cosmicp, For any one doing reseach into WW2 an Anderson Shelter half of which was below ground level. Len.
Herbert Morrison was home secretary,at the time and he was trying to cope with a commitee that couldn't make up their minds about the shelters,so,he told them he would lock them in the room,until a decision had been made.He told Winston Churchill of his intent,his reply was "I approve and back you fully".
Oh,for the day's when politicians were men and not self serving ninnys.
Hi Max I can remember our shelter beingi was amazed to read that anyone who earned more than £200 a year had to pay £7.00 for a shelter, could you imagine the out cry now if people were told they had to pay.
I was told the name by a lovely lady at the Bartons Meet of the name of the shelter that fitted under your table, but i cant remember what it was called .? Max