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Central Fire Station Hq

hi jennyann..reading your post it seems that the building will stay intact with a skyscraper block being built in the middle of the courtyard....:rolleyes: as this was dated 2007 i will try my best to find out what if any final plans have been decided on...unless of course someone else can put pressure to bare with the appropriate authority....

hi john..so glad you also agree about how it would be great turned into a museum...but of course thats a good idea and one which the powers that be would not even have considered...

if i do find out any info i will of course let you all know....

Lovely building and interior,:) such a shame it can not be preserved as some sort of museum housing fire fighting equipment.:(

lancaster fire station update....

well it seems that the plans made in 2007 will not be going ahead now..:):):):)..this is the statement i received earlier from birmingham council planning...

lancaster fire station is now a national grade 2 listed building and as such it would have to undergo strict scrutiny before any plans could be considered about making alterations to both the facade or interior of the building...as the building is now of national interest it would be very difficult to obtain planning permission and no plans at this time are in the pipline...

i just hope that sense has prevailed and the station may be turned into something of interest to the whole of birmingham...will keep an eye on this one....

I have been inside this building on a couple of occasions. The last being a few years back in that hall like structure when my son was presented with his 25 years service medal. I thought it a great pity and such a waste when it closed.

jennyann I cant see how they would even have thought to put a 25 storey tower block on the quadrangle of the old station, its not that big inside really.

Thank you Lyn for the information on the Central Fire Station. Let's hope it remains a listed building then and not be allowed to fall into dis-repair, like so many other buildings have been allowed to do.

What a relief though..Phew!!!:)
Hi All,

If the building is to remain and I hope it does the council should at least spend a few bob and clean and paint the outside. It is now looking very shabby and a poor advertisement to any visitor arriving on that side of the city.

Old Boy
old boy..ive been saying about how the ouside could do with a lick of paint for ages....and thats why i was so amazed to see the splendure of the interia....

hi maggs..i can only tell you what i was told so lets keeps everthing crossed that something worthwhile will be done with it and that it will not fall into disrepair...

A museum, the theme being the history of the fire service,sounds good to me.
As an aside,at the end of the war the fire station had a sale of all the surplus equipment left over from the N.F.S (I think).What do you do with a stirrup pump?,my dad still has the fire bucket he bought... still with the original sand,:rolleyes:.However,they did sell blankets as well,so, it was out with the army greatcoat,and welcome to modern living.:)
lol ray......it does seem that most of us think a museum would be a good idea...but no doubt they would throw some sort of pathetic excuse at us for not having one....:(:(:(

You are spot on Lyn,and no doubt,they would claim lack of funds,even though It's important,as a part of our heritage.And then,to compound their lack of foresight, wrap it up in legal babble,that most of us wouldn't understand.:rolleyes:.
i know ray....point is the inside is a piggin museum as it stands....then youve got the control rooms...the spiral staircase the lighting..the floor...yer half way there:rolleyes::rolleyes: think i better shut up now im getting more and more annoyed:redface::redface::redface: and im going to put the kettle on now....

Michael has a lovely memory of the fire station. He broke down driving a number 55 bus. Because he felt a problem he drove onto the forcourt but because no one was allowed to even stop in front of these doors. A large group of firemen rushed out to push his bus out of the way of the doors. How I would have loved a photo of that event..........:D
I am going to phone the guy who sorted me access tomorrow to tell him I have uploaded my pics on to my website. Whilst doing so, I will ask if he could forward me the plans of what they want to do with it. I will of course pass it on to this thread.


fire station update...

hi all...just received this message..its from the planning department....

i can confirm that at present the planning department is not determining any applications for works to or development of the fire station at lancaster circus. this is not a guarantee that future applications will not be submitted and/or works to the premisies approved. i trust this information is of use to you....

thats it folks...so as i posted earlier it has now been confirmed that the station is safe..and lets hope it stays that way....:):)

Wow Lyn....Great that you received a reply to your query. Hopefully, coming from the proverbial "horses mouth" this is true but to read in the news articles it's a different story. Anyway, we will have to wait and see what happens next. Thanks for your actions Lyn.
hi jenny...i dont know if you missed post 33 but this is what was said over the phone...this lastest message was via email...must admit i really did get hot under the collar when i saw the pics of the inside of the station...it would be criminal not to do something with the building without knocking the inside about and i shall be keeping a keen eye on it....

Just caught up with these great photos. I'm worried though, is Grade II listing enough to prevent all sorts of future alterations, even demolition?. It needs Grade I status to be safe surely. Out on my side of town, the old Maypole pub was supposed to be a Grade II building and it's no longer there. Beware!
unfortunately i have to agree with you mike....if theres a buck to be made town planning will undoubtable find a way round things:(:( we have seen it all to often before...i guess its a case of fingers crossed and wait until firm plans come to light...as soon as i find out anything more i shall let you all know....

Thank you Lyn for looking into this for us all. Let's hope we can keep this bit of history. This business of a buck changing the plans happens everywhere, it happens here too all the time. We have a row of thatched cottages in the next village, and they built a glass office monstrosity right opposite them and three times as high. Most of the time is is up for rent.
hi maggs......thats the point and a good one you have made....they build all these offices...and apartments automatically thinking they will be snapped up but so many are left empty for years and years....this is why i have my doubts over the redevelopment of the old crocodile works being a success....only time will tell...

Indeed Lyn, it is so frustrating because you also find out that when these offices are not taken, we are paying the rates etc on them sitting empty. doesn't it make you cross?:redface:
Found the photos of the ambulance control room, very basic, the two coloured ones were taken New Years Eve 1960, no date on the black and white one :)