Gone but not forgotten. R.I.P.
An update regarding the will of Charles Hopkins, tenant farmer. Originally, I thought that Charles was a tenant famer in the early 1800's at Blakesley Hall. I took the will to Brum with the idea of giving it to Blakesley Hall. It is beautifully hand written on good quality parchment and signed and sealed under the auspices of The Archbishop of Canterbury and Sir Herbert Jenner in 1849. However, when I read through the writing I noticed that it said Blakeley Hall not Blakesley Hall. I looked up Blakely Hall and it was in existence but in the Oldbury area. I wasn't sure since it is no longer standing. I emailed the Dudley historical society asking them for more details but received no reply. I brought the Will back to Canada meaning to do some more research on it. This I did today and in the National Archives site I found a reference to Charles Hopkins and his wife Rhoda having their son William christened at Yardley Parish church in 1827 and Charles is listed as living at Blakesley Hall at that time. It seems that although it does say Blakely Hall in the Parish of Yardley on the Will, Blakesley Hall was referred to as Blakely Hall at times. A bit confusing really. I am now assuming that there must be some relatives of Charles Hopkins around who might like this document. They might not be easy to trace since Charles died in 1849 and Hopkins is a relatively well known name. Now I have found the correct connection for Charles Hopkins and Blakesley Hall, the question is ...Should I give the Will to Blakesley Hall or look for Charles Hopkin's relatives? I bought the Will in the Midland Educational on Corporation Street in 1985. They had a few old Wills in a box that must have come from an old Solicitors office somewhere in Brum. I paid 75p for it and I also bought a couple of others at the same time.