I started work in 1954, for a wholesalers, corner of Dudley St. and Smallbrook St. wages 37/6 for a 5 and a half day week, 8-30 - 5-30. although it was'nt office work as such, we had to serve customers and make up their orders, and then make out the invoices, it included working out the purchase tax, now known as vat. I was always terrified of making a mistake with that. Being the new girl i had to make the tea and coffee plus a cup of Sanatogen which was for the elderly boss, lord help you if it was lumpy, it took me several days before i made it to his satisfaction. When the buildings around there were to be demolished we moved lock stock and barrel to Inge St. the staff worked the weekend preparing the floors and steel shelving before all the stock moved in on the Monday morning. It was interesting being close to the Hipperdrome theatre because our boss did a lot of work for hospital radio, he used to ask whoever was appearing at the theatre if they would do an interview for him, one time Slim Whitman came into the warehouse to do a stint on the radio. Jack Bannister, the cricketer also worked with us during the winter months.