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Brennan Winifred B 1891

I have been using the MHD electoral rolls. Found no reference at all to 138 Brearley st from 1939 on. The 1950 map seems to show just factories where it was before
map c 1950 middle Brearley st.jpg
thank mike and knowing the area pretty well i did think that no 138 would have been gone before 1955...it could be i have made an error on the 1955 e roll look up trouble is i am still having problems getting back onto it so that i can check...hopefully when lynn reads all the previous posts she will be able to tell us if her gran was living in acocks green in 1930...think i will leave it until she can advise us in case i mess it up further:D

Lyn - try deleting the browsing history for yesterday and today then try Ancestry again. It is as if some sites get stuck in a "no access" mode until you clear things. I couldn't find Brearley Street in 1955 so not sure what you found!!
hi janice this is how nontechnical i am...how do i delete my browser history lol...how i have got by for so long i will never know:eek:
If you use Chrome then click on the 3 dots (top right next to address bar) and then on the word history. The the word history
Then clear browsing data - it should default to last 24 hrs. Then clear data. Wait until it finishes. Close screens down and try Ancestry again. If that fails then I DON'T KNOW!!!!
Back to the thread. In 1939 I have found a Winifred Marshall and a Winifred Humphries living at 1 back 46 Hatchett Street - is this too much of a coincidence?
Just done a search for possible children of Winifred and Thomas - found several possibles. Mother Brennan and surname Humphreys - Winifred born 1911, Olive 1913, Thomas 1915 and Helen 1918. Then after her marriage to Frank in 1922. Frank J in 1922, Irene J in 1928, Aimee K in 1929, Marie 1924, Mary 1926, Frank E 1932 all have Mother's name as Brennan. Perhaps Lynn can confirm or otherwise these as we then might find them on e rolls with Winifred.
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Back to the thread. In 1939 I have found a Winifred Marshall and a Winifred Humphries living at 1 back 46 Hatchett Street - is this too much of a coincidence?

yes too much of a coinsidence janice hatchet st is next to brearley st so we are in the right area and lynn said winifred was widowed again in 39..again we need lynns advise on this info...i think one of the later children you have found is still alive..lynn said there is one surviving that she talks to by the way is that the 39 eve of war register or the 39 e roll.. this has o be the newly widowed winifred marshall living with her daughter winifred humphries from first marriage

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Hi All, well you lot don't mess around do you?-faster than the speed of light!

Gran was living at 138 when her first husband died in 1920. She was still living there in 1922 when she married Frank Marshall. She obviously left at some point because Marie (1926) died in 1937 and they were then living in Bromsgrove. I know that after this they moved back to Birmingham. (Told you she was a gypsy!).
Mike, would 138 have been bombed?
Lyn, fancy you finding Kenneth Ironmonger at the Rose and Crown!! Amazing!!
hi lynn always happy to help we are like dogs with bones once we get stuck in on here lol...thanks for clearing up a few questions....all makes sense now..your gran could have come back to brum after losing her second hubby or maybe just after she returned to brum and as you have read went to live in hatchett st which was off summer lane and the next st down from brearley st it was and still is only a small street...i have looked on the BARRA site and no 294 brearley st was bombed with one injury this does not mean to say that no 138 was not bombed....they only list bombed houses where death or injury occured and given how close no 138 was to where bomb landed in hospital st it is quite possible it was hit but caused no injury or death....there is a thread for hatchett st on the forum with photos which will give you an idea of what it looked like when your nan lived there..any problems finding it just give me a shout...

crikey lynn just to add to my last post ive just looked on the BARRA site again and just look at how close your nan lived to a bomb dropping...she was at 1/46 and just a few doors down no 58 was hit causing 1 injury..this is always assuming that she was still living there in 1941...mike if you spot this post could we have a map please showing 1/46 hatchett st...thanks mike

Elsie Hathaway (Civilian)
Injured during an attack on 58 Hatchett Street, 9 April 1941
Lyn, you've just brought a memory back to me... I remember Mom telling me that Gran had made a jelly for her grandson's birthday, and there had been a bomb dropped very close to where they were living and shards of glass had landed in the jelly! (Gran was really upset about this, with rations and all!). I bet it was Hatchett Street.
The years are rolling back. :D
Map c1937 (below) looks very similar to the c1950 one, so I
think the houses must have been demolished before WW2 to build the factories
map c 1937 area middle Brearley st.jpg
there were also houses opposite your nans that were demolished lynn ...have you used street view before...if not click on the link below.. her house in brearley st would have been roughly on the left and opposite the nursery which is where all my children attended...to find a photo of your rellies pub is great but to find one with his name over the door is very rare..

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Thanks for the map Mike, I wonder when those houses were demolished?

Thanks for street view, Lynn. I'd give my right arm to see how it all happened there with Gran's first husband dying, then her marrying my Grandfather (they met at the Onion fair!), and starting their own family. If only streets could talk!
Hope I have done this right Lynn, thought you might like to see my Gran, standing to the right of my Mom as we look, at my Mom and Dads wedding in 1957.IMG_1336.JPG
hi lynn did you find the photos of hatchett st i mentioned?? they would have been domolished late 60s or maybe even early 70s...cant be precise on that one..what a grand photo of your mom and dads wedding...your nan has got such a kindly face...it is lovely to see a photo of the lady we have been talking so much about.wonder what she would make of that....thank you..by the way what church is that..i am trying to place it...thought st phillips up town at first

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Lyn, I'm not sure where the photo taken, would you know? They were married at the Registry Office, and the photos were taken somewhere near there. Wouldn't be the Hall of Memory would it?
For another coincidence Lyn, their do afterwards was at the Union Pub, Berners St. I looked it up on this site, and you have posted a pic of it in 2008. The 2 men on the left are my Aunt Mary's husband, Uncle Fred and his brother! This is definitely getting spooky!:D
lynn are you not able to ask anyone in the family where the group wedding photo was taken?? the church does look familiar but its not the hall of memory...if not i could throw it open to the forum..

i really dont believe this about that photo of the union i posted....are you sure we are not related as well.:p
Lyn, I think we must be!
All on the photo except the children and Aunt Mary have passed away (awful isn't it :(), but I'll ask my Aunt. She's 92 but her memory is usually better than mine!
I believe the old R. O. was Edmund St. I wonder if there was a church near there?
The map c 1950 shows factories on that side of the street (like Brearley St.), but houses on the other side. the electoral rolls show someone at the address in 1939, but nothing in 1945
mike i take it you are talking about hatchett st...if so yes in 1939 lynns gran and her daughter were living at 1/46 always hard to know exactly when houses were demolished because as we know some in the street went before others.

lynn yes the original RO was in edmund st..not sure when that ceased to be used before it was moved to broad st..as your parents married in 57 i would think it would have been at edmund st..think there were a couple of churches nearby..we have lost so many...

if anyone recognises the church in post 52 would be grateful of a name...i am assuming its a church...i could be wrong though
Probably a silly question but is it the Chamberlain Fountain??


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