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Brummie sayings & language

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I was in a Local pub last night and watched as a young who had been served a Half ( lager I think) but she then poured some into a whisky glass, this reminded me of when my Mom had an occasional drink ( in the Dolphin: Acocks Green) she used to have a"Stick" of beer as in a glass capable of holding a third of pint. Or is my memory playing tricks on me!!. Am I alone in this?
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I always had a tater in my bags (Trousers) that's why my nickname was taterbag. Secondly I was watching Midsummer Murders the other night and a man kept reffering his daughter as Duck, my father used to call mom that is it Brummie? Regards, David.
Have you ever had a 'tata' in your sock?
Also well known in Derbyshire, "Hey Up Me Duck", I use it quite often, however my
daughter always says I am a Brummie on the phone, although I left in 1957, wow!
is it that long ago, Bernard.
Certainly I remember "Duck" used in Brum when I was a kid. Just down the road from here is Stoke and it's used a lot in that area too.
ive just remembered one...when us kids played up instead of saying ..you will get a clip round the ear ole our mom would say you will get a clip round the lug ole...lol..

"Ay kid, tek that bag of yer grandads old smelly underwear and the soiled bed sheets out to the rag'n bone man. Mebby 'e'll give yer a goldfish."

Sorry about that, I just made it up. Speaking of goldfish does anyone remember this one:? Clue: read it with a brummie/black county accent.

I heard this sometimes where we lived but of course not to me. Get a wash and 'dont forget that ring round your neck'
I heard this sometimes where we lived but of course not to me. Get a wash and 'dont forget that ring round your neck'

That reminds me of my Mom shouting up the stairs........... And don't forget to have a proper wash, not just a "cat lick"
Ha ha Tonytrouble. My nan would come out with something similar when the horse drawn milk float had passed up the street. Viv.
I haven't had time to read through this completely, just remember :

gerwanna gew up town? Do you want to go up town.

I remember the Goldfish saying at the start of this page of threads.

The girl at work is forever saying 'chick' - that does drive me mad & she also says 'Bab' to anyone - I think that is very much a Brummie saying
"Shut yer gob, there's a buzz comin' !" is one charming put down I remember.

While my mother was in hospital giving birth to my brother I was staying at Our Gran's in Winson Green.
I can still hear my Aunt Beat as she pulled my Liberty Bodice off, saying "skin a rabbit !".

That was 1944, I was three.
I don't know if this is a brummie expression, but I found myself saying to to my grandson this morning as I was taking it to school. I said 'it only happens once in a blue moon'. I also remember my mother saying ' never in the reign of pig's pudding'. I have never heard anyone else say these, as far as I can remember. I can understand the first one, but not the last.
My mom used to say never in the reign of pigs pudding, I knew what she meant but it would be interesting to find the origin.
My Mom used to say never in the reign of pigs pudding no idea what it meant though. The one I loved was when she had been sitting a while with things that needed doing. Well this won't get the baby a new bonnet. I understood that one.
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