Here's a bit of first hand knowledge. The Hangars were off Park Lane, on the 's' bends, opposite the Milk Float Depot, (both long gone I'm afraid), there are numerous photos and maps to show you where they were. The Alec Henshaw Book, "Sigh for a Merlin" is invaluable here. About 10 years ago a pit was excavated on this site and tons of Merlin Engines & spares, wrapped in greased hessian & crated were dug out from where they'd been buried after WW II. They are now at the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight HQ in Lincoln.
There is a very good book of Photos detailing the area, showing the Sewage Farm that was Castle Vale. Essentially a Farmhouse stood just below the Tyburn House PH. The fields up to the Railway were used to spread ther 'Night Soil' from that side of the City.
By the time I became aware of Castle Vale in the late 60's it was being built. I started working on the Railway atr the old Castle Bromwich Stn in the early 70's. Many of my workmates lived on the Vale, and I drank in the ALbatross PH, (now gone). We had to drive across the Council Rubbish tip, (now Football fields and the Baths), to get to the Railway lines. The old Airfield layout was still recognisable then, with many buildings locally still camouflaged.
It was a new estate with, essentially, young families. However it soon developed problems with Teenagers stealing cars in the 1978 - 1986 period. Indeed there was a 'League Table' of who could nick what in the area! One major thief had a string of Garages in Watton Green, linked to a radio controlled door opener in order to evade Police pursuits. (I was working for Wartwickshire Police 1978 onwards). West Midlands Police mounted several major operations to catch the thieves and eradicate the problem. Linked to this, the Tower blocks were becoming infesated with the worst of B'hams scummy families. In 1988 I started working as a 'Paramedic' with the WM Ambulance Service. You NEVER parked a vehicle beneath the Towers, if you did you got sharpened spikes or teles through the roof! The lifts - you had to stand in the middle and ignore the human faeces! The whole place was a mess. The HAT was the best thing that happewned to the site. Many of the problem buildings have now gone, and, despite the garish colour scheme, it's a far better place. I still have friends there, long time residents, from the 60's, and they say so too.