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Bordesley Green

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I think the garage in post 351 was Dalloways.

Yes, it was, Derek, Dallaway's actually. And somebody was still trading under the same name until at least April 2007.

s Garage April 2007.JPG

I've just taken a quick look at Google Earth and Google Maps and the premises are still a garage. The name is now I.P. Motors.

s Garage in 2013.jpg

...... interesting that they've hung on to the original sign writing "GARAGE".
Best wishes, D.
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Many thanks for confirming that.

It was Dallaways when I was a youngster,I recall a couple of horse and carts there,perhaps there was stables at the rear.

That building and the ones to the left were built in the late 1800s,I wonder if they will be preserved.

Opposite the garage at the entrance to the allotments,was a very old farmhouse,I don't know how old it was but at a guess,early 1800.
...... perhaps there was stables at the rear.

Yes, Derek, I think you're right again. Dallaway's premises extended at least 40 yards beyond the frontage. Although rather narrow, there was ample space for both horses and carts. D.
Hi Trawlings,

Just to let you know I met up with Geoff Ashby at the end of last year (2012). He still hobbles a little but is well and living on the Isle of Wight.
Jan_ame my cousin in Canada sent this.. I dont know if you knew him his name was Michael Edwards and he lived in Pretoria Road.


Dorothy Simkiss and her Mom ran the sweet shop remember when they rationed your sweets'.[/QUOTE Carolina, yes we lived next door to Michael Edwards, number 93, I have fond memories of Mr and Mrs Edwards, we must have drove them mad, always asking for our ball back etc, there were Mr and Mrs Edwards one side of us and Mr Cheshire the other side and Mr and Mrs Lee next door to Mr Cheshire, I think Mr and Mrs Edwards left Pretoria Rd in 1973 or 73 there abouts, Michael was older than us, I know he has kept in touch with Sue my sister in New Zealand from time to time. Mr and Mrs Edwards played quite a big part in our lives as we grew up, they were so lovely and I know we were all upset when we were told they were leaving....... so good to have you message me.... please do again............ jan . p.s. yes remember the gorgeous sweet shop opp Law's wow I forgot the names, sure she was from Germany, did she wear plaits for was that her daughter???
Jan_ame, will forward this over to Michael in Canada and I await his reply and will let you know. Many thanks for that. carol
I too remember Hydes. I also remember Mrs Harris who lived at 32, I think Bordesley Green Road, with her cross over pinny and her turban going with a jug and basin to get the faggots and peas. My mother also went in there one day and asked for a shillings worth of meat for her husbands tea. She got it and made a beautiful stew for him, herself and my sister and me. As for Corbetts, whenever she went in there she always made them give her the fruit or whatever from the front of the pile. It was well known that hiding at the back were the over ripe fruit. She would never buy a rabbit without its skin on either, she said they would pass off cats as rabbits during the war.,
why cant i pick up thumnails?

hi mariep...as stated at the top of the page the forum was hacked into in 2011 and we lost all of our photos posted prior to sept 2011 thats why they are only showing up as thumbnails...since then many of of members have been slowly trying to repost them but of course members come and go for various reasons so not always possable..could i suggest that if there are any you would like to see that you ask the member who posted them to re post...hope this helps

I lived in 5th avenue during my childhood, Jim Plumley the builders merchants, Bruce`s green grocers and the ERA picture house, my gran lived in Victoria street.
Brummie Nick - if at first you dont succeed......
hi old boy

i lived at 259 which was directly opposite the police station my aunt and uncle lived i think at 245 jack and lilly nabbs .i lived there from being born in 68 to 78 when we moved to the broadway
i dont recall the names you have said but i will ask my mom as my parents were there before 68 .

does anyone remember the big chimney which was situated on the Meb between third avenue and imperial road i cant find any pictures and no info on this subject.
it was on an industrial estate the driveway was where you now go into asdas opposite the old fire station .ican remember there being a place what sold headstones as you went in and a
paint factory behind that which had a massive fire in the 70's some info on this chimney would be helpful if anyone can help.
The stonemasons is in the little estate next to NETTO their name is or was Waterhouse don't know if anyone can look up your paint factory in Kellys
We used to play on the waste ground which I think was owned by the MEB,but I don't remember a paint factory or a big chimney,mind you,we was probably up to all sorts of things to notice as kids...the only paint factory's I can remember was Thornley & Night and another one in Bordesley Green Road....Netto is now an ASDA,Bernie.
thanks berniew

i presume this is the same stonemasons which originally was further up right at the side of the first house after the netto site .
Yes Tonko been around there for at least 40 years in the two locations .I could be miles out here but does Carrs paints ring any bells
if you was to stand in the MEB and look towards bordesley green thats where this chimney was .now it would be where the trading estate is (porters way) it may have been one
of the many brickworks what were round bordesley green and one of the last to be demolished
yes berniew. carrs paints does ring a bell . i might have to pull out all the stops and ring my mom but she dont remember much nowadays .
especially when i mention the tenner she owes me
I t probably was an old brickworks chimney Tonko I have a very distant memory of it and can remember the industrial estate but not in any detail