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Brummie Ghosts

hi chips
have you got or have one aready a thing they call a ghost box radio which i beleive is used in some of these hunts
and in the spiritual world of mediums i beleive the americans are very into these radios they cost a little bit to buy
i know the people whom used them they say they are great ; astonian
no not yet we hoping 2 get one soon but we do have evp,s a lot of people think that a ghost box is just radio or people on the radio so yes they are good if you use them in the right way and the people around understand how they work we have a lot of ghost hunting stuff im prode 2 say more then most groups iv know some groups turn up with none lol
Hi chip,s
interesting stuff were was your last ghost hunt ?
have you any picture,s you could post, it would be great to see some.

There is someone on the forum who would be interested in this thread and I will contact him shortly. Jean.
cool we are a friendly team that are here 2 help in anyway we can could i ask what area your friend is is please and what his interest is lol hope 2 hear from you soon
Chip I am still trying to find the St Margarets thread. I will keep searching as I have forgot his forum name?. Will shop around for you later though. Jean.
hi tom we have done many ghost hunts i do have some photos our last ghost hunt was View attachment 70379last night 20/8/2011 with another team as we some times meet other teams and it was called the staion in the west midlands iv not haView attachment 70378d time 2 uploads photos from this one yet but have got a photo of a very good orb you might like 2 see so will add it on here for yoView attachment 70377u 2 look at this was taken at a place called christina investigtion iv got couple of photos 2 add on this 1 hope you like them :) View attachment 70376
Am definitely a believer in ghosts, we had one in our Nurses Home when I started training and have been on a couple of ghost hunts, including one in Tamworth Castle, but all a few years ago now,interesting to see your pics on the site links.
https://www.alwaysprivate.com/ most our photos are on this site https://mosthaunted.me.uk/ is our group site but is still being set up as we had some internet problems wmgs@hotmail.co.uk and this is how 2 contact our group leader how you come and take a look at some of our work we a very friendly team and get on very well with each other :) im very proud 2 see we getting noticed more now days are are keeping busy most weekends we asked 2 come and do a hunt and always happy 2 help
Just a brief note to say - should anyone be interested - that I'm currently re-working a few of our Archive pages on the web site and posting up new stuff, etc. https://www.westmidlandsghostclub.com/ New pages are marked as 'New' in the index, of course! Laugh!

On the Hopwas Wood front - which brought us a lot of attention from the media earlier this year - we've just been informed of another plate being discovered in the same area during the 90's!! We're just waiting to see whether the owner of that plate would want his story adding to our site and so forth. Our plate is currently on display at Tamworth Town Hall in an exhibition of data on the general Hopwas region (which, I believe, will be running for another week or so yet).

All the best,

My step father's father (my step grand dad) was heavily involved in psychic research many years ago. He was Fred Barlow and his photo collection is now at the British Museum in London.
Hi friends
if there was ever a place to go ghost hunting i suggest you go to ickneild street section of
the cemetry place on ickneild street where the entrance is just before you go under the hockley
rail way bridge where the old rail way station was years ago ther used to be two big huge wrought iron gates
and it was the drive up to the cremetary which that used to be there ;as they demolished it many years ago
it looked a fantascic roman looking building
never nor less on going through the gates up and around that section on the right hand of the building
walking to the right hand side along those pathes you will find a couple of names
of a big familys and also on pasing them in that section is where they used to be a paupers burial site it was
there way back in the early dark ages possible up to the late seventys ;
there you will find the ghostsly carrying on
ou have to go at night around the that section and sooner or later you will see some think that will make your eyes open ; i am talking of the experiences we have seen in years gone bye witness by other people as well;
you can for get tamworth castle it aint got nothink ;
i am planning to go with my daughter next week to a place and i am going to check out ward end chapel;
as i have been told its actualy happends regular bt variuos people whom attend
but getting on track ickneld street is the place you can get to it through key hill cem section
its not so spooky now that they have made the entrace clearing by our volenters action group
i could give you the names of the tomb stones to vistit but i would not be allowed to do so on the forum because of any family ancesters being alive
but please go there if you want to experience any think
have a nice day guys ,,best wishes astonian
I don't believe in ghosts and have been on a couple of ghost events one was at Warstone Lane Cemetery and the other at the Civic center in Lichfield. It just doesn't work for me. I did notice this is in the Tamworth Herald this week.

