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Butler Street, Small Heath

  • Thread starter Thread starter voice of sport
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voice of sport

Can anyone remember details of Butler Street in Small Heath or do they have any photographs?

I lived there with my Mum and Dad from 1962 until 1967. I am trying to teach my daughter about the type of houses and how we lived etc.
Go to the top of this page - see SEARCH: Under thread type in Small Heath, go to the bottom of that page and you will see Small Heath [Postie] click on this, page 1 and you will see a photo of Bolton Road...on the right as you go round the slight bend is where if I remember right is where Butler street was...from memory the houses were very similar.
Thanks Beamish

That is an excellent photograph. I think you are right about the houses being similar.

I remember a couple of shops in Butler street, one of them had an illuminated Ever ready sign in the window. I seem to remember a Mrs Seddon who worked in the sweet shop.
Thanks Beamish

That is an excellent photograph. I think you are right about the houses being similar.

I remember a couple of shops in Butler street, one of them had an illuminated Ever ready sign in the window. I seem to remember a Mrs Seddon who worked in the sweet shop.

Could it have been Wedge's TV shop ?
Thanks Col h

I think they did sell tv's, i remember the shop was in the middle of the row of houses, not on the corner like the sweet shop.
Hi - HELP !! Please Can you direct me to the photograph you were discussing with 'voice of sport' ? I have tried to find it but am getting hopelessly lost. I am interested in any photos/images of the Butler Street area (my Grandmother was born in Butler Street in 1904).

Thank you !!

Couple of photos. Bolton Road and Bordesley Park Road, see the photo with the person standing on the corner in the distance? Just as you go round that corner was Butler Street.
Hi all
I lived at 8/90 Arthur St Small Heath and the Butler St I remember was about 100yrds futher up and on the corner was the Model shop, on the oppisite corner was the local grocery store (Mrs Wimbush or Mrs Williams?) half way up was Wedges where we changed our Acumalaters and just before that behind a wide Gully was the Sack factory where some of my mates mothers used to sew hessian sacks together and for us kids was a wonderful adventure playground.

regards Acklam19
You could be right about the position of Butler street, which makes me wonder is the street that I referred to Butler Street South and the name York Place seems to ring a bell?
Hi Beamish.
You may well be right as the two names caused confusion going way back.
Your second photo I think was taken from under Bordesley Park Rd railway bridge and so would make that V junction the joining of Dixon Rd and Bolton Rd if that is correct then my good school friends Bryn and Jeannie Davis and the Mooney family lived about where the car is parked on the right hand side.

Regards Acklam19
The junction is Cooksey Road and Bolton Road. In Cooksey Road on the left is Dixon Road Junior School, my alma-mater from 1953.
Hi Beamish.
You may well be right as the two names caused confusion going way back.
Your second photo I think was taken from under Bordesley Park Rd railway bridge and so would make that V junction the joining of Dixon Rd and Bolton Rd if that is correct then my good school friends Bryn and Jeannie Davis and the Mooney family lived about where the car is parked on the right hand side.

Regards Acklam19
hello acklam,,do you remember the broadhurst family lived at 22 bolton road.
My grandparents used to live in Butler Street South, ( now the site of the Citroen Dealership ) the first house left standing on the right after the bombing. I remember playing on the bombed houses just after the war, and after it was cleared , the vacant lot was then used for a football pitch by the local lads, who used Grandad's wall as a goal, which pleased him no end ! I aalso recall having to take the radio accumulator to the newsagents just round the corner in Bolton Road, which was next to an entry into the back-to-backs behind, a place I never went into in all my years of visiting Nan and Grandad. The stream at the bottom of Butler Street south was also a fascinating place ehere we played, and I remember so well climbing over it to get to the GWR railway lines next to ahat was then Lawdon Road ( I see that the big warehouse type building that I used to stand across the lines from is still there , according to Google Maps ), where I spent many many hours trainspotting. There was on outdoor in Cooksey Road wher it joined Bolton Road, and many a time I used to see old women ( mainly ) carrying jugs of beer home. According to my parents, Nan used to take in washing, and as the housekeeping money was usually drunk at the pub before pay days, she had to take the washing to the local pawnbrokers until she had money to redeem it. The good old days ?
hello ingleton,, i lived opposite butler street south,with mom dad and 8 brothers and sisters.i used to play football on that bomb site,, used your grandads wall as goal post..those where very happy day for me..i bet we must have passed each other. george broadhurst my name
hi georgejan.

sorry the name does not ring any bells but I must have passed very often as my good friend Geoff Harriss lived in Bolton Road but I can not recall the number.

