters was born.
I will keep digging.....to make it even more difficult, EDC and GWM second oldest child was shipped to Canada in 1911 as a Middlemore BHC...i have traced that side of the family successfully, but not having any luck with great grandfather and mother..

I am not sure why only this son was sent and not my grandfather. I have discovered a few years later that they had a further four children, whom i am also trying to trace.
Thanks for your help everyone....any further suggestions and help would be much appreciated.