Aston bred & proud.
Hi Markman. When I first went to HHOA S, Stephen was in the next bed to me in the dorms. We was in clent house. Haven't seen patrick for a lot of years. Last time I saw him was in moseley. I bet you remember some of the teachers from them days, like Mr Tebbitt, Mr Powell, (who we used to call pudding), & Mr Brownsword.
So unreal. After al these years, I have found someone who was at school with me. Miss buckley was my favourite. She helped me settle in to the school. Nurse barrett, I was not too keen on. she scared me with needles. Mr Pinner, we used to call plug. always taking the mickey out of him. Mr Brownsword was brilliant. He helped me gain confidence in the gym. My favourite class was art & craft, but just can not remember the teacher's name. Mr tebbitt was the woodworking teacher. He used to pick on a few of us, ( though mostly me). Here is another photo of me, this time with my dad by the old disused boating lake.All so decided to drop sum names on u,to c how good it memory is.
Teachers,miss Buckley,nurse Barrett,Mr Jones,Mr pinner,Mrs Morgan,Mr evershed,miss stains,miss Townsend,miss Crewe,Mr brownsword,Mr rabbit.

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