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Black eagle

Thank you Dave the guy with lyn is " Our Kid".Ken, I,m glad he made . Thank you all for making him welcome.

hi jean..it was a privilage meeting your ken..:) what a wonderful man and such a brillient memory for the old end...i spent quite some time with him showing him all my pics of farm st and the surrounding streets...im sure i detected a tear in his eyes....he mentioned charlie bulls butchers and said you had a chippy a few doors down..unfortunately i did not have that pic on me so promised to print it off and post it to him...i wonder if you can confirm if this pic shows your shop...i also took a few pics of ken so i will download them later and post them for you...

Thank you Dave the guy with lyn is " Our Kid".Ken, I,m glad he made . Thank you all for making him welcome.

bramwell was my pleasure to meet Ken, Ken was spinning dits about Big Ships down Portland with me :) please pass my good regards to Ken, have a few more pics with Ken on them Dave
jean..i really must get a decent small camera..:rolleyes:....the one i used is not very good but here is a half decent pic of your ken and eric

You can always borrow one of my Coronet Cameras, made in Summer Lane. I think you may struggle to get the film though.LOL
Sorry for the delay Lyn. Yes it shows the shop ( next to the Greengrocers Lawleys) I can also see the window of the attic where I was born.

Thank you lyn
Thank you Dave,for your message & photos, He certainly enjoyed chatting to you . I hope he go,s to the St Georges Day Meet up.

hi jean...wonderful....:) i shall now print off that pic and phone your ken to let him know its on its way....

take care...

nearly forgot jean...:rolleyes: when i phone ken up i will ask him if he would like to come to the st georges day meet up at the stag a week on sat....eric has put his name down too....

Still have a few more :) lyn enjoy the few days away, have a few of the inside of the Black eagle :)
Thanks Wendy (post #75) - I don't know how I missed that. I am so glad they got the funds needed for the memorial.
hi jean...wonderful....:) i shall now print off that pic and phone your ken to let him know its on its way....

take care...


Hi, did you send Ken the pic? Ken was my Dad but dont seem to be able to find anything on Farm Street in his papers :(