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Cherrywood Road, Bordesley Green


Proud to be a Brummie !!
I believe my GREEN & HARRIS Families were living in Cherrywood Road, Saltley.

The HARRIS family were at no 28 Cherrywood Road until 1915/1917.
The GREEN family were at No 22 Cherrywood Road until the start of
WW1. Perhaps someone has photos of these 2 houses..fingers crossed !!

Regards & living in hope !!!
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Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Not much has changed in Cherrywood Rd, next time I'm passing I'll take a picture or two.
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

i will around cherrywood road in the next 2 or 3 days.will take some photos
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Gud on yer, Winston, I think 26 & 28 are up the top end towards Bordesley Green.
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?


Cherrywood Road is not Saltley but Bordesley Green, when we married 45 years ago, we bought our first house there at number 317.

Regards Rita
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Many thanks, Postie & Winston for the offer of photos....this will be MUCH
appreciated & mean a great deal to me....

Rita, I think you are right about it being Bordesley Green that fits in with
the other addresses I have for these relatives ....

Yet again the folk on this site are WONDERFUL...

Thank you one & all,
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

hi there don,t forget to take a picture of the gypsy ,s Tent Pub
And Have One Of Johns Specials --- John is or was the gatherHe,s Only got
One Eye Is Full Name John Babinton , A VERY NICE GUY IS Daughter Is My Daughters Friend [NIKKIE ] BEST WISHES ASTONIAN ,;;;;;
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Many Thanks For That Information, I Haven,t Been There For Some time
Could You Tell Me Whether John The Gather Still There ,And How Long As It Been Renamed The gentleman ?.
Once Again Rita Many Thanks ASTONIAN ,;;
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Astonian, we left Cherrywood Road in 1966, the only reason I know about the name change of the pub is, I was visiting someone in Heartlands last year and decided to have a drive down Cherrywood Road just to have a look around, and that is when I noticed the name change.

Regards Rita
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Many thanks for taking the trouble to take the photos for me.
Alas...as you say the houses are no more...but at least I now know.
I do appreciate your time & trouble ( I shall put you on my Christmas
card list ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Thanks Winston for the photos, I can't begin to imagine what is in those black bags, and that tree definitely wasn't there when we left all those years ago, that was out first house and we bought three more after that, but we were very proud of our first little house in Cherrywood Rd.

Regards Rita
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Oh Yes....Cherrywood Road was Bordesley Green when I remember it...I worked for a part of Colmore Depot and almost every day I had to go to Cherrywood Road ..Colmore Depot.....designated 292 in the Colmore range.....the depots mostly went by numbers.....except Arnold Genders (AG)in Kings Heath where I worked for a time.
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Good photos, Winston.

Is the bottom photo of Lloyd Pascal the old Diamond Screw factory
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Good photos, Winston.

Is the bottom photo of Lloyd Pascal the old Diamond Screw factory

Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

hi ya grt pics of cherrywood rd, it looks to me that above the Lloyd pascal sign there is another name i can,t seem to focus on it,no doubt someone will be able to.. regards dereklcg.
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Sorry Icarus
Have Found Out It Was The Diamond Screw And Cotter Company.it Is Listed In Kellys Directory.in Cherrywood Road And Ronald Road.
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

I Will Have Another Look When Im Around That Way.will Pop Into The Factory And Ask Them .but It Probably Was The Diamond Screw And Cotter Company.

Save Me Some Sherbet.the Tube .with Sherbet And Liquorice Stick Going Down The Middle.sucking Up The Liquorice Stick Was Nice Untill It Blocked Up.then I Had To Eat The Liquorice Stick First. :p
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

all the old dominoe team from the gypsy tent were playing from the potcheen still last year, we had quite a good season with john babbington still playing......murphy (pete booker) who runs heartlands garden services wanted to buy the gypsies but it is too run down...frankie finnegan drinks in the cricketers:thumbsup:
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

I thought the building looked familiar, Winston. I used to walk/cycle past it every day on my way to work in Bordesley Green Road in the 40/50's. Over the road from the 'Screw' was one of the Mulliners factories and a small car repair yard with a petrol pump at it's entrance.

Just up from the 'Screw', on the dog-leg corner of Cherrywood Road, was a café from where we used to get our morning break bacon, egg and tomato sandwiches. Further down on the Mulliners side, there was an illegal bookies at the side of the Why Not Inn and the chap who ran it was often nabbed. But it never stopped him. There were plenty of factories round there - including the GPO - so business was always brisk!:-)

Back across the road and on the corner of Burbidge Road, was Motor Components, part of the Clifford Group. Several of my relatives worked there (and at Clifford Covering, further down) from pre-war through to the 70's. Most of their business was in car and aero valve manufacture, the latter being mainly for de Haviland. Their canteen was situated opposite the factory in Cherrywood Road and the children's Christmas parties were held there.

Cherrywood Road had plenty of shops interspersed between the houses - general stores, a cooked meats shop, a couple of chippies, ladies' hairdressers, drapers, a small church and, near to Colmore Depot, even a doctors surgery from where Dr Bose and Dr Sankiara(?) practiced. A self-sufficient community in those days.
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Just found this Cherrywood Road photo taken in 1960. Can't say I recognise it with that 'new' Dodge building there. Maybe one of those houses is Margaret's!

Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

Hi Icarus, my father worked at the Motor Components factory during the war, think he did 'capstan' work on the valves.

Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

HI Guys, Rita @ Winston ,
Many Thanks For Letting Me Know Rita About The Change Of Name ,I Wonder Why They Changed The Name, And When It Was Changed, John Was A Gent Any Way ,A Real
Gentlman ,He Used To Run A Pub Called The Hobmoor , In Hobmoor Rd Off The Coventry Rd ,Hay mills ,Before There .I Will Phone My Whence, [Daughter ] And Aked Her If She Knew John Had Gone ,I Don,T See My Daughter Very Often , And She Is
Along Old School Friend With Johns Daughter They Keep In Touch With Each Other ,
Her Name Is Michele Nice Girl .And Then May Be I Will Find Out If John AS Got Another
Boozer , Winston Like Wise Hear ,Many Thanks For Taking The Time And Effort For Getting The Pics For Me And The Forum It Will Be Very Much Appreciated ,
And I Will Be Down Loading It , As Well . Have A Great DAY bEST Wishes ASTONIAN ,;
Re: Cherrywood Road, Saltley ?

hi ya,winston this is a great thread it takes me back a bit i used to collect from clifford coverings when i was on the road,panic deliveries.
fantastic picture find of the garage with the trucks outside,takes me back
to when i used to travel all over the country with my dad.
just backing up to the bassetts sweet bit i,m sure but saying that i,ll have to find it now,i used to deliver in the same road in sheffield where the bassett factory was by the dog track. catch you later derek..