The Grazier Hotel in Church Street,which was once Tamworth police station, is said to be haunted by three ghosts. A police sergent a police constable and a teenage spook who has been nicknamed Jacob by staff. The playful spirit has been blamed for moving chairs from a certain spot and slamming doors.
Apparently we have several from two air force servicemen who were forced to sleep in the old bowling pavillion because they were drunk and the landlord wanted to keep them away from his daughter and from a farming family who have a sad tale of love and death that touched my heart when i heard about it. Also there is supposed to be the longest serving landlord of the pub who is resident here after many happy years of running the pub.

I have personally witnessed unexplained shadows, been pushed and touched, heard my name called out when i have been the only person in the pub, smelt burning for no reason and even seeing a cat run through the pub several times through the corner of my eye. The lights in our cellar always flicker when only females go down but never the men and a lady who works part time in our kitchen always has the lights switched off on her in the klitchen only on a Thursday. We have also had our cellar gas supply cut off mid shift several times and all beer flow stops.

Whats exciting is when others see or witness what i have seen and cant explain it either which has happened many times.

My Grandfather was the licensee here for many years. His name was John Arthur Chrimes not Arthur Grimes as reffered to (he was known as Arthur). My mother has fond memories of living there with the bowling green and not being surrounded by the housing estate that is there now. They had the RAF billeted there during the war operating barrage balloons from the nearby quarry to protect the factories at Longbridge.
Was,nt your story published in the local paper just after was it a friday night
and i think it was in the sunday mercury a small article about the lady whom lived on dudley rd as i seem to recal;
there was three of us walkin up the dudley rd to the old wind mill pub for our usal quoter
two of my friends and myself and as we was walkin up got to the delta and one of them mentioneing that they seen it in the mercury o one of the papers at the time
we was making jokes to each other about it but i can recall the incidence
along with the guy whom used to frequent the wind mill way back in 1960 -1 and stand next to us at the bar ' and the subject of winning the foot ball pools and he said if i ever got the coupon up i would buy every body a pint
and lord and behold eventualy a year or two later did get a huge win ; and he never came back to that pub since
he wonhis fortune on moores foot ball coupons ; but yes i remember your article ;
best wishes astonian ; alan;
Hi Astonian,
Sorry, that story in the local paper wasn't mine. I never even told my parents, they used to say 'there's no such thing as ghosts' . I'd be interested to know about the story in the paper though and who the lady from Dudley Road was.
Well - I have to admit that everything has gone exceptionally quiet with regards to general spookiness over the past 12 months or so. The West Midlands Ghost Club members have had a lot of different things going on - new non-ghost projects and concerns, etc - so that in itself has quite noticeably cut down on potential activities and the like for quite a while now.........

Stories have still been steadily trickling in to the club, of course, but I'm afraid there's been nothing of any interest from the direction of Brum for quite some time!?! I think the closest thing I can offer on that front is an allegedly haunted flat, over towards the Northfield region, that we visited at some point last November......... Not a lot to actually report on that front, however, as the 'happenings' concerned were fairly standard, poltergeist-like occurrences...... i.e. the movement of objects; lights switched on and off; banging noises from a bedroom door in the middle of the night and that type of thing...........

Unfortunately - despite our visit and (non-psychic) reassurances - the matter was all 'a bit too much' for the couple who lived there and they left the property less than two weeks later.....

In other regions, a lovely, intriguing tale was passed onto me only last night by a good friend of mine - Wednesbury historian and author Ian Bott.

In brief: a little girl had been complaining about the ghost of a woman - apparently 'covered in blood' - who kept appearing in her bedroom at night....... Of course, this sort of thing / motif sounds a little 'too' dramatic, perhaps...... I have to admit that it is the sort of story that might usually get more of a 'Hmmmmmm....' from me than a 'Ooooh!!!!' Laugh, laugh!!!!

