Don't know Lady P. The Bushall-Matthews acquired them when the Theatre was demolished to make way for the Woolworth's building on New Street. They were balustrades from stall boxes. Viv.
Some lovely pictures and perhaps this little story wouldn't be out of place here. I certainly haven't seen it quoted on here before and it was one of many told by Frederick William Humphreys, who was Musical Director of the Theatre Royal for 42 years during the second half of the 19th Century.
After the rebuild of 1820, there were no stalls and the pit extended around the orchestra to the stage. In those days, patrons of the Theatre were keen, if not always kindly, critics and their mode of expressing their sentiments was louder and rougher than in more recent times.
It was quite a popular amusement with them to interrupt the most pathetic periods of the play by dropping an empty mineral water bottle from the top tier. The object was to hit the big drum, but if the bottle descended on the artist with the drumstick, no one was perturbed except himself, and the house would much appreciate the inaccurate aim! :tongue:
[Taken from Mr Humphreys' obituary in the Birmingham Gazette & Express dated 1909]
Maurice :friendly_wink:
In 1957 a Birmingham Mail photographer climbed down into the hole left by the demolition of the Theatre Royal and photographed a small crowd looking in. I suppose it shows typical clothing worn by Brummies for city centre shopping in those days and all their clothes would have been made in Britain.
Fantastic pics Stitcher![]()
This was an advert in the programme for the Theatre Royal. The brewery advertised was in Nursery Terrace, Hunters Lane in the 1890s.
Viv thanks for showing me where it was I know New St very well but I couldn't visualise where the Theatre Royal would be thanks againA good clear view of the Theatre Royal and Piccadilly Arcade. Sorry, no date but looks abt 50s to me. Van has, I think, 'Sartorial Shops Ltd' written on the side. Never heard of them. Viv.
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