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Camp Hill

On my copy of this photo it gives the information that these houses are opposite the top of Bradford St, though I've always thought it strange that it does not show Holy Trinity though the opening on the left could be trinity terrace.

sorry forgot to add my photo as it differs a little


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I have your version of that group of houses (though not quite so clear) labelled as "Camp Hill Old Post Office the site of King Edwards Grammer School 1875"
ive got this one...caption says camp hill junction with sandy lane...its the ship hotel on the corner



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I have your version of that group of houses (though not quite so clear) labelled as "Camp Hill Old Post Office the site of King Edwards Grammer School 1875"

Yes Mike I have seen the same photo labelled Camp Hill Old Post Office, Though I have my doubts concerning the site of KEGS for one the topography is wrong and the other is the school opened in 1883 and my photo is dated 1904. Though I don't doubt that the date on my photo could be wrong, though there is a shop name that can be seen pretty clearly on my photo and that is Robinson so it could be located from that name. The trouble is I can't seem to put my hand on my 1903 Kelly's disc at the moment.
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Yes Mike I have seen the same photo labelled Camp Hill Old Post Office, Though I have my doubts concerning the site of KEGS for one the topography is wrong and the other is the school opened in 1883 and my photo is dated 1904. Though I don't doubt that the date on my photo could be wrong, though there is a shop name that can be seen pretty clearly on my photo and that is Robinson so it could be located from that name. The trouble is I can't seem to put my hand on my 1903 Kelly's disc at the moment.

I am not sure which way the numbering goes but Robinson's was a butchers at 71 Camp Hill, the post office was 74. In between Kelly's lists - John Williams a chemist, John William Gibbs a pawn broker and then the PO. Number 75 was apartments. The numbering continues listing 76 up to 82 then Camp Hill Presbyterian Church, then 171, 173 (Ye Olde Bulls Head), then 173 again and that is Holy Trinity Church and vicarage.


So according to what you say this view was only a few doors away from the Ship on the corner of Sandy Lane. They must have rebuilt the post office in more or less the same spot. The only think I don't understand is the original photo is obviously taken from a road junction, and I don't think there ever was one at the part of Camp Hill.


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Astoness;553545the ship hotel on the corner sandy lane... lyn[/QUOTE said:
There was a bakery, I think next to the Ship, that in 1950's sold 1d buns, in about 1954 they went up to a penny ha'penny, a 50% price rise! Think that was the first time I'd experienced inflation.
Phil, wouldn't it have been Ravenhurst Street?


I don't think so, if it were according to the original photo it would have been taken from roughly where I have placed the "X" on this map. Looking straight ahead as the view on the photo does all you would see was KEGS. If you looked slightly to the left you would see The Ship Hotel as it was called then. This map is from roughly the same time as the photo in the 1880's.


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The c1904-5 OS map shows the post office, though the c1890 does not. The post office seems to have been here from the late 1870s, and before there waas no post office in Camp Hill. Robinsons are several houses away from the post office, in the 1903 Kellys, so the view does not seem to add up.


I'm beginning to suspect that it's not camp hill at all because those houses and shops next to the ship hotel look as if have been there since the 1880's to me and are not replacement buildings.
I think it was Ravenhurst St were the photo was taken from,

According to Tom Goulding, in his book ‘The Brum We Knew’ it says the statue over the Ship Hotel’s door depicts Prince Rupert,
i've been wondering if , in fact, this is not a photograph, but a painting /drawing in a realistic style. the Ghost Streets of Balsall Heath had some pictures on display by Dylan Waldron painted from photographs but altered slightly to present the image he wanted Thet looked very realistic ( https://www.dylanwaldronartist.co.uk/Archive.htm.) Possibly this might be the same and not actually be a real scene
I don't know Camp Hill very well and this may muddy things but in 1868 Kelly's directory refers to a Post Office Receiving House. It seems to be further up the road away from the Ship. To confuse matters the numbering seems different as well.
Camp Hill.jpg

It looks as if it's a lot earlier than at first suggested and the site would have been where they built KEGS. The numbering has obviously been altered since then and it looks to be coming up part of Camp Hill that we know as Stratford Rd now, because it shows Stratford Street and then Sandy Lane and then the Ship Hotel obviously coming from Sparkbrook toward Camp Hill. Also we have John Robinsons Grocer as shown in the photo.

So the main thing that was wrong was the date, and if it was that early an image then as Mike says there is a possibility that it was a painting.
NickI don't think anybody has said that KEGS was built on the site of the Ship Hotel, in fact they stood on opposite corners of Sandy Lane Camp Hill for around one hundred years, Kegs it seems after long deliberation was built on the site of the old post office as portrayed on the photo that started this discussion.
Enjoyed this series of postings on Camp Hill. Previously thought that KEGS had been built on a "green field" site. Quote from school records "In 1883 the school began its life in the just completed buildings on a pleasant site near the outskirts of B'ham" In fact the school was even then boxed in on two sides by the railway, built 1841. I have learnt that Camp Hill continued much further south towards Sparkhill. Finally I think the original picture (painting or photo) was from Stratford Place. Here's a much earlier picture of the "Ship".

Screenshot (169).jpg
Yes it is Prince Rupert and the storey is that he gave the area it's name as this is where he camped when attacked Birmingham which was suppling arms to the Roundheads. I was taught this at school but it was not possible to fire on this camp from Cannon Hill (Park) as it was out of range of the guns of the day. KEG was on the opposite corner to the Ship going down Stratford Rd towards Sparkhill'
Cheers Tim
That's a lovely picture of the Ship, Jim. I could just fancy a cool pint in there!

thanks jim thats the photo i have of the ship but i could not find it...really must get a better filing system lol

Postcard of Camp Hill labelled Camp Hill and the Old Post Office. Viv.


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The photo that you have posted is the one that started this thread, but it has one piece of information that the others lack, and that is the date of 1875. This beings some 5 to 8 years before K.E.G.S. opened making it entirely possible that the old post office was the site of the school.
Hi guys. Has anybody got any photos of Camp Hill, Bordesley?

Opposite the Texaco garage was a row of 5 or 6 houses - the Stratford Road end of the flyover.

I've attached a photo during the flyover's construction in the early sixties, which just shows my house (206 Camp Hill, the last house on the right before the billboard) - can anybody do better?


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There are a few threads about Camp Hill here on BHF. Three I recall are Camp Hill, Then and Now and Stratford Road. A video of the flyover is one one I believe.