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Byng Kenrick Girls' Grammar School

  • Thread starter Thread starter Graham S
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Graham S

Ann, when were you at BK? I was at Central, next door, and I wonder if we have any acquaintances in common.

This thread maybe just for Gillian and myself, but you never know a few more old Byng girls may come along. Byng Kenrick Girls' Grammar School, Tile Cross, opened in 1958. So when I started there in 1960, there were only two years above me. Miss Boon was the first head mistress and Miss Birch, who later became head, was the first deputy head.

Hi Graham,

I was there '60 to '65. And we weren't allowed anywhere near the Central fence!
Prompted by Keith's badge thread, I've started a Byng Kenrick thread.
Hello Ann, thank you so much for posting the photos! I'm sure I have some hidden away in the loft somewhere, I'll try and see what I can find. I remember Miss Birch well, I was always a little scared of her. I often used to look at Margaret Thatcher and think of her!? Do you remember Julie Lawrence she attended the school at around the same time as you. When she left she joined the foreign office and was sadly killed in an accident in Beirut I think it was. She was the older sister of my brother's ex girlfriend Sheila Lawrence. I was at the school when it changed to being a comprehensive Byng Kenrick Central, but it wasn't the same.

Glad you enjoyed seeing the photos,and it would be great if you can find some. Miss Birch was my English teacher for some time, and I can understand you being scared of her. She wasn't exactly approachable. I wanted to get a grant to go to drama school when I was 21, and I phoned her for a reference. She wouldn't give me one, said I had no interest in drama at school. But I got my grant anyway. But if you think of Miss Birch when you see Margaret Thatcher, when Miss Boon was head mistress, she was more like the queen. Julie Lawrence rings a sort of bell, but I'm not sure. My memory seems to be getting worse on names. You say it wasn't the same when you were there. My sister started there the year that I left, and it wasn't so strict. We had to wear our hats all the way home, or else! And we even had elocution lessons. Have to say though, the school meals were great.


I went to Byng Kenrick Girls Grammar in September 1968 and left in January 1974. I remember Miss Birch, who was headmistress at the time with great affection. She was definitely scarey, a lot like Mrs Thatcher in many ways but with bags more gravitas! BK was like another world at that time; we had sheds just for storing our tennis racquets (in their own presses, of course). It would be great if any other 'old Byng girls' joined in to share a few memories - especially May Francis or Linda Adkins! Indeed, anyone who has pictures - alas, I don't have any but I loved the view of the Library, it brought it all back; having to meet with Miss Birch once a month to prove you had read a book and written your own synopsis! Happy days. And remember the food? It was gorgeous!
This thread maybe just for Gillian and myself, but you never know a few more old Byng girls may come along. Byng Kenrick Girls' Grammar School, Tile Cross, opened in 1958. So when I started there in 1960, there were only two years above me. Miss Boon was the first head mistress and Miss Birch, who later became head, was the first deputy head.

I was at central Grammer for Boys, next door from 1966 to 1971 and often drooled through the fence, than my younger brother joined the schol in 1970, and as soon as I left, they merged them into one.

Lucky Blighter !
This thread maybe just for Gillian and myself, but you never know a few more old Byng girls may come along. Byng Kenrick Girls' Grammar School, Tile Cross, opened in 1958. So when I started there in 1960, there were only two years above me. Miss Boon was the first head mistress and Miss Birch, who later became head, was the first deputy head.

I started there in 1960 too. I have the long school photograph that was taken when I was in 4th year. Did you train to be an actor?

Glad you enjoyed seeing the photos,and it would be great if you can find some. Miss Birch was my English teacher for some time, and I can understand you being scared of her. She wasn't exactly approachable. I wanted to get a grant to go to drama school when I was 21, and I phoned her for a reference. She wouldn't give me one, said I had no interest in drama at school. But I got my grant anyway. But if you think of Miss Birch when you see Margaret Thatcher, when Miss Boon was head mistress, she was more like the queen. Julie Lawrence rings a sort of bell, but I'm not sure. My memory seems to be getting worse on names. You say it wasn't the same when you were there. My sister started there the year that I left, and it wasn't so strict. We had to wear our hats all the way home, or else! And we even had elocution lessons. Have to say though, the school meals were great.


I have just read this and I remember your coming into Sheldon Library once when I worked there. I am not registered on this forum but my husband is because of his research into family history. I remember the speech lessons with Mrs Hardcastle. Your memories are accurate regarding those hats! Viv.
Do you remeber a boy called Denver? Don't know why that name springs to mind, but I certainly remeber drooling over the boys from the other side!
Do you remeber a boy called Denver? Don't know why that name springs to mind, but I certainly remeber drooling over the boys from the other side!