Regards Acklam19.
hello,we use to live opposite side of the road to the davies family..peter, terry,jean,did you know ray atkins, and roy atkins.they live 6 doors from us.small world.
Butler Street was the continuation of Regents Park Road and went down as far as Arthur Street.Iwas born in Regent Park Road and lived there from 1945 to 1963 when i got Married. Wedges was an Electrical Shop, and the Sedden's you mentioned was actually Sodens Sweet Shop on the corner of Herbert Road,some families i knew in Butler Street were the Ingrams,Smiths,Ramsbottoms,Phylis Daly,Jimmy Daly,Mrs Wimbush's Shop on the corner of Arthur Street.
hello walt00.i lived right opposite BUTLER STREET SOUTH,i think people get the two streets mixed up,butler street..butler street south.i was born 1943 went to dixon road,, 1948, then oakley road sec mod,,from 1953 to 1958.very happy memories of life in the area,,school days,playing in the road,never any problems.walking to farm park,small heath park,kingston hill park..going to the grange,,coronet,,kinston picture houses,,bon fire nights.friday nights bath,,if i was dirty.outside loo.really good old days..wished i could return,,maybe we get a second run..
Hi Georgejan
In that case you lived in Bolton Road, you are 2 years older than me and i also went to Oakley Road i left in 1960. A mate of mine lived in Cooksey road right opposite Dixon Road School gate he was named Johnny Bates and his mother was a cook at Dixon Road school. You did the same things i did. Kingston Park, Small Heath Park, Farm Park, Grange, Coronet, Kingston cinema's. Remember little Johnny on the door at the Kingston. Do you remember Pancho's Cafe up Cattell Road where all the Teds in area used to hang out, Ray Oakley,Graham Hawthorne, Micky Braham, Willie Cherry. I married a girl from Camp Street and i worked behind the bar at the Greenway. Used the Coach Pub on Coventry Road was behind the bar at The Coach, Wrexham, and Greenway and i knocked around in the 60's 70's with mostly Irish lads on the Coventry Road. Happy Days sadly gone. My name is Wal Prottey did you know me ?.
hello wal,i cannot remember your name,,but i bet we passed each other a few times.if johnny bates lived opposite dixon road school gates,,he must have lived 4,,5 doors from my grandparents,,their name was pinner.i left small heath when i was 15.we moved to firs estate,castle bromwich.use to get the bus from castle bromwich to small heath..visit mates. i keep looking for old photos of the area..
Hi Georgejan.
Johnny lived about 5/6 doors down from the Chip Shop on the corner of Dixon and Cooksey.What was your Grans surname ?. maybe i knew them.
If you looking for Pics there are hundreds on Smallheathproboards. Im a member of that and lots of pics of Bordesley Park Road, Old Lodge, Miles Street etc, worth taking a look as its nearly all small heath. If you have email address i will sort some out and send them to you.
Hi Georgejan.
Are you and I living in a parallel universe?
Every part of your posts I have lived myself but perhaps four years before you, the Schools, the Cinemas all the names that I remember from my years at 8/90 Arther Street keep popping up but the most weird thing of all is that I moved to 26 Kempson Road Firs Estate when I was 16 years of age. Crazy or what, and yes I knew the Davies very well Bryn and Jeanie were classmates of mine.

Regards Acklam19.
I moved into Sandfields Ave off Bolton Road when I was 2 years old and that was back in 1972, I think Butler Street would be now part of Sara Park which is by Pritchett Tower...Id love to see some pics of how this area looked before the early 70's regeneration of new houses on Bolton Rd by Cooksey Rd school..Hope someone can help?
hello acklam,,you must have none my sisters everly,janet,christene broadhurst..we lived at 22 bolton road.we moved to wells close, firs estate.
I have got a Birmingham A-Z c1970, it shows Butler St running between Herbert Road and Arthur St. The Herbert road end is opposite Regents Park Road so Butler St was where Sara Park is now, there is no Butler St South shown on the map.
There are acouple of pics of parts of Bolton Road and surrounding roads if you type bordesley park road into the search box there are more on the Arthur Street small heath thread