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Burridge - John James

my eyes are sore now been at it all day on and off:rolleyes: so a break is needed.. it is possible that she followed him but if that is him arriving in 1905 its a long way for her to travel with a child most likely just about 1 year of age and also she would have been pregnant with mary irene...
Thanks for your efforts. I too had a rest - I am not sure how much more we will find especially as some records must be in Canada. Still intrigued where she went with the son.
yes i know what you mean janice but i think its too early to drop it yet.. think we have only 2 possible reasons...1 she went to canada with him in the june of 1905 and if she did and came back with her young son she did not stay long at all as daughter mary irene born and died 1st quarter in birmingham in 1906...2 he deserted her and never came back....i could well be wrong but if i was a betting person i think he deserted mary ann and left her high and dry...i am just surprised that we cant find her with her son on the 1911 living with either in laws or her parents as that was the done thing in those days...

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I agree - that is why I wondered if she went out after the baby died - but I can't find a travel record for her and John jr. On FMP I found a Mary Burridge sailing to Canada in April 1911 but no John. That leaves us wondering where they were. Also puzzled by Mary Ann Bentley (same first names and same address in 1925 - is it a coincidence?).
janice if that was your mary burridge sailing april 1911 would that be after the english census was taken..

the mary ann bentley is strange i had forgotton about that..was there anyone else living in the house..
Ah yes, after the census (2nd and sailing 29 April). On the electoral roll only Mary listed to vote. It might be me jumping to conclusions - there are other Mary Ann Bentley's on other rolls.
janice dont forget mary ann were common first names back then so maybe just a coinsidence on the e rolls...just mulling things over and i was thinking that john james put on the marr cert 1912 that he was born in canada he must have perfected the canadian accent pretty well considering he was over 30 when he left brum in 1905
Morning Lyn. I agree that it might just be my brain working overtime with the Mary Ann bit. I keep puzzling the Canada marriage cert - his full name is right, both parents names are right (including his Mother's unusual surname), his occupation is correct. Against are his age and birthplace. Did you notice his age changes from 37 to 38 on the two halves? He was born in 1880 so in 1913 would have been 33 not 37. I am confused. I don't know for certain that he married in Canada but the cert has pluses and when I found it I didn't know about the previous marriage. The fact remains he had a wife and child(ren) and then went to Canada!!
Am now out all morning. Back later.
morning janice...the canada marr cert is a right mess if you ask me very bad writing and smudged..almost as if it was done in a rush...have you also noticed that the bridd and groom signed in the wrong places..not that that makes a difference to your research..catch you later..
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I noticed his was in the wrong place because I tried to compare it to the one on his Birmingham marriage but it was too faint for any real decision. I couldn't see where she had signed it. I wondered if there was a more formal certificate - more like ours - and this was just a licence record or similar. Will have to hope Ancestry does another free Canada weekend soon - that is how I got the cert in the first place.

hi janice..wife susan signed her name where it says bridegrooms signature lol...couldnt get out with the camera today as weather was too bad so i have been posting some new to the forum photos...i did notice that susan was born in london do you think it maybe a good idea to try and find out a bit about her background..ie did her family have have a brum connection?? maybe they both ran away to canada together..now i am letting the old imagination run riot..:D
Mary Ann Bentley is on the 1920 electoral roll at the same address as Benjamin Layland (could be our Mary Ann's Father or Brother) at 44 Blucher Street. The Father died in 1922 I think and the brother in 1925 the year Mary Ann Bentley is on her own on the e roll. Who is she?


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No idea at the moment - I just find it strange that Benjamin Layland lived in the house with a Mary Ann Bentley where May Ann Burridge later lives (1930). Still could be imagination on overtime. Will try to follow up on her and Susan who was Robinson and then married Mr Pegley.
ok janice just finished postings some pics will be back on the case later on...have you ever felt like lying down in a dark room:D
Yes often when researching my family. Just be glad I didn't ask you to do Mom's side!! No real scandals but very hard to unravel as very little info. I am now going to have a very late lunch. Primary school pupils wore me out!!
No luck with Mary Ann Bentley either. However, on the 1911 census entry for Minnie Gardiner (Mary Ann Burridge's elder sister) there is a crossed out entry. It is hard to read but is someone called John Something. My brain wonders if this was the son John and they crossed him off as he was not family - if you see what I mean? Still doesn't find his Mother.


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Hang on, I will see if I can attach it. I might be clutching at straws - and I did then wonder if Mary was there but they left her off for the same reason! If so we will never know. Hope this is OK as I hd to resize it to get it to upload.


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Right this will make your head spin. The address in Blucher Street number 44 is going to haunt me. 1930 May Ann and John Thomas, 1955 Mary Ann. 1920 Mary Ann Bentley with Benjamin Layland. Now wait for it. 1912 Mary Ann Leyland - different spelling but hey who knows. I think I need a lie down!! I need to investigate the second address given - I find the very old electoral rolls confusing!


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seems strange that they put down a john can you make out if his second name was thomas who would have been 7 on the 1911 which would put him above minnie rose on the list in ages.on the other hand it could have just been an error as usually all rellies who are living with other rellies are usually added to the census...very strange the plot thickens even more now...also noticed that minnie and george had 4 children only 3 living so maybe they gave the name of the deceased son by mistake and then he was crossed out..
bingo janice that surely has to be mary ann on the 1912. last name .just spelt different which happens all the time... son john would of course have been too young to be listed
Ooh - I have just checked 1911 census for 3 back of 68 Severn street and found a Mary with a son John right ages also 2 children and 1 dead but surname Latham and living with Mr John Latham. Married 9 years. A quick look has not yet shown a marriage of a John Latham nor the birth of a John Latham in those years. I have no idea but we seem to be getting a lot of coincidences - perhaps we now have an idea why John left!! Definitely need a lie down!!! Back later
but hang on why is she not calling herself burridge in 1912 ? could be that hubby has deserted her...going to bang my head against a brick wall back to it later on..
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I don't know and I may be making too much of this - I need you to rein my imagination in!! I did wonder if we had the wrong person but keep coming back to it being Burridge and Layland at the same address in different years.
The rate books tell me that Mary Ann Layland rented from Holders Brewery in 1912 but I don't understand the notation it seems to give both addresses. See what you make of it.


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before i read the rates book janice just to recap...

on the 1912 erolls we have mary ann leyland at 44 blutcher st

on the 1911 census you found a mary latham living with john latham..2 children 1 same age as john james would have been another child and i dead.married 9 years which means they are saying they have been together since 1902 which is the year your mary ann layland married john burridge and their son john thomas was born in 1904...unless she was a very clever women who could be in two places at one time and marry twice in the same year i dont think this is your mary ann....what do you think..dont forget we do have the bapt for john thomas 1904 and bapt for mary irene 1906 both stating that the father of both was john james burridge..what were the ages of the other 2 children of mary and john latham..?
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Yes - 44 Blucher street crops up all the way through this until at least 1955 (end of online records). The first names seem to stay as Mary Ann but the surname changes.
I just wondered if it was the same Mary and John but calling themselves by a different surname as she was living with this man. She kept the other details as they were in case she was asked.
Blucher Street and Severn Street meet.
janice just been looking at the 1935 e rolls..

44 blutcher st
mary ann burridge
minnie florence bentley...but also in blutcher st is mary anns sister minnie...

back of 37 blutcher st
george gardiner
minnie rose gardiner
john francis leyland