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Birminghams Coat of Arms & “Forward”



Early 1900's  postcard of the coat of arms of Birmingham
This picture has brought a question to mind, John and Rod you fought long and hard to get permission to use the Coat of Arms on the site, but I haven't seen it yet, is it somewhere I have missed?
Sylvia, I am really glad you have posted this question,some people think they have a right to deny people  knowledge to information that was freely given, to the  folk in the future.
In 1878 all the information that was given to Birmingham library was destroyed by fire  over 50.000 works of reference was destroyed. All lost think of all the maps etc that we would have had .today folk freely give things and information to them but in some cases it is restricted for access or to view (shades of big brother) our history should be available to any one that wants to see it. If you get a degree at Uni. you can access this info and publish it in book form and make a few bob, is this right ?while denying other people access to it. The info I have I put on the Net anyone can view it  as I think it is totally and morally wrong to restrict information that people want to or need to know. I have been in the archive's of the library and looked through papers that are disintegrating. what will happen to the info they contain ? lost because of some decision or other that the problem will go away if we ignore it.This subject gets me so mad as once information is restricted and tied up in bureaucracy it becomes hard to find.

Photo shows a Delf 1920 ceramic tile
bottom Pic shows a BT Phonecard (strange that the Council allowed it to to be used on that)
Notice the difference in the three designs
Hi Cromwell, when did the arm holding what looks like an AXE change to the HAMMER. Also the two figures change sides & why. Is this just poetic licence
Aston you could change the design each year if you so wished as long as you kept to the basic design note how the shield design changed as well
Notice how the man and women have swapped sides from the one above
The reason for this is this pic here dates from 1930's and it was not offical (this is Birmingham Councils Coat of Arms ) and it was not until 1977 that they was granted a offical coat of arms (Different to Birmingham ) The city council's coat of arms cannot be used by anyone exept the council,so how come they  used it on the BT card (shown above)
Ammended info I have found in another book the fact that the arms for the council were granted in 1889 so needs checking out
Coat of arms can only be held if they were granted to you but anyone these days can have a coat of arms and if you have not got one you can have one made up.Its a very complex subject to talk about lots of towns have coat of arms that were not granted, Birmingham's was not granted but the design can be changed to peoples whims
For years the coat of arms that Birmingham used were the armorial bearings of the De Birmingham family
in 1889 it was discovered Brum was not a granted coat of arms so they hurriedly submitted one to the College of Arms and it was granted after being approved
Thanks for your info Cromwell,
may be someone will do a topic on coats of arms,be it family or towns&citys.I find this most interesting, may be others do as well?
Sylvia A thought has just struck me,what you say about the coat of arms. Perhaps the confusion arises from the fact folk only think their is one coat of arms and infact there are two that get mixed up
City of Birmingham's Coat of Arms................. which is used on stuff like postcards, mugs pens etc giftware sold in shops
and the Coat of Arms of Birmingham City Council which is not suppose to be put on anything except Council related material
This is how the city councils coat of arms looked in 1910
I have modified my post quite a bit ( as I don't want to upset folk ) so the folk that read my first post before I changed it must be a bit baffled (explanation coming )
Here is the Coat of Arms I designed for Tavistock which is now used on all the Council material, all Tourist info and Giftware, the copyright is mine which is a point I have tried to make in this post but I think it has been lost. I have given the copyright to my brother as he lives their.
If you ever go their, walk round the Pannier market, when you look up and see all the Shields you can say "old Cromwell Drew them" and then ya can smile.
P.S. colours are not correct on the old P.C.
CROMWELL how do you start to design such a thing, its loverly and balanced so pleaseing on the eye, another Cromwell work of art .
we were granted permission to use the Birmingham Coat of Arms by the legal department of the Birmingham council on the main site after several lengthy meetings by the legal council, with a letter to prove it with help from Ed Doolan
Cromwell, brill about the Tavistock coat of arms, hope your not moving there just yet, see you soon :flower: :cat:
Cromwell: This is an interesting topic. Good to hear that it is your design that is in
Tavistock...that's very impressive. I had no idea about the history of the Birmingham Coat of Arms. I have a photo of the CofA window at BMAG. I would have to look to see what version it is. I am not sure if it was installed when the building was built or at a later date.
Looks like the word "FORWARD' has been consistent with the various designs.
Very interesting.

Does anyone know whether Handsworth has/had a coat of arms, and where I could find one to print out?

Dale in New Zealand
Sylvia the coat of Arms for Brum will be back on the site soon. Ed Doolan is to be congratulated for using his show as a forum to let John speak to council officials. Johns determination and lobbying of the council resulted in several meetings, the outcome of which enabled us to use the arms.
Good on ya John, a few years back I saw a chap with the coat of arms tattoed on his arm so I guess no one could make him take that off and he could show it to whoever he liked when he liked
That's good news Rod, I look forward to seeing it after all John's efforts to get permission, also thanks to Ed Doolan for his help.
Just for interest while looking for the JENNEY ancestors in and around Norfolk,Lincolnshire & Suffolk.
I came a cross our family coat of arms. It seem we came over with William the conquerer in or around 1066.
I wish this was our blood line,   ;D what a story to tell the Gran Kids, may be  one day I will find it to be true.  :D
ASTON (Lord of the Manor of Bredfield in the County of Suffolk)  ::)
Ive put a Brummy coat of arms on the Brum mainsite Sylvia https://www.birminghamhistory.co.uk/  .......  As Birmingham as been granted many, Ive chosen one from around the 1880's I think the older feel represents what we are about. I much prefer it to the one granted in the 1970's
The Birmingham coat of Arms was used on the bronze medal given the children for good attendace at school in the 1900's
You can get a coat of arms for any name under the sun but most don't mean a thing.
and you will find different companies do a different coat of arms for some names, 6 different ones for the name Knight but all meaningless as they are just for hanging in ya hall
I've just looked at a badge that was given out at school....

Centenary Celebration 1838-1938
it's got the B'ham coat of Arms
in the centre, bit of an antique now
like me
I notice Birmingham is repainting it council vehicles in green and they include the Birmingham crest. I notice the crest has changed over the years and I wonder just how many crests have been used over the years and how and why they have changed. Sure someone will have this info thanks.