I remember drooling over the boys on the other side of the fence - we used to walk along the perimeter at lunchtime and feign nonchalance as we sauntered by pretending to talk but really watching the boys play footie. I only remember a few names though - we rarely had the opportunity of meeting with any of the boys - John Martin, Dave Porter and Mickey....? Summer of '71 - hotpants, skinny rib jumpers and T.Rex......
My sister Paula was there in 1960 and I followed her in 1967
Kim Lafont (née Higgs)

Hello Kim - your name rings a bell, but I cant recall your face. I think I knew you at BK, I was certainly there at the same time; I joined a year later in 1968. Do you remember Mr Thomas and Mr Scott. Also Dr Fahk (probably spelt wrong!) she taught biology? How about Miss Derek, the stern PE teacher?
Hi all Byng Kenrick 'old' girls. I was a pupil between '64 and '71. I started in form 1.3 with Miss Jones, the music teacher. I remember quite a few of the teachers but not many names of pupils. It must be my age. Was anyone there at the same time? Annette Haddleton nee Kennedy<BR>
Hello Kim - your name rings a bell, but I cant recall your face. I think I knew you at BK, I was certainly there at the same time; I joined a year later in 1968. Do you remember Mr Thomas and Mr Scott. Also Dr Fahk (probably spelt wrong!) she taught biology? How about Miss Derek, the stern PE teacher?
I was a first-year in 1958 when the school opened. I agree with what you say about Miss Birch and Miss Boone. Miss Birch could be terrifying but she was a great teacher. I know that from only one class in which she substituted for my English teacher, Miss Phillips (who was another great teacher) where she took apart a speech from Othello. It was amazing and memorable and got me started on seeing how the language works and enjoying it. Miss Boone was definitely the queen--dignified and a bit removed but kind and understanding, too. Does anyone have a copy of the long photo that was taken in probably about 1962-3? If so, it would be great if you could post it.
I was a first-year in 1958 when the school opened. I agree with what you say about Miss Birch and Miss Boone. Miss Birch could be terrifying but she was a great teacher. I know that from only one class in which she substituted for my English teacher, Miss Phillips (who was another great teacher) where she took apart a speech from Othello. It was amazing and memorable and got me started on seeing how the language works and enjoying it. Miss Boone was definitely the queen--dignified and a bit removed but kind and understanding, too. Does anyone have a copy of the long photo that was taken in probably about 1962-3? If so, it would be great if you could post it.

I have a copy of the long photograph but have no means of posting it. I was a first year in 1960 so was in 4th year when the picture was taken. The head girl at that time was called Joy. Miss Birch was my English teacher for one year and I agree that she was brilliant.

I have a copy of the long photograph but have no means of posting it. I was a first year in 1960 so was in 4th year when the picture was taken. The head girl at that time was called Joy. Miss Birch was my English teacher for one year and I agree that she was brilliant.

I'm sure many people would be grateful to have a copy of it. I left in 1963, so the one I'm looking for must have been the year or two before that. If it's not too much trouble for you, you could have it scanned at Jessops and then upload it to the forum. Thanks for replying!
hi batmadviv if you would like me to post it on the forum for you send me an instant message and i will send you my email address if you are able to scan it you could email to me...

hope this helps..

Does anyone remember my old friend Dawn Dare who was at the school when it first opened?. She sadly passed away at the age of fifty.
Hi Lyn,
I don't have a scanner but could meet you armed with the photograph for you to do the deed. I don't do technical. Typing emails is my limit.

hi batmadviv if you would like me to post it on the forum for you send me an instant message and i will send you my email address if you are able to scan it you could email to me...

hope this helps..

Does anyone remember my old friend Dawn Dare who was at the school when it first opened?. She sadly passed away at the age of fifty.

Sorry, I was a first year in 1958 and don't remember her. My sister, Shirley Cooper, who was four years behind me at BK died at age 56. So sad.
Maureen I am sorry that your sister died at such an early age too. I only found out about Dawn a few years ago from a forum member and I remember her and Sheila Godwin passing the exam the first year at senior school.
viv is on her way over to mine like i can the school pic for her and post it...

best i can do folks with a 3 ft long pic..had to overlap a bit and scan in 5 parts but at least all the pupils are here..

nice to meet viv and hubby and thanks so much for taking the time to bring your photo over...






hi viv..i was only too happy to help..great to see your lovely pic on the forum..