Having said that, it was interesting to note that, at a point in the Victorian period, the building concerned apparently served as a slaughterhouse!!!!! Hmmmmmmm????? Chuckle!!!!! Ian assured me that it would have been rather unlikely for the family concerned to have known such details (as they were non-English and the girl being of junior school age only)....... so perhaps the figure of the lady 'covered in blood' is potentially a lot less bewildering and potentially 'dramatic' as the description would first have us think???? Chuckle!!!!

I've recently been shamed into doing something about the WMGC website by someone who has written in to me....... Due to the lack of recent updates, the correspondent was assuming that the group itself was no longer in operation!!!! Heaven forbid........ We're now heading towards out 24th year in operation, of course, so I have to pull my socks up and throw an update together tout suite!!!!! Laugh!!!!

All the very best to everyone, as always.........
From what i have been told my late Father was the landlord/licensee at the Station Hotel in Dudley when it re-opened after a fire in 1937/1938.

Sorry no spooky tales to recount, that's all i know..
Re: Bum-Pinching Ghosts....

About 4 years ago the wife and I were driving down through France and stopped for the night at a B&B in High Normandy. It was an old house run by an English couple. Almost immediately my wife said she could feel an 'atmosphere' in the place, but I couldn't. Cut a long story short, we got talking to the couple and they said they'd both had strange experiences in the few years they'd been living there, but the woman in particular said that she'd had a number of inexplicable experiences including having her bum pinched several times when hoovering the stairs and when there was no-one else in the house. I almost said, "Rather the ghost than me, missus!", but I'm too much of a gentleman. But she was serious about it, and admitted that on more than one occasion she'd thought seriously about moving out.

Big Gee
Re: Bum-Pinching Ghosts....

About 4 years ago the wife and I were driving down through France and stopped for the night at a B&B in High Normandy. It was an old house run by an English couple. Almost immediately my wife said she could feel an 'atmosphere' in the place, but I couldn't. Cut a long story short, we got talking to the couple and they said they'd both had strange experiences in the few years they'd been living there, but the woman in particular said that she'd had a number of inexplicable experiences including having her bum pinched several times when hoovering the stairs and when there was no-one else in the house. I almost said, "Rather the ghost than me, missus!", but I'm too much of a gentleman. But she was serious about it, and admitted that on more than one occasion she'd thought seriously about moving out.

Big Gee

Hi Big Gee! 'Bum pinching' appears to have become a frequent feature of a lot of hauntings over recent decades (though, to be honest, I can't really recall reading / hearing much about it prior to that?) One case we dealt with a few years ago - a 'heavy metal' nightclub in Willenhall - seems to have featured a fair bit of pinching, as well as 'hair touching'!!! (All involving female 'victims'!) The ghost in question was said to be that of an old Catholic priest, however, who - in life - was well known as something of a ladies man!!! Chuckle!!!!

Slightly 'less personal' than a bit of bum-fumbling was experiences related to me by the father of a friend about 25 yrs ago. This chap was someone I'd known since early childhood and, while a good laugh to us as kids, he was a straightforward, level-headed bloke. Anyway, in short, he had told me that he was the fairly regular victim of a bizarre form of 'clothes-pulling' activity!!! He said that he could be at home doing the washing up, or perhaps at work on the shop floor at Rubery Owens, when he'd suddenly feel the back of his clothing - just above his waist-line - being tugged hard!!! This occurred with whatever mixture of clothes he was wearing at any given time.... shirt, jumper or work overalls, etc. While not a big believer in ghosts and the like, I took him to mean that he was genuinely putting these happening down to something 'not of this world'...... or so it seemed to me!? I know the chap is still knocking about, but, as I don't live in the same area now, I only see him once in a blue moon...... If I recall the matter the next time I spot him out and about, I'll ask if he still has these experiences?

I mention the matter above at this point, as it would clearly incorporate the same sort of 'activity' - surely the same, general mechanics - as the aforementioned 'bum pinching' happenings?

Hi Astoness - surely a little, innocent 'bum pinching' might liven up the daily chores no end??? Laugh!!!

All the best to everyone.