Oh wha'evar
Fatfingers ..suppose i was posh cos we lived in a front house in the back to backs in Hockleyand no i didnt have pas milk i had nestle's out of a tinyer right there Elizabeth us in Hockley did say bathroom even though we never had one:beam:
G/DAY....When I was young yow and ain't and gunna was quite common but I never hear it these days, language is always evolving, but I hate some of the expressions we hear today.
HI Fatfinger
just like the english pound as dwindled just like your to two bobs worth as gone
not being funny with you ;how do you come to the conclusion winson green folk speak
like the black country folk theres no comparison i spent alot of my time during my early years
more than i would like to admitt and i do not mean being in the nick
i am fairly well known in the area and no most people from the green and they no me
even the shop keepers in the area from one end to the other right up to the cape
they do not sound nothink like it i am an astonian born and bred and dragged up ;
i speak with a grammour of a brummie
alot of people think that the black country accent is brummy but its comletely different
and i hav to smile when i hear these actors trying to put a cross the brummie accent
and in fact thats wha they do an black country accent
have a nice day and best wishes to every body from a brummie ter ra speak soon ; ASTONIAN ;;