Carl Chinn's article about Calthorpe Park opening in 1857 ...
Carl Chinn: Right royal fanfare for Birmingham park's opening
Dr Carl tell us...
"As for the tenure of Calthorpe Park, this was unsettled for many years. Then in 1871, Lord Calthorpe and his two brothers generously agreed to a deed of renunciation which ‘enabled his lordship to make a grant of the land to the Corporation for the purpose to which it had been dedicated’."
But earlier in July 1870 Lord Calthorpe annoyed residents and had the Volunteers up in arms!
July 1870...
"Lord Calthorpe intends to resume possession of a potion of Calthorpe Park, which has been open to the public for many years as a place of recreation. The portion which it is understood his worship intends to take possession of is that fronting the Pershore Road, and the buildings will, in all probability, be erected upon it. The owners of the houses on the opposite side, not dreaming that a prospect of bricks and mortar would be substituted for the park, consider they have a grievance; the Volunteers who since the movement was started have been in the habit of parading there, are up in arms against the threatened resumption; and thousands of frequenters of the park are already protesting against must be remembered that Lord Calthorpe proposes to give an equal quantity of land at the other end of the park."
I personally don't agree with that Lord Calthorpe was that "generous," it was just in keeping with what was expected for a Victorian gentleman of his stature. It seems here that he had realised that there was money to be made by erecting "Buildings." Around the same time, on the Perry estate, he had leased some land for the Perryhall Colliery Company, no doubt for the mineral royalties.
Lord Calthorpe was a very rich chap. As well as Perry Hall, he had a pad in Grosvenor Square and in 1870, he had a French Renaissance style house, Woodlands Vale, built near Ryde on the Isle of Wight. And of course there was the family Home at Elvetham Estate in Hampshire.
But perhaps I am wrong the family still have plans to give Edgebaston its heart